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Asexual Biped

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Everything posted by Asexual Biped

  1. Pen Name: Asexual Biped Story link: S'No Traps Here! Review replies link: In the chapter Type of fic: Twitfic Rating: Adult Fandom: Original Pairing: N/A Warnings: NoSex, Challengefic, COMPLETE
  2. 13055
  3. 13053
  4. 13051
  5. 13049
  6. 13047
  7. My MIA-ness will probably be extended until further notice. I feel like I'm abandoning the forums. ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      RL is always much more important ya know. See you when you get back!

    3. Asexual Biped
    4. kisakimiko


      We will miss you, take care of stuffs and come back, no worries

  8. 13045
  9. I don't think there were any other major questions and whatnot I had about this, other than those I already mentioned. Hopefully others will be able to help you more than me. :] I'll let you know if I think of anything else.
  10. It could also be an unconcious desire to 'fix' the man in question. Kind of like when women get with the 'bad boy' and feel that they can make the useless hunk of manflesh into a useful member of society. There are a lot of women that use this as an excuse to stay with men that have been horrible to them. (Not saying that this is the reason for your friend's decision)
  11. 13042
  12. is going to be mostly MIA untill, possibly, Sunday night.

  13. I honestly don't think I've read an author that had older characters as the main point. It doesn't gross me out, personally (as long as I don't get a visual of wrinkly asses). I think it would be cool to read I think the younger generation doesn't want to read/think about old people having sex because (at least for me on certain occasions) it reminds them of people their parents' ages having sex, and that leads them to think of their parents having sex. Which is a very disturbing image, at least to me. It could also be a sense of egoism, that "old people" can't do things that "young people" can do. Almost as if they're physically unable to. Also, the older the people you think about, the closer you get to possible grandparents' ages, which is even creepier (if you think of your grandparents) than your parents. That's my best guess.
  14. 13040
  15. 13038
  16. 13036
  17. 13034
  18. Turkey: JayDee: I did that on purpose so that people wouldn't realize that they were doing both. ^^ Thank you for the praise! And yes, he got away relatively unscathed! DemonGoddess: XD I take it you enjoyed the visuals? Glad I could make you laugh! ^^
  19. I've all but chewed my fingers off. They hurt now. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Asexual Biped

      Asexual Biped

      SK: Yeah, ow.

      DG: XD I suppose.

    3. pittwitch
    4. Asexual Biped

      Asexual Biped

      PW: I've tried that. It doesn't stop me. At least, not for long.

  20. 13032
  21. 13030
  22. 13028
  23. 13026
  24. 13024
  25. Turkey Shadow Knight: That's exactly why I ended it that way! I knew people would expect the innocent ending so I went with a devious one. ^^ Apollo: I'm glad I could make you laugh that hard! I apologize to your cats for making their mom go nuts. ^^ Fairy Slayer: Yeah, it does sounds a bit unsanitary and an effort in concentration, but it was fun to write. :3 I glad it's hard to decipher which actions are for which stuffing. That's what I was aiming for since, as you stated, double entendres are fun. ^^ Sammich Anon: Woman, just because you wear the pants in this relationship doesn't mean I'll make you a sammich! That being said, I'm uber glad you enjoyed Cornucopia and Turkey! ^^ What floats their kinky boat also floats mine, hence why it's written! =3 It's a good thing I annoy you to read them, isn't it? :] I lurve you too!
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