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Everything posted by foeofthelance

  1. Student Bodies (Movie)
  2. It's easy to get bored when you already know the outcomes. Why?
  3. Guilty G/NG: Usually wins said confrontations.
  4. Only if the child really wants a 3:33 feeding. Or am I just being too picky?
  5. She'll probably get off of the charges, as long as her uniform wasn't involved. This has happened several times, and the Armed Forces investigate just to make sure they still have their honor.
  6. First things first. Holy Crap, Keith is back! Welcome back man. Second, might as we reply to the thread after derailing it. When I write, I picture the scene in my head first. Then I fill in the gaps between scenes. Case in point: I know the characters are going to face a tide of orcs, and one of them will have to stand alone as a sacrifice so the others can escape. Ok. Why? Because he's filling in the role of an NPC, who was meant to die there. So he has to take the fall, even though he is now a PC character type. Ok. But what is sacrificing himself for? So that the other can get the Paragon of Humanity back to the Paragon of Elves, so that they can combine their efforts to defeat the Paragon of Orcs. Ok. How does the scene stand out? Well, when he goes off to fight the orcs single handedly he starts singing a bastardized version of Blood Upon the Risers, substitutong more fantasy appropriate lyrics (Already written out, if any one is interested in critiquing them). Ok. Anything else? Well, he does have to sucker punch one of his friends, so that he can fulfill his role. And there will be more mentions of this scene later in the story. Now the trick is to go and fill in all of the details that connect these bits of the scene. But before that I have to create the dungeon where the Human Paragon is trapped. And before that the city where they get the mission. And before that the source of their wealth for equipping themselves to deal with the dungeon. Afterwards, I have to do several interactions, as well as the show down between the Paragons. Voila. I have a story.
  7. So has any one beat it yet? I finished Thrusday, and found the bosses somewhat lacking in the end game. I managed to defeat all three without buffing, aand only had the occasional KO against Undying. Then again, I was also level 58 at the time, so was probably a bit ahead of where I was supposed to.
  8. NG G/NG: Has ever considered throwing a chair at someone.
  9. Guiness Book of World Records
  10. George Clooney
  11. Because they expect you to sleep in on mondays. Who else terrorized their lab? (Boiling acid with out a heat source. Hmm, fumes!)
  12. Because all the parts for doomsday weapons had been taken by the competent villians, why?
  13. You sure about the twentyfive thing? I was there and I am member 100 something. I'd tell you to ask Keith, but he ain't around. I'm sure SJ could vet for me though.
  14. I went subbed. I remember watching Gundam SEED on CN, before my friends gave me the fansubs. Bad translations aside (I don't know japanese besides a few key phrases, and it really shouldn't be that hard to translate 'I'm going to kill you!') there is a major difference between the two Kiras. S-Kira sounds depressed or wistful at times. D-Kira sounds forcefully cheerful. Then S-Kira becomes sort of Pattonish at the end of th series, giving speeches and what not, and doing so with tone. D-Kira sounds...forcefully cheerful.
  15. Yes, there was a previous incarnation of the forum running around. Alot of the main posters and moderators were on it at the time, as well as some of the techs. It's also the time from which all the "missing members" questions comes from. Not much different from this one, just a difference in topic location, and all the old topics were washed away to digital oblivion. Though I do have a small question myself. What was with that mad russian when the forums first returned? The one with the old communist insignia in the sig?
  16. Actually, he wasn't thinking about the clearance at all. The train showed up several minutes after he had jumped down onto the tracks. The guy was having a seizure, and they do get pretty violent. He couldn't get the guy back onto the platform, and then saw the train. So he probably wasn't expecting any trains being invovled when he jumped.
  17. Hmm, I'd give it the contamination vote. From the sounds of things someone doesn't know how to properly maintain their equipment.
  18. Well, we think about it more, probably practice it more, what's so odd about us being more fertile? Anyway, many well wishes from the folks over at Red Dragon Publishing. Hope the baby is healthy and happy, and goes to bed on time!
