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Asexual Biped

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Everything posted by Asexual Biped

  1. 13299
  2. 13294
  3. I is currently fangirling over Bare: A Pop Opera. I reeeally wanna see it!!

  4. 13292
  5. 13290
  6. 13288
  7. 13284
  8. 13266
  9. 13264
  10. 13253
  11. 13241
  12. 13239
  13. 13237
  14. 13235
  15. 13233
  16. 13231
  17. 13229
  18. 13227
  19. 13225
  20. It was by an author named kiix, but I don't know what happened to it. She may have taken it down recently.
  21. 13223
  22. 13221
  23. I don't consider myself a true writer, so I don't really have a preference. I suppose I type all my stuff for the fact that it cuts out the middle-man of writing it on paper, then transferring that to the screen. I don't even really write down my ideas. I just kind of think them up and if I don't forget about them along the way, I'll try to get them down. I'm pretty chill about that. ^^
  24. My muse seems to have gone on vacation without telling me. I need to fire her and get a new one. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Asexual Biped

      Asexual Biped

      BW: XD Oh, I have plunnies everywhere, just not the motivation to cultivate them.

    3. Shadowknight12


      If you find mine, tell them they're fired.

    4. Asexual Biped
  25. 13219
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