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Asexual Biped

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Everything posted by Asexual Biped

  1. 13127
  2. 13125
  3. XD That's very true.
  4. Evergreen: Shadow Knight: Thank you! I tried to keep it as close to the dream as possible. The only thing I added was some of the dialogue. Everything else is exactly as my mind supplied. I'm glad the dream logic came through since I felt that it didn't sound enough like a dream. And I did have fun! I want to turn more of my dreams into prompts! ^^ BronxWench: XD You're local Starbucks sounds interesting! I hope you don't spend too much time looking over your shoulders! ^^
  5. BronxWench I'm doing all of your reviews in one post. ^^ Harvest: Thank you! This was one of the first insane pieces I wrote. I want to do more. :] Tradition: I'm glad you like him! I'm thinking of keeping him around for more stuff. ^^ Cornucopia: XD I hope it's not trouble like he's having! Turkey: That's exactly why I ended it that way! Because I knew people would think of one or the other, not both. ^^ Snow: I loved writing him into this. I'm glad you love the dog!
  6. 13123
  7. Pen Name: Asexual Biped Story Link: Evergreen Sceneted Oaks Type of Fic: Flashfic Rating: Adult Fandom: N/A Pairing: N/A Warnings: NoSex, Challengefic, COMPLETE
  8. 13121
  9. 13119
  10. 13117
  11. I am FREE! Completely done with finals!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shadowknight12
    3. ApolloImperium


      Congrats! I have 2 next week and then I will be celebrating with you :D

    4. Asexual Biped

      Asexual Biped

      Thanks all! I wish you luck on your last one SK and on your two Apollo!!

  12. 13115
  13. 13111
  14. 13107
  15. 13105
  16. 13102
  17. 13100
  18. Well, those aren't iron-clad rules since the rules of every scene is decided at the beginning of each scene. So, a real couple could have decided that leaving the sub alone and tied is acceptable. (The cock-ring I don't know about, so I'll take your word on it that it's unhealthy) That's actually one of the reasons why Jamie got so pissed off: it was BECAUSE Max was being retarded and left without saying something in advanced. But yeah, I understand what you mean. I'll add a warning so people who are interested in maybe trying what I wrote won't be stupid about it. Thanks for the advice and for reading! =3
  19. This guy's name is Taylor Mali, a slam poet that used to be a teacher. This poem he wrote is so funny and soo true!
  20. 13098
  21. Managed to get my latest brainchild up and am currently feeling like the cat that caught the canary. =3

    1. BronxWench


      And what a yummy canary it was! Awesome story... I'm still drooling...

    2. Asexual Biped

      Asexual Biped

      XD Glad the impression lasted!

  22. BronxWench: I'm glad you liked it so much! The entire thing was fun to write, especially when I had to think without my eyes. And yeah, Max was a little too into creating the scene and didn't bother to get Jamie's input. I wouldn't be surprised if he's sleeping on the couch tonight! ^^ Shadow Knight: Thanks again for the support! BDSM is my strong suit (only because of my knowledge), so I try to do it well. ^^ XD I swear the recaptcha has a mind of its own! It probably was! Too bad I don't have an idea for those two words.
  23. 13094
  24. XD That's awesome!
  25. XD That actually makes me think of Darth Vader running around with a pink, frilly purse and smacking people with it.
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