  19. Guilty G/NG: Wanted to be a paleontologist.
  20. Nope. Who thinks my girlfriend will accept to hanging out at the restaurant where I work for a half hour so she can see a high school concert with out having to deal with newly old enemies?
  21. Ah well, if it is decks of many things, let me tell you of the great Death War in poor old Solace. The place really has too much drama in my opinion. Anyway, the party had recently come back from the northern wastes, where they had been battling some rather nast bug people. Several stories could be told about this, but for now, the deck. In the course of their travels thay had cause to visit an abandoned library, where they found such treasures as a Bookf Of Vile Deeds, and more importantly, a Deck of Manythings. They returned to Solace with their treasures, and made good with the man who had hired them. Having some down time the CG kender paladin and CE half elf rogue headed for the local tavern. After a few drinks, the kender challenged the rogue to a game of war. Pulling out the Deck, they divided it up between themselves, and sat down to play. The game was amusing, in and of itself. The rogue became lawful good, before returning to the dark side, while the kender became permanately lawful evil himself. Kingdoms were won and lost, demons irritated, and minds and souls lost and regained. There was not much change really, until the last round. On his final play, and the last one of the game, the Kender turned over the Death Card. Well, the death was summoned, and proceeded to attack. Having lost all his worldly belongings earlier (including the money for the bar tab) the kender broke a chair and began to attack the Death with a chair leg. The rogue, seeing his friend in trouble, decided to attack with his Lawful Good vorpal rapier. (The sword was convinced his insanity was not due to him being evil, but the cause of him being evil. The bit where the cards briefly switched his alignment cemented this for the sword. It had a low intelligence score.) This of course caused a death to appear before him for the rogue to fight. Well, he had slain the first one, so the kender attacked his. This caused another Death to appear. Well, by now the majority of the Inn of the Last Home had been evacuated, and the town cleric to be sent for. A level 20 cleric of Mishakal, though she had no adventuring experience. She sees the rogue go down, and rushes over to heal them. This counts as interference, so low, another death. Ten minutes later they've gone through about six of the Deaths, the kender has cut two of the scythes into sickles, and is now actively interfering. The cleric, terrified beyond all measure, goes running out the door, only to attract the attention of the town guards, including the sheriff. They began chasing her, and tackled her when she wouldn't stop for them. technical interference, and three more deaths pop into existence. They begin to fight off their own dooms. The rogue is now chasing after the cleric, either trying to save her or kill her, no one is entirely sure. The kender is sitting on the steps leading up to the inn, swigging from a stolen bottle of dwarf spirits. The rogue and the cleric make it back to the temple, with the cleric now being followed by three Deaths. The rogue lets off a lightening bolt at the three of them, killing them all. Unfortunately, he now has another three to deal with. So he runs back into the main altar room, and taps the altar with his rapier. Blessed by the gods, it instantly recharges.What follows could best be described as an assault launched from a mchinegun emplacement which is spitting lightening bolts. Outside a full fledged battle is raging in the town square. There are now about ten town guards, as well as five wizards balsting away at the deaths. The wizards were called in when it appeared the threat was magical. By the end of the engagement the kender had killed about eight Deaths, the Rogue an even dozen, and the town guards had close to twenty. The kender managed to get three levels, while the rogue earned four. The rest of the party enters the tavern to find the cause. They stare at the deck for a few moments, until finally the sorceress finds the courage to draw a card. She gets five levels and two animatd golden lion statues, putting her above everyone else in the party. And she never fought a thing.
  22. They're Super Vole T-shirts, of course they'd sell. Girls would think they're cute. Who thinks I'm good as psychology?
  23. Not Guilty G/NG: Wants to be in a car accident, just to know what its like.
  24. Nah, never good to have a disekick bigger then you are. Probably a mole or mouse, something small and easily squishable. You know, for the "Help me Uber Vole!" Is anyone actually going to make the shirts? For the store maybe?
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