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Everything posted by foeofthelance

  1. Because Angelina is hawt. Brad a bit less so. Why?
  2. As the second comment posted underneath said, this is news? Intelligence agencies are not very effective if they can't gather intelligence. Nor are they going to just sit there and wait for the intelligence to fall into laps, that causes some major lapses in security. Not to sound like a paranoid black-copters-on-the-horizon type, but if this is the lowest extent of collaboration (the article claimed it was so that the NSA could vet the OS security and compatibility. Which means their programmers went through, found all the bugs, pointed some of the more obvious ones out to Microsoft, and plotted exploits for the rest) then I would be surprised. The government is a large body of able and unable bodied people, which has three major concerns as far as I can tell. Staying in power, whic requires satisfying the needs/wants of the populace as best as possible, including security. Making sure there is a country for which they have power over. Which is pretty much the same as number one, but on the foreign scale. Finally, there is the requiremnt to do the multiple jobs tasked to them, which seem to change daily. So the governing powers react thus. When it comes to things we know we will get away with, we shall tell , them. When it comes to the things we don't need to worry about them finding out, we will tell them. When it comes to things we have to tell them (the media has probably leaked more information on Iraq strategy and troop movements then has ever been leaked in any series of previous wars. If any of the WWII commanders, on either side for that matter, had to deal with modern media, they'd throw a fit.) we will tell them. And finally, when it comes to the things they dont/wont tell us merely pray like hell we never find out. If that means that they have to step on a few so called personal liberities or rights, then they probably will, and so what? If some one reads my steamy love letters, I just hope he's got the room to himself! Thr first right granted by the constitution is not the right to free speech. That was the First Amendmant in the Bill of Rights, which was added as an afterthought. The first right granted by the constitution is the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Ok, there's another rant in there, but for now, let us accept that in order to guarentee that first key right, that there must be system in place for some one to defend it, and that in order to defend it they must be as prepared as possible to defend it. That means giving them all the information they could want in regards to that pursuit of defense. Heinlein once said that a state could either enjoy security or total liberty, but a state that had both was so rare to be as if it did not exist. Well, I believe that as well, though probably wouldn't have been able to phrase it was succinctly.
  3. Because they had to support the entertainment industry. Why?
  4. Pleads the Fifth. I'm occasionally a tourist myself! G/NG: Thinks they could survive 'tourist season'
  5. 3956
  6. Only if properly prepared for the coming of the Great Old Ones Have you accepted Cuthulu as your personal savior?
  7. Hmmm. Depends on several factors. Time, impact zone, prep time, etc. Think I may tend to over analyze these things?
  8. 3933
  9. Guilty G/NG: Has a fear of the Space Needle
  10. Nah, the human race is a bunch of over anxious egotistical bastards. When the time comes, you think itll be fire or ice?
  11. 3931
  12. Not Guilty. Just a waste of time. G/NG: Has a fear of doctors.
  13. As a good man once said (sar.) 'If english was good enough for Jesus, itss good enough for them!' Why?
  14. Nah, I think the regrav device is easier to work on. How close do you think this stuff is?
  15. Telekinesis. It's even cheaper, and saves the environment! Did you believe me?
  16. Throws the mood for some people when they bump into each other. Why?
  17. Guilty. G/NG: Wonders if the 'classics' would have been better if they hadn't been paid by the word.
  18. Nah, one of those areas I'd prefer to remain in the dark about. Do you think I'll ever be able to preserve my dwindling sanity?
  19. Makes it easier to fit more then one persone at a time. Why?
  20. 3929
  21. Guilty. G/NG: Thinks they read some pretty far out stuff.
  22. Only if its me, and I havent been to blockbuster lately. What do you need to know about being pregnant?
  23. Well, if the town bike can hold one, the bus is can handle more...why?
  24. 3927
  25. 3925
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