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Everything posted by bookworm51485

  1. You seem to have this idea in your head that Obama can do nothing right, so you'll excuse me if I don't jump to take your word for anything.
  2. For me, it's my brother. He was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago and thankfully went into remission. He's supposed to go get regular check ups to make sure the cancer hasn't come back but because he doesn't have insurance, he can't. Beyond that, personally, I don't trust McCain (beyond the fact that he's a Republican). He seems to change tactics as soon as the one he's currently using stops working for him, to the point of contradicting himself. At least Obama's been consistent.
  3. ???? I'll take my chances with Obama
  4. I think most politicians, and people in the public eye, are full of themselves so I don't really think that's something that could/should be counted against him and no everybody else.
  5. Honestly, the thought of her being elected scares me. The 'I need to get the hell out of this country' kind of fright. She's a freak, it's like she's out of Leave it to Beaver. Just the idea of her with any kind of power over this country and my life scares me to such a degree that I honestly try not to think about it. And I try to convince anyone I know of who might be thinking of voting for McCain to vote for Obama. He might not be perfect, but he's a hell of a lot better choice. Palin as president. What a stomach turning thought. That's a pretty stupid question, would you want to vote for the greater evil?
  6. Glad to see a challenges section won't disappear completely. I will definitely be visiting it as soon as it's up. I've only read the beginning of the Gravitation manga, so I can't speak too much for that, but I know in the anime none of those pairings are major. K having a wife is never mentioned and I don't believe Mika is ever even shown together with Tohma. Either way, as a shonen ai series, I can't imagine that the het section will ever be used. Just because the pairings are there, doesn't mean they will ever be written on. I've been reading that section for awhile and the only het pairings I've ever seen in any of the stories is background to a m/m pairing. I was just mentioning it because you seem to be trying to cut down on pointless sections and that one just seemed a bit pointless to me.
  7. I did see the announcement, though after the fact, and I had to go looking for it. But for future reference, I do think that announcements need to be made in a better way, a way in which most people will actually get the announcement. If you were faced with this: 'Howsoever, upon reposing in the season's greening fields (at least those of the northern hemisphere -- and, presumably, those carrying wireless Internet service), keep those eyes peeled! We are most intently entrenched in the process of cleaning house, and, like anything one cleans, it might seem even less tidy in the meantime.' and it just went on and on, how much of it would you actually read? On a good day, I can't deal with overly flowery language, but my mind was in the middle of trying to retain the bit of physics I managed to stuff into it, so I got to the end of that paragraph I showed you above and just quit. Sometimes short and to the point is best. Just a bulleted list of what's going to be happening and that's all. There's no need to try to entertain with things of an official nature. As for the challenges section, personally I think it was a good idea to have a specific place for them to go into because it kept them organized and all together. All that's going to happen now is that people are going to post them in the general section, which has already started to happen. But that's just my opinion. I will say, it is nice to have things more organized, in some sections at least. I just wanted to add in one thing, somewhat related, I noticed in Gravitation there was a Het section added. The series is about a male singer falling in love with a male writer, so it's unlikely that that section will ever be used.
  8. This is going to make it a lot harder to find stories of a certain type, especially since the search engine isn't the best. Nvm about the challenges. After a bit of searching I saw the post in the forum about them being deleted then went back to the ridiculously long announcement and saw it there near the bottom. Let me just say, someone needs to tell learn to be short and sweet. Because I started reading that post and quit a couple of paragraphs in, it was just too annoying to get through. When you have an announcement that you know is going to be long, be short and to the point. Don't try to be clever because most people won't have the patience to actually weed through all of that to get to the parts that actually matter. And unfortunately because I just don't have the inclination, especially not at this time (Finals, thank you), I've lost a bunch of challenges because I don't have them on my current computer. I would like to say though, the challenges section was a good idea and it should be reinstated even if they all get put together in a single section, with each fandom separated out. I'm just sad that I've lost the challenges and anyone who responded positively. Also is the Naruto section, can I ask why there are 4 pairings for Sasuke and only 2 for Naruto (in the yaoi section)? He is the main character.
  9. Another article for anyone interested: http://www.salon.com/wires/ap/entertainmen...ml?source=yahoo According to her comments, it sounds like she's saying her problem isn't the encyclopedia being published but the fact that it isn't up to her standards. What I don't understand is, if it's based off of the website and the website was something she thought was good, why is it now not up to her standards?
  10. I can understand Sasuke being Naruto's main focus, being his 'brother' and all but it's gone a bit too far imo. I stopped reading around the point where they ran into Sasuke at Orochimaru's lair and he royally kicked all their butts while pretty much all Naruto could do was a slightly bigger rasengan and kage bunshins. It pretty much became The Sasuke is an Amazing Badadd Ninja Show, Oh and Naruto's here too. Though I will admit I haven't read or watched anything in awhile so I don't much know what's going on. As for pairing options, there are plenty of Naruto pairing options despite the fact that people seem stuck on SasuNaru. And, how is it that Sasuke has more pairing options than Naruto. How many people does he/did he even interact with? Naruto on the other hand is running around saving everybody. There's Gaara, Neji, Sai. Even more minor characters: Shikamaru, Kiba, Shino. And of course, the slightly more far off: Kakashi, Itachi, Orochimaru, Jiraiya. It's probably not a big deal, but I hate seeing Sasuke so much. Can't stand him. I wish Itachi or someone would just kill him already, then Naruto could move on with one of the worthwhile characters. Someone who's not a big a-hole
  11. More and more I'm thinking that the Naruto series should change it's name to Sasuke. I stopped watching/reading because it became more like The Sasuke Show. Even more of an argument for that, in the Naruto section they put pairings under the Yaoi section and there's only one pairing that has Naruto in it and it's with Sasuke, while Sasuke is there 4 times. They should just change the name of the show now because obviously Sasuke is the main focus.
