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Status Updates posted by BronxWench

  1. Wishing the very happiest of birthdays to @WillowDarkling

    All the best to my Neko-baby! Love you!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      Happy birthday, WD! Any chance you’re turning 40? (WD-40, get it? Ima laff riot.) 

    3. Melrick
    4. WillowDarkling


      Thank you so much, Bronxie, and all of you guys :D 

      I got to spend most of the birthday itself in the car with the parental units, driving for nearly six hours to the north side of the country, and meeting up with the sisters and the youngest niece at the apartment we rented. Friday was spent mucking about (mostly entertaining the two year old, even though she absolutely does NOT want me to get too close to her, ever), and going to dinner at my uncle’s house to celebrate his wedding, on his 60th birthday, and then going to the hall where they were going to have his birthday party at to get the tables and decorations and all ready. Saturday was then spent at my uncle’s birthday party, and then Saturday evening was spent watching the first numbers of the presidential elections :D  It was pretty obvious by midnight who would be winning, so we got our tired asses to bed, and then got up before noon today to drive for six hours back home, in shitty ass weather this time, since we’ve got a random surprise bout of winter-y weather heading over the country. So, yay to a birthday weekend :D  

  2. So, the corgi who owns me, She Who Is an Agent of Chaos, decided to scare the life out of me this weekend with a marathon of vomiting followed by some bloody stool. She decided to do this at the lake, and only because the daft one was called into work, and left with the car.

    Cue Elderspawn who rode to the rescue on Sunday morning, drove up to collect me, the ailing corgi, and Youngerspawn, so we could camp out at the 24-hour emergency vet for three hours only to be told the vet had to leave, and wouldn’t be able to see us. I am, at this point, in tears.

    We realize our regular vet is now open, because the gods are kind, and so we head there, manage to get seen without an appointment, and head home with meds to await the results of tests today. Of course, we are told not to feed the corgi, which is apparently an Unforgiveable Sin and results in nonstop side-eye and much deep sighing.

    Your kids grow up and are able to do things like drive to your rescue. Your furbabies will be toddlers forever. This morning, I was able to feed the corgi. The bottomless pit cleverly disguised as an adorable fluffbutt picked at her breakfast, a meal normally devoured in 3.7 seconds.

    I’m going to be making chicken and rice for her this afternoon. I know my place.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pittwitch


      Hope She is on the mend!


    3. BronxWench


      Thank you! She’s doing much better now, although I remain mystified that the vet would prescribe an antibiotic for her diarrhea with a common side effect of, yes, diarrhea. :blink: 

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Suppose curing the cause would, long-term, take care of the diarrhea.

  3. And today’s birthday shout-out goes to the amazing Melrick. Happy Birthday, and many more!  :hug::wish:🥧🫖:hug:

  4. A belated Happy Birthday to Pittwitch, with lots of love! :hug::wub::party::wish:

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Have an extra helping of cake, @pittwitch  🍰

    2. pittwitch


      Thank you dear Wench.  It has been LOVELY!

    3. GeorgeGlass


      An even belateder happy birthday from me!

  5. Well, that was fun… Anyone else feel the earthquake that just rocked the Northeast area? :blink:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      It wasn’t a tremendously big earthquake as these things go, but for our area, it was enough to be felt. The initial quake felt somewhat like being on a ship, to be honest. Everything moved just enough to make you think you needed to get your sea legs. There was one aftershock, in the evening, that was similar, but most of the aftershocks weren’t noticeable. And fortunately, there was very minor damage closer to the epicenter, and no deaths.

      This was actually my third earthquake in NYC. The first one was in 1985, and that one rattled the glassware. It was only 4.0, but the epicenter was closer to the city. There was one in 2011, and we didn’t even feel that one. We were actually at the pool, and someone saw it on Facebook. :lol: 

    3. Melrick


      I’m happy to stick with one earthquake!  And hopefully that’ll be the last one for you.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      April 5th… would’ve been on my way to watch the eclipse (yes, headed out early)

  6. Wishing a very Happy Birthday to our very own @DemonGoddess 

    May it be a wonderful day, and an even better year!

