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BronxWench last won the day on May 30

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  1. So. 

    My almost 81 year old mother is wobbly and not feeling top form because she has a sinus infection, but doesn’t want to take the nice antibiotics which will clear up said infection.

    My YoungerSpawn is acting out at school and being generally a difficult young male creature, complicated by autism. We may, for the first time, require behavioral therapy.

    My corgi was back in hospital with cluster seizures, and now has a second medication which makes her sleepy. We’re hoping she’ll adjust to the new med and come back to her sunny self, but the current flattening of her lively nature is heartbreaking.

    I need it to be April 15, so I can open the lake house and go hide there for a solid week. Alone. With wine and coffee.

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    2. BronxWench


      Okay, just imagining Elrond’s face is making me giggle…:hug::wub:

      Thank you!

    3. DemonGoddess


      aw jeez, I hope things turn around quick!

    4. BronxWench


      I do, too, because YoungerSpawn decided to have a tantrum on his bus ride home today. I need to arrange for behavioral therapy, I think, which we have never needed until now.

      Honestly, all I want to do is curl up in bed and cry. 

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