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Asexual Biped

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Everything posted by Asexual Biped

  1. My avatar is just one of the many icons I found on Photobucket. Nothing much besides that.
  2. Guilty, maybe? I forget. Purposely messed with store security and gotten banned from the place?
  3. I'm the total opposite (asexual), so I can't really understand besides what I can logically guess. But there's nothing wrong with being a Nympho. It's the body's desires that are too much and nothing that you can help. Such as an extreme sex drive.
  4. Well, my username and penname are the same. My name is what I am: A two-legged (Biped) Asexual. And Asexual is a legit sexual orientation. About 1% of the population of the world considers themselves Asexual. We're quite rare.
  5. ...You have the same name as my brother on two of your accounts, besides the middle name...
  6. Beethoven - Symphony No. 5 1st movement
  7. I have a HUGE assortment of music I listen to. To name the main: nearly any type of Rock, Country (not so much anymore), Classical (need more), Oldies, WTF?? music, and Foreign. I listen to VERY little pop/hip hop and no rap (besides the outlier songs that actually have a good point, such as Handlebars by the Flobots) I simplified Foreign since I listen to an extensive collection, such as: Finish, Swedish, German, Italian, Irish, French, Japanese, Chinese, and obviously English. I need some Spanish and Arabic... 1. The closest song that gives me chills is a redo of Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor by Vanessa Mae, a Chinese violinist. Or Requiem of the Gods by Apocalyptica, a (I think) Finnish group that only uses three cellos and a drum. Or Wolfen (Das Tier in Mir) by E Nomine. Hogawd! That's a guy singing! 2. A 'sexy' song that is awesome is The Voice by Celtic Woman. I forget which one actually sings this song, but her voice is sooo pretty!!
  8. For that guy, I would too. ^^ And I love the title Apollo!
  9. Cornucopia: JayDee - Thank you! I was trying to create an open ending that everyone could decide what they wanted to happen. XD I hope not as well! Could you imagine the embarrassment of trying to explain yourself??
  10. had a very weird/intricate dream last night. And I SWEAR I'd read it before...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Shadowknight12


      You can fight back? Lucky you! The best I can do is will myself to wake up, lol.

    3. Asexual Biped

      Asexual Biped

      I can't will myself to wake up, and fighting back generally doesn't work. It's a no-win situation for me. -_-

    4. Shadowknight12
  11. While that would be mean, I kind of want to do it, if the said blind person was amiable enough. ^^ I feel like a douche now. ._____.
  12. Well, true. I already forgot what I wrote. .____. I love DMC!!! And I soo agree! Thank you! I quite enjoy my perverted mind as well. ^^
  13. I'm a bit slow, but I'm finally making a thread to answer ALL of the reviews I've received for the AFF Prompts. :] Candy: pittwitch - That's pretty much what I was going for! Glad you enjoyed! Melrick - He's lucky only because he was smart and thought ahead. ^^ Fairy Slayer - Oh god, I can just imagine what they'd have to do to get it to be a commercial! XD And that was his plan since he knew how much she likes chocolate. And thanks for the advice! I think the post changed the word itself because I went back and it was already changed. Harvest: pittwitch - That wasn't quite what I was going for, but I like the idea! I may have to invest in it in the future. ^^ Glad I could brighten up your day! Apollo - It was mildly difficult, but I seem to have a knack for twitfics. :] That also wasn't quite what I was going for, but it was something ridiculously similar. I was thinking the guy was just insane and deranged and enjoyed killing. Not quite cunning enough for a mass suicide. Fairy Slayer - I'm glad I got the point across! I was afraid I missed it slightly. JayDee - I'm glad that's not my boss...*shudders* I wish you luck with that guy! Shadow Knight - Thanks for the overall praise! I succeeded in a sense of foreboding! He wasn't so much evil as completely deranged and not in his right mind, but I can understand how that comes across. Tradition: DemonGoddess061 - Thank you! I thought it was too. ^^ Apollo - Thank you! I was hoping it came off as clever and not corny. Apparently I succeeded. :] pittwitch - Thanks! I know they always get the blame. That's kind of what inspired this. =3 Fairy Slayer - XD Yeah, let's hope! Aww, I'm sorry that happened to you! Thankfully nothing like that's happened to me. Of course, I've never blamed anything on the dog either... ZipFlopOhMyGod - Glad I could give you a good excuse. :] JayDee - I know, right?! I know I'd fight the kid for it myself! Glad you thought it was good! ^^ Shadow Knight - Thanks! I'm good at light and fluffy (and violence for some reason) so I'm glad I succeeded in getting my thoughts across! I just happen to be good at micro fiction. I don't know why... Cornucopia: Shadow Knight - I have a sick and twisted mind, that's my secret. ^^ I was just thinking that a cornucopia starts off small. How far would it go? That translated into the drabble. :3 kisakimiko - So would I! Or I'd knee him in the groin. It would depend on how vicious I was feeling. >D Thanks for the praise! Apollo - That's EXACTLY where I wanted your mind to go! >D And yes, poor Dan, but James wouldn't force him to do anything he really didn't want to do. ^^ Fairy Slayer - It would depend on how much James could persuade him. ;] And no, James is secretly herding him. Dan's the type that needs to be persuaded into doing new, kinky things. Thanks for the compliment! I'll try to add this to each chapter as I add more.
  14. So, the reason I was gone for most of the weekend, my Organic test, yeah... Don't think I did so well...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Asexual Biped

