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Everything posted by foeofthelance

  1. Guilty G/NG: Is cheering for Orlando Bloom's death in PotC 3.
  2. I am no longer allowed to sleep till one when I'm suppose to open at eleven
  3. 4338
  4. What could possibly traumatize a tentacle monster?
  5. 4336
  6. Hmmm. What about the two girls from Ghost Part 2, Thunder Island? (Q+A)
  7. Possibly guilty (sorry Keith, didn't mean sailing as in yachts and schooners, meant it generic ship handling terms.) G/NG: Knows the whole 'So ya wannabe a pirate?' sketch from Puke and Snot.
  8. John Ringo, but then I'm a Bar Fly. Does anyone here know what a Bar Fly is?
  9. Guilty G/NG: Knows more about ships then anyone who doesn't know how to sail should.
  10. 4334
  11. Title: Stars of Glory Author: reddragon Rating: Adult++ Summary: Just got chapter seven up, and decided I should probably make the boards aware it even exists. Basically the folks from the Battletech/Mechwarrior universe make it to the Star Wars Universe, right around the same time as Hoth. Naturally things go a bit AU from there... There will OP, though I am trying to leave the canon relationships alone, if with a few new bits thrown in. Feedback: desired Fandom: Star Wars URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600005233
  12. I hear sharpening it might help. Got a file I can borrow?
  13. Not Guilty G/NG: Has a Pizza addiction.
  14. Guilty. Sorryabout that by the way... G/NG: Has ever regretted the existance of a piece of furntiure late at night.
  15. No, I tend to make all my points out of high density space rubbers, makes them very stretchy. What do you use to make your points?
  16. 4320
  17. Above the Winter Moonlight (Song)
  18. Nope, not any longer. It seems we will have to depend on others to defend the Virgin's ability to write eros from now on.
  19. I think that might be hard to arrange with them. How does one convince one's figners to suicide?
  20. I write originals, and will freely admit to using character shields. It just seems right to me. This doesn't mean that I won't kill a character or two, but it does mean that their deaths tend to have a time, place, and meaning. A good example is one of the two stories I am working on. One of the characters is going to die, and because of the way things worked out knows not only when, but where and how as well. The rest I expect to always survive, so they will, even if it means monkeying with the rules. The other fic involves lots of space fights though, and since that is the one I am posting, there will be plenty of people with names going up in flames.
  21. I second the watch books, though I still need to track down a copy of The Last Hero. Not sure if it counts, but it has Carrot in in it, which almost seems to require constant Vimesing.
  22. Only if you provide extra Sparkler wielding paratrooper ferrets. Would you, oh would you please?
  23. Nah, too flamboyant. "Wow, is it good to see you all again!" maybe?
  24. Yes, something along the lines of "Thank god it was all such a terrible dream! Damn!" Or is that too cliched?
  25. Since I just planned on sitting up, yes, yes it would. Or was I just being overly melodramamtic?
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