  12. JK Rowling bashes 'Harry Potter Lexicon' Any thoughts?
  13. The idiots actually passed it. I can't believe the idiots actually passed it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, they are just that, idiots. They've just screwed us all. The gov't has just lost a huge chunk of money and we have no way to replace it because Republicans are a bunch of morons. MORONS!!!!!!! 'Hey, let's take out our main source of gov't replace and replace it with nothing.' HOW THE HELL DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?!!!!! I'm so fricking pissed because now I'm being screwed from all sides. I'm in school, so I can expect a nice hike in my tuition. And I work for the gov't so there's going to be no break for us, given that we're badly understaffed. In fact, some people might even be fired. Wooooo. I can't believe this crap. I can't fricking believe it. They screwed us for a saving of about $200 a year. I'm so leaving this state as soon as I can. I can't spend the rest of my life surrounded by morons who unfortunately are given the right to vote even if they don't know what the hell they're voting for. And I'm gonna laugh at them when they and family members are screwed because the fire depts and ambulances don't have enough money to work right and they have to wait hours for help. And their kids turn out even stupider than they are because teachers will be even less inclined to teach given the lack of money going to schools.
  14. Can we say Transformers? Or pretty much any of the superhero movies
  15. Yeah it really does suck. But I decided to let it go because the only one who's being punished is myself. In the end though, I just have to believe that Karma's a bitch and that the crappy people out there will all get their's. A battle royale would have been fun though. I would have enjoyed watching the crowd jump her, because a lot of people were ready to. Would have taught her son that it doesn't pay to be a piece of shit.
  16. I was doing that but then yahoo told me that I'd reached my limit so I still have about 100 messages coming in a day. And I have to go through it because for some reason yahoo keeps sending my important messages to the Bulk mail folder.
  17. I wasn't interested but not just because of the big stink Christians are raising I'm going to make it a point to go. Anybody here planning to see that movie or has read the books?
  18. Ever notice how certain things just turn nice, normal people into the biggest a-holes you'd ever meet. I went to the Black Friday sale at Target at midnight. Got there and there were no people so I was happy. Sat there the whole 6 hours, minus the 15 min bathroom break. At 4:30 all the people started showing up and for some reason they all thought they should be able to jump ahead of all the people who'd been waiting for hours. The cops came up eventually and got rid of most of them but there was this one bitch and her stupid kid. She shows up 5am and then gets pissed because we didn't want her jumping in line. Sticking up her middle finger and cussing at us (keep in mind her ~8 year old kid is standing there the whole time). They finally get the caution tape and put it out and she's on the outside. Instead of joining the line like a normal person, she stands there and flirts and sweet talks the security guard. Instead of doing his damn job, the fool lets her take off running into the story ahead of us all and blocks us from stopping her. So she goes in, gets every single thing that all the people are in line for and walks around looking happy and smug that she didn't even have to come early to be first in line. I hope that she puts the crap in her trunk and got rear ended on the way home and it's all destroyed. Or that she parks somewhere and some breaks into her car and steals it all. Cause assholes like that deserves only bad things. On that note, I will never go to another black friday sale. I'll just send other people or wait for online because the people piss me off way too much.
  19. I dunno, somehow that seems vaguely hypocritical coming from someone who's part of running a site that promotes/showcases/allows/facilitates fanfiction.
  20. Whoever the new tech is, thanks for the switch in the categories list. Nice to have them all back on one page.
  21. Sounds almost like something I did with my brother a long time ago. We were bored so we decided to get all the spices my mom had in the cabinet and make something random. Dumped in sugar and flour and eggs and butter and cinnamon and nutmeg and ginger and probably a few other things. Then we baked it. It was actually really good, I think half and shared it with some friends at school. One of them, who prides herself in being a bit culinary, tried to guess what we'd put in it. It's okay, I don't mind people laughing at me as long as it's not malicious. I laugh at myself half the time.
  22. I wouldn't mind a brown. Hexfiles has one layout that's kind of a tannish/beigeish color that I think is the best layout that any of the sites has. The logo is nice. I think the two things I didn't like were the purple, which just glared at me every time I encountered it, which of course is often. And the main page. I liked all the sections being on one page so there no scrolling involved to get to the lower sections, especially given that my computer can sometimes be anti-scroll.
  23. Personally, I found the blue a lot more pleasing to the eye than the purple. Personally, I kind of wish we could have several choices like are offered at some other sites, though I don't know if that's possible given that this site is a lot larger than those others. But it is nice to be able to have a choice and not be stuck with only one without the option of finding another that might, maybe, hurt your eyes a bit less.
  24. Not to knock the work put into creating the new layout, but I find that I preferred it the way it was before.
  25. Spaghetti definitely has to have cheese, but for me only cheese. I can't stand spaghetti sauce, so I usually just add a ton of grated parmesan or shredded cheddar. So good. I've never had chili on spaghetti, though my mom used to add chili beans when I was younger. I used to love those until beans started looking little bugs to me and I stopped eating them.
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