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Everything posted by foeofthelance

  1. To be honest, I can see why there's a difference. While I'm sure she did many things to aid her father's cause, as well as following in his foot steps, King's daughter was essentially living in his shadow. Indeed, the only reason she was mentioned on the new at all was because she was King's daughter. Otherwise what makes her any different then all the rest of the aging civil rights activists who are growing old and dying? Her essential claim to fame is her parentage. Now, Anna Nicole Smith on the other hand, was a more recent pop icon, one who sought to blur the line between Betty Page and Marylin Monroe. While I don't think she was worth as much attention as was paid, (On a side note I also disagreed with the court's ruling, but that's another matter.) she was much more relevant to the common period. She had made herself out of herself, and was responsible for her own fame.
  2. http://sjl.funnyordie.com/v1/view_video.ph...24c7d2583be6925
  3. Not considering the number of attempts!
  4. Hmmm, I googled it, and unfortunately it remains inconclusive. The United States did allow for the death penalty for juvenile offenders, but it never mentions if any of those offenders were executed will still a minor. It also said that the U.S. has since banned the death penalty for youthful offenders entirely, back in 2002. The cases in question were Thompson v. Oklahoma and Roper v. Simmons. Looking it up on Wikipedia, it says the youngest (in the twentieth century) executed in the United States was George Stinney at the age of 14 in 1944, for the murder of two girls. (Though since Stinney was black, and the two girls were white and the entire event took place in South Carolina it has been suggested that the punishment was racially motivated. It was pointed out that there were lacks in the investigative and judicial processes, as well es evidence that Stinney couldn't have wielded the murder weapon, a twenty pound beam.) The last execution of a minor was the execution of Leonard Shockley at the age of 17 in 1959. Note: All summarized from Wikipedia. