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Asexual Biped

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Everything posted by Asexual Biped

  1. Pen Name: Asexual Biped Story link: Tradition made me do it Type of fic: Twitfic Rating: Adult Fandom: Original Pairing: N/A Warnings: None really, NoSex
  2. You can't make people act like adults and take criticism by preventing their ability to remove reviews. What we're saying is, if they don't want a review because they feel it's "mean", they'll swamp the mods with requests to remove it. Now multiply that by the amount of crappy writers that delete reviews and the poor mods won't have time to do anything else besides wade through reviews to see if they're actual flames/spam or just concrit.
  3. I do agree with you. I would hate to write a helpful review, then later find out it was either deleted or ignored entirely. I don't delete any reviews (granter, I only have a total of 8) and I'd take any concrit as honest helpful advice. One of the problems is that most, if not all, of the authors on sites like this are amateurs with no desire of getting better as an author because they aren't trying to get published (I'm not either, but I still want to improve my writing). Most are just here to write their fantasy pairings out in fanfics, without caring about what others think of how they write. Thank you DG! Now I not longer feel retarded.
  4. I don't understand why this is being argued so fiercely. This is AFF.net, not TtH or FF.net or anything else. The mods and admins will do things their way. Since we, as the readers, have the right to read the stories and review them, the authors have the right to listen or not. It's their choice as the author if they want to do things their way or take advice from the peanut gallery(us), regardless of if they had a great story or the worst thing on the internet. If an author wants to write a piece of crap and delete reviews that only aim to help, then that's their problem. You shouldn't be annoyed at them for executing their right as authors on the internet. Just stop reading their crap. There's no need to get vicious over it. And I doubt that making authors unable to delete reviews will make them write better. They'll just ignore the comments altogether and continue writing crap. P.S. I feel mildly retarded for not knowing what QC is...
  5. Even though I was the one who wrote about the 'no experience' thing, I honestly have very little myself, being completely uninterested. But I make up for it by observing people and using my brain to figure things out. This goes back to the media thing: because of what we see on the t.v., children are now being conditioned to think that that's how life is once you escape the confines of your parents. They think that they'll get everything without trying hard: money, good jobs, sexy partners, great relationships, and that nothing bad will ever happen to them. It's less that it's left over from the past. Actually, and this is just my thought, women from back in the day were less likely to think that. And this also leads back to the media, and people not thinking for themselves. It's the thought that "Oh, I don't have to work for anything. I can get a guy to fall in love with me and do the money-making while I go shopping!" Now, not all girls/people now think like that (at least I hope they don't), but it's the American impatience and demand for instant gratification(If you live somewhere else, my assumption doesn't apply to you). You're right, it is a lifestyle by that point. It's ALL about trust, more-so than normal relationships. And it's one I want to see written about more! CORRECTLY! DX
  6. You're very right, wanderingaddict, about the female/emotion thing. And I want to argue that not all females are like that, but I can't. At least, not well, considering I only have a small sample of women who think logically (including myself) to go by. Going specifically on the slave example (or truth), I think that's not just female's gushing over sex=love. It's also that VERY few people can do a M/s story correctly, which saddens me. I LOVE M/s stories, but I'm turned off of them for now since, like, NO ONE can do a good one (excluding pittwitch)! D: Speaking as a female: Not all of us always like the typical female/male falling in love with dominating, sex-addicted, asshole/partner. Granted, I do enjoy these every now and then, but I mostly enjoy when a story is well-written, the plot makes sense, and the characters are realistic. I think the main problem is that most of the writers that those types of stories are brain-washed by the media to believe that all, or most, relationships are like that, or that it's acceptable. I also think that many of them are fresh out of high school and haven't had a real relationship, getting most of their research from books, movies, tv, and elsewhere.
  7. Well, I know that for slash stories, since most of those authors are screaming yaoi fangirls, they get their ideas from yaoi. There are A LOT of those douche characters in yaoi plots that have everyone falling head over heels for them, including the pathetic main character(unless they, themselves, are the main character, but that's pretty rare). Those same fans tend to forget that the story lines they read from this genre are from Japan, where they have a completely different social upbringing from those of us in the U.S. (I would mention the rest of the western world, but I've never been anywhere else, so I'm not going to speak for them.) Japan is all about the community. They're brought up to think about the good of the whole, completely different from the individualistic upbringing of nearly every American out there. They use there writing and games and tv to express urges that wouldn't be acceptable in public. EVER. Most yaoi fans don't take this into consideration when they read the unrealistic plots and characters. And they don't take into consideration the culture that writes them. Now, I don't want to make any excuses for these slash writers. I'm an avid yaoi fangirl myself, but I know the difference between the U.S. and Japan and what's usually accepted in literature. (Of course, since it's pretty hard to find homoerotic literature out there, I'm no expert on our stuff either.) These specific slash writers just go with what they see often and don't think that, maybe, they have a gross misunderstanding of what's normal in literature. For any other genre, I have no clue. Maybe the same idea? But I kind of doubt that.
  8. This does help. =] Both you and addict have given me plenty of advice and examples to go with, especially once the relationship develops. The scene I was originally asking for is relatively small; I just had no idea of how to write it. But both of you have reminded me that there's flirting going on all the time, especially once the characters are together. ^^ While it'll be difficult for me to write anything super romantic (me being one of the most logical females I know), having the advice of a hopeless romantic may help. But, you don't have to go out of your way to ask if you don't want to.
  9. Oh, it really is helping! I've already decided where to put suggestions that both you and shadowknight gave me. =] Now it's just a matter of actually writing it out. But first, my life needs to stop being so freaking busy. DX
  10. Do you write for a specific fandom, or do you write original stories?
  11. really needs to get something done. ><

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Asexual Biped

      Asexual Biped

      Thanks! I need all the luck I can get!

    3. pittwitch


      Cringes and runs from Calculus ... calculii, bad, bad memories

    4. Asexual Biped

      Asexual Biped

      I don't blame you! The sad thing is: I'm good at math, but Calculus is kicking my butt!

  12. I have a bunny that I would nurture myself, but I just don't have the time. In an area that contains both a werewolf(or a different were-animal) pack and a vampire coven, a war was waged and won by the vamps. To show their goodwill towards the victors, the were-group has to give up one of their young to live and serve the leader of the vamps ('serve' can be taken anyway you want ;]). The only time the were can possibly meet with its pack would be during the full moon when they get to leave the coven for the night to roam the nearby forest. That's the basic over-view. Explore as you wish. =]
  13. I think I was more going for a dramafic, in the sense of it being more serious and real-to-life. As for a moral dilemma, you could Google some, but almost anything can be a moral dilemma even though it's accepted as 'normal' Hell, in the class that brought this challenge to mind, spanking a child is now a moral dilemma! I think it's really what you view as moral. (If that didn't answer your question, I apologize. I probably have misunderstood what you were asking.)
  14. I think I would have been better off if I hadn't known what a 'Hershey kiss' was... Needless to say, that's NOT going to be added to my story. XD
  15. wants to write more about criminally insane people. For some reason, that seriously entertains me. =]

  16. Both of these sound rather intriguing. I may have to write something for them, if I can ever get the current plot in my head completed. I'll let you know if I ever do.
  17. Wanderingaddict, even though it was just two examples, they really did help. I forgot about flirting with touch (no surprise there considering my track record) and am definitely thinking of adding it in the scene I'm talking about. The bromance will have to be added on later considering the two don't know each other yet. But seriously, thanks for the examples! =] And a side note, that "It's okay" game sounds a lot like another game I've seen, and participated in, called "Are you uncomfortable?" or something along those lines. It's nearly the same thing, except I've only really seen it done on women. It where the person puts their hand on either the other person's leg or arm and gradually moves closer to chest or crotch saying "Are you uncomfortable yet?" The goal is the same in both games. This was extra info, but it kind of went along. :]
  18. It wasn't quite what I meant, but I think you did a good job.
  19. Well, abortion and the more controversial issues are fine to write about. I just didn't want someone to do something like, "Abortion is wrong because God said so!" or something like that and create a war over a challenge-plot. I was thinking that the story should be logically thought out and have actual (not to bash religious people) reasons for why the issue is either "right" or "wrong" If you have one on abortion and it's well-done, then that works great! Sorry about the way I worded it.
  20. Pen Name: Asexual Biped Story link: AFF Prompt: Harvest Type of fic: Twitfic Rating: Adult Fandom: Original Pairing: N/A Warnings: NoSex, Challegefic, Complete, AFFO
  21. Shadowknight, you aren't giving yourself enough credit. You just gave me great general tips that I can reuse if need-be! Especially the last bit, since I'm going to have the relationship grow slowly. I really appreciate the advice! :]
  22. So, I'm completely retarded when it comes to this style of social interaction. I'm a female, which means I don't get much practice initiating flirting(I don't receive much either, but that's besides the point). It also doesn't help that I'm nearly a true introvert, so I don't get out to many clubs/bars to watch this happen in real-time. So, when I find myself trying to finish a chapter of an upcoming slash story, and it calls for a flirting scene between my main men, I just can't think of what to put. And none of my guy friends that I'm closest to go to these places. My questions are: - Do any of you have a specific formula when you flirt? Specific things you do? - Do you flirt differently when you want an actual relationship vs a one-night stand? - Are there things you've found that generally don't work? - Other details that you can think of that may help? This is open for heterosexuals(men or women)/homosexuals(men or women)/transexuals/pansexuals/othersexuals that have any advice they think may help! Thank you! AB
  23. Why thank you Shadowknight! I'm glad that someone else enjoys my icons as well! :)

  24. I agree with the "daydreamville" portion and not being able to write what you come up with. That happens to me all the time! D: My inspiration shows up mostly in my own mind, but every once in a while I'll notice something or read about something and think "That might sound good in a story." The problem usually is that my inspiration only gives me specific scenes and I can never think of ways to connect them. I'm not very good at the mundane details between scenes.
  25. While I'd agree with you most of the time, I do have to stand up for those authors(of which they're very few who do, and even fewer who do it correctly) who give their bottom characters psychological disorders, such as Depression or Bipolar. These conditions, when long-standing, have the ability of emasculating anyone. Of course, they also, in my opinion, give the character a sense of world-weariness. Just wanted to bring that point up. I don't remember if I said that or not, but I apologize if I've offended. Rape and the "logic" of it DOES NOT fly in RL. I do not condone it in any way, shape, or form to actual males or females. But for some reason, I don't mind, and some times enjoy, reading about it. I would suppose that would make me a sick individual, but I just wanted to emphasize that I don't condone it in anything besides stories. I think it's a bit of both, actually. I believe that most of the slash/yaoi writers are fan girls who get their inspiration from yaoi(which was made FOR women, not necessarily to accurately portray gays) and want to write their own story, but can't think of how a homosexual relationship is besides from what they've read/watched from yaoi. I was that way for a while as well, then read more realistic slash and got out of that habit.
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