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BronxWench last won the day on June 8

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  1. And of course, because it’s hot, and nasty, and there are fireworks, the wee corgi lass is having seizures… :(

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    2. BronxWench


      I know they say you don’t feel pain, but she’s so anxious afterward. She’s started on the rescue meds, in addition to the usual cocktail of antiseizure meds, so let’s hope this nips it in the bud, before we have a full-blown episode that requires a trip to the hospital for her. The air conditioning’s going full blast, and we’ll just keep her cool and hydrated.

      It’s not fair, though. It’s just not fair.

    3. JayDee


      The vets where I live have been putting out a lot of dos and donts about dog cooling, and some people actually have to be told that when the fucking road is melting it’s a bad idea to walk a dog bare footed on it.

      I hope she gets through it ok.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      You shouldn’t need a bunker for shelter, she ought to be comfortable and alright in her own home.  It sounds otherwise, by folks who believe in July 4th being a 48 hour event, for both the day of, and because it’s July 4th *somewhere*, or those that decide “week of” is close enough, light them off, because nobody needs to sleep, right?  Sigh….

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