    :bday: :wish: :wub: :hug:

  7. As the wheel turns and the veil thins, we honor those who came before. The blessings of Samhain to all! 🌖

    1. WillowDarkling


      Samhain blessings to you too, love 🌖  🦇  🎃

  8. Wishing the very happiest of birthdays to my dear pippychick, with love and hugs! :wub::wish::hug:

    1. Desiderius Price
    2. WillowDarkling


      Happy birthday, Pippychick! Hope you had a wonderful day :hug: :bday:

  9. The very happiest of birthdays to WillowDarkling, aka my Neko Wenchling. May this be a fabulous year, my darling! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Melrick
    3. WillowDarkling


      Thank you, guys :D  :hug:   :happykitten:

      I spent the evening at a stand up comedy show with my sisters, and it was absolutely brilliant. They are both mothers, so getting a night off in the city for themselves isn’t an easy thing, especially not on a school night, so it was even more fun to get to spend time with them alone, with no kids, even though I absolutely adore my nephews and nieces :D  

    4. Wilde_Guess


      Happy birthday, WillowDarkling.

  10. The happiest of birthdays to the amazing @Melrick!  :bday: :wish: :party: 

    I’m still trying to find a way to ship you some of that Key Lime pie… :lol: 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Melrick


      Mmm key lime pie… :drool2:

      And thanks, everyone, I appreciate it :)

    3. Wilde_Guess
    4. Melrick
  11. My heart just aches for everyone in Turkey and Syria, or who has loved ones there. I will be making a donation to Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders, although it will be just a drop in the bucket in the face of such disaster.

  12. For all our members who use yahoo.com, the initial run of emails triggered Yahoo’s security protocols. Some of the emails were delayed or just not delivered, because Yahoo decided we’re spammers.

    If you never got the email, please let us know in the Software > Archive Tech Support thread, in the pinned post, READ ME.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      The more tech-related response is that a lot of web filtering software classifies this website as “porn”, so I can see spam filters trapping email.

    3. BronxWench


      It’s also that we have approximately 150,000 members, and we just sent out a scripted email to all of them. ALL of them. :lol:  

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Know I don’t have spam filtering on my email, so it got through w/o issues.  New password selected (using a password manager, once it exceeds 8-characters, I have to).

  13. I adore you all, but it’s after midnight here, and I need to sleep so I can be up again at 6am.  🛏️

    1. InvidiaRed
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      But...but… there’s other opportunities to sleep, like on the job or while driving.  💤

    3. InvidiaRed


      Yes go peaceful into that goodnight

      not screaming like your passengers :devil:

  14. Whoever ordered the bone-chilling, mind-numbing, profoundly unacceptable cold needs to be flogged and tossed in the Wicker Man.

    I checked the weather this morning, and for a moment, I thought perhaps I’d switched to Celsius instead of Fahrenheit, but no. That was really 7°F I saw, with a wind chill of -12°F.

    The corgi, however, loved it. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      You’ll want to build the Wicker Man near your house to help keep the heating bill down.

    3. WillowDarkling


      Holy fuck! At those temps I’d build the fucking Wicker Man in the living room! And I won’t complain about our -7°C (that’s 19°F for those who are Celsius-challenged :D

      I’ll send what warm thoughts I have to you, love. :hug:

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @WillowDarkling Stay safe in those 267K temperatures! (Sounds warmer already?)

  15. The happiest of birthdays to @DemonGoddess, and here’s hoping you won’t be working all the hours of the day today. :wub: :hug: :birthday::cheers: :bday:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      heh, worked a full shift the 14th, went back later that same day and covered third shift, ended up working 13 hours, then 13 hours the next day, then a split double for 16 hours on Thursday.  Thankfully, I only worked 11 on Friday.  LOL


      thank you all for the birthday wishes!

    3. BronxWench
    4. DemonGoddess


      It’s been worse, so I’ll manage

  16. Rest in peace, Robbie Coltrane...

    1. WillowDarkling


      Oh, noes, not Robbie Coltrane :o  :cry:  Rest in peace, Hagrid. 

