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BronxWench last won the day on December 14 2024

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  1. So. 

    My almost 81 year old mother is wobbly and not feeling top form because she has a sinus infection, but doesn’t want to take the nice antibiotics which will clear up said infection.

    My YoungerSpawn is acting out at school and being generally a difficult young male creature, complicated by autism. We may, for the first time, require behavioral therapy.

    My corgi was back in hospital with cluster seizures, and now has a second medication which makes her sleepy. We’re hoping she’ll adjust to the new med and come back to her sunny self, but the current flattening of her lively nature is heartbreaking.

    I need it to be April 15, so I can open the lake house and go hide there for a solid week. Alone. With wine and coffee.

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    2. pippychick


      You are more of an expert than I will ever be. Only you can tell how serious it is. That’s not in doubt.

      But, having said that, with all the other stresses this week, it’s hardly surprising you feel down. 

      And, also, those things will be adding to his stress, making it difficult to keep an even keel.

      If he does need some therapy, is that such a bad thing? It is there to help, and it might just be the thing that helps him over this little bump in the road. I’ve actually heard some good things about DBT, and he might find some tools in that to help him in future.

    3. BronxWench


      Oh, I’m sure it will be fine, and he’ll do well with the therapy. I’m just feeling the stress of too much going on at once, and very little assistance from the rest of the alleged adults around here, all of whom need me for various things.

    4. WillowDarkling
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