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Everything posted by foeofthelance

  1. 4122
  2. Not Guilty. Too much physical evidence... G/NG: Has ever wanted to smack someone in a movie theater.
  3. Maburaho could be fun, especially considering it's ending. Otherwise, rather typical hareem how from what I watched.
  4. 4088
  5. Only if people don't want to travel in it. Why don't people like to travel in snow?
  6. Not Guilty G/NG: Has dependants to claim.
  7. Bone (Book)
  8. Guilty. G/NG: Watches MST3K (For those who don't know, MST3K is the abbreviation of the title of the show Masterpeice Science Theater 3000. It was a spoof of the PBS series, in which the main character Mike, as well as his robot sidekicks Crow and Tom Servo would be subjected to hideous experiments, usually that of them being forced to watch old B-movies. Having their own private theater, they would then lampoon the movie using witty banter, which quite frankly, was always more entertaining then the actual movie (which was normally condensed). I believe it now plays early saturday mornings on the SciFi network.)
  9. It was snowing and then not snowing and then not snowing again. Should that have affected my work?
  10. 4086
  11. Because they all think they're going to die soon. Why?
  12. Because light isn't quite the same thing as distance.\ What is it with this forum and phyics?
  13. Nah, it'd emberass the WWE. Well, what's better then emberassing the WWE?
  14. Only on Jeopardy. Have you accepted Alex Trebec as your savior?
  15. 4044
  16. Not Guilty. G/NG: Has fired a weapon, period.
  17. A hammer. Wait, since their screws isnt that inefficient?
  18. Becaue they mistook their ethanol for Vodka. Why?
  19. Alas, he only prefers non-cavity prodicuing goods. He get's high resale on mint condition teeth. Can you think of a question to put here?
  20. 4020
  21. Of course, it'll be two for one. Or do you think you could haggle for better?
  22. Because he was an early genetic eperiment. Why?
  23. Not in any ways you might be expecting. Or do you swing that way?
  24. Only if you make friends with the tooth fairy. Want to meet him?
  25. 4017
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