  17. Sending out wishes for a very happy birthday to my very dear friend Melrick. Unfortunately, they won’t let me ship you a Key Lime pie from JG Melon’s! :hug: :bday::wish:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Melrick


      Thanks, everyone.  I spent my birthday making my 169th donation at the blood bank and then doing a bit of grocery shopping.  Truly I live life on the edge! lol

    3. WillowDarkling


      :hug:Even though you’re in Australia, thank you for being a blood donor, Melrick. Those of us who can’t donate sincerely appreciate it. 

    4. GeorgeGlass


      Happy birthday! Now go drink some fluids. :)

  18. Wishing our very own Pittwitch a Happy Birthday. May your wishes be granted (yes, even THAT one!) 

    :wub::dancegirl2: :wish:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Desiderius Price
    3. GeorgeGlass


      Happy birthday, PW!

    4. Melrick


      Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Pitwitch, happy birthday to you.  Hip hip etc!

  19. For everyone celebrating today, Happy Thanksgiving! :balloon:

  20. A big Happy Birthday shout-out to the one and only @DemonGoddess, my fellow cranky old broad. Here’s hoping for a good year! :hug:  :wub:  :bday:  :party:  :wish:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GeorgeGlass


      Happy birthday DG! I hope this year proves far more relaxing than the last.

    3. Melrick
    4. WillowDarkling


      Happy birthday, DG :hug::balloon::bday: Hope you had a good day, and that the coming year will be better. 

  21. M Denis Villeneuve had best be working on Dune Part Two, or I shall hunt him down, remove his liver with my bare hands, and offer it to the Morrigan.

    And yes, Part One was an enormous improvement over David Lynch’s effort, although I might had chosen differently for the role of Lady Jessica. But by and large, c’est incroyable!

    1. InvidiaRed


      So you’re giving it your mark of approval?

    2. Sinfulwolf


      I’m 90% sure he is already. 

    3. BronxWench



      So you’re giving it your mark of approval?

      I am, actually! I read the books initially a very long time ago, and they stayed with me. I’ve reread them periodically, and I was SO excited when David Lynch was making the movie back in the early 80s. My brother and I were at the theater to see it the first week, I think, wide-eyed and breathless, but while the special effects were (for the time) amazing, and the film was gorgeous to look at, there was no passion. None. The best part of the movie was Jurgen Prochnow as Duke Leto Atreides, and perhaps Sir Patrick Stewart as Gurney Halleck. But the entirety of the first book is too vast to be covered in one movie, even if you were to show it as a three hour film. Denis Villeneuve left us on a cliffhanger, but he chose a perfect breaking point and I have high hopes that Part Two will be as wonderfully done.

  22. Eureka! I have a car again! Picked it up tonight, and I am utterly delighted with my gently used Jeep. :wub: 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rick_Andrew


      Yay ! Brava ! Congrats on the Jeep find !

    3. WillowDarkling


      Congratulations, love! :D so happy for you. Our wee one still insists that you need to do a funeral for the old Jeep, though. I’m trying to tell him that a Buddhist cremation might not be the best idea… :tomato:

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Put this old jeep on a wooden raft, set it ablaze as it drifts out across the water!  (Evening is likely the best time to do this.)  Maybe even some celebratory fireworks?

  23. So, just when I think things are settling down, and life is beginning to approach normal once more, my car decides to die. This is not simply a case of spending a week with its favorite mechanic. Oh, no. This is a case of the computer no longer talking to any of its sensors, resulting in a very large paperweight that looks quite a bit like a Jeep. 

    The daft one and I are going car shopping tomorrow. Hide the whiskey...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Rick_Andrew


      • no problems with computer, ever
      • Never replace a battery
      • Manual shift
      • optional stereo (bring one)
      • Convertible
    3. BronxWench


      Seriously, it’s looking better and better. Everything I wanted to look at was gone, except for one car, which didn’t have a roof rack and smelled like something had died in it. With under 9,000 miles, it should NOT smell that bad unless the previous owner was a sweet little old serial killer who only dismembered victims on Sunday, after church services were ended… Yeah, I’ll pass on the dead person special. :lol: 

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Only a hearse should have dead-people smell!  (That’s the ticket, buy a hearse, cause I heard they’re a hoot to park outside the emergency at the local hospital.)

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