      Asexual Biped

      Thanks. ^^ It was a scantron test, so I doubt he'll have mercy, but I think I got a C, so all's good. :]

    3. Shadowknight12


      Weeeeeeeeeeell, there's always the guy in charge of it. :D

    4. Asexual Biped
  15. Pen Name: Asexual Biped Story link: The Cornucopia doesn't go there! Type of fic: Drabble Rating: Adult + Fandom: Original Pairing: N/A Warnings: M/M, NoSex, ChallengeFic
  16. is going to be gone for most of the weekend. I has stuff to study for. ><

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Asexual Biped

      Asexual Biped

      I know right?! And Zaitsev and the spectrum tests for what a molecule is is where I'm at. ><

    3. Shadowknight12


      Oh no! The spectrum tests are the absolute worst. I had a professor who was positively OBSESSED with spectra. She outright failed you if you didn't get the molecule right on the exams. *shudders* Best of luck with that!

    4. Asexual Biped

      Asexual Biped

      Thanks! I'll need it!

  17. That's a good point. I'm making a false assumption that most women are intelligent and logical. I forget that that's not the case.
  18. Did they work on women?
  19. Thanks! That's good to know if I manage to put it in the story! :] The ones I left wouldn't be usable on WOMEN, let alone MEN(the possessiveness one may be an exception for some women). I know I'd personally beat down any man that tried to do these for/to me.
  20. Ditto. That's how I know getting hit with hot bullet shells is a bitch.
  21. Since everything I've put on here has been a drabble, a short, or a twitfic, I just finish them and post. I don't dare put my longer one(s) up until I have a few chapters since I'm the type of writer that doesn't plan what she writes. I usually just wing it around several main points so it takes me a while to get the in between details down.
  22. Yes it does. And a good one at that!
  23. I can't give you much advice, but I'll do what I can. Well, guns are relatively heavy since they're almost completely made out of metal, with the smallest commercial guns weighing about a pound or so. The bigger the gun, the heavier it gets. Also, ammo size increases by number. So, the smallest I've worked with was .22 with the largest I've seen being around .50 or .60. There is a bullet size called 9 mm, but I can't really remember where it fits into the size scale. Recoil when you fire depends on the ammo size as well length of the barrel(s). The bigger the ammo number, the more the gun will recoil. The longer the barrel(s), and I mean handguns when I say barrel length, the more recoil. You mostly feel the recoil in your arm(s) since you tend to hold handguns with one or both arms, away from your body. When it comes to shotguns and larger weapons like that, I think it only really depends on the size of the bullets since they're all large. The recoil is lessened, or easier to deal with, since you rest the butt of the gun on your shoulder and your torso takes much of the impact. Plus many shotguns/rifles come with stands that you place on a flat surface, so the recoil doesn't effect you as much. Another thing to watch out for is flying bullet casings. Those things are really hot after you fire! it really sucks when they fall in your clothing! I hope this helped some. :] I'm sorry I can't help with specific brands and whatnot.
  24. I just got a visual of a girl yelling "Hold on, I wanna watch!" while grabbing her man's cock and holding it up while getting close to the underside as he climaxed. It was quite amusing. ^^
  25. is close to done with the first chapter of her latest pet, but it'll still be awhile 'til it's postable. Gawd I'm slow at this. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shadowknight12


      Blergh, I know exactly how you feel. That makes two of us struggling.

    3. Asexual Biped

      Asexual Biped

      Thanks pittwitch!

      I know it's hard, but we can do it Shadowknight!

    4. Shadowknight12


      YES, WE CAN. *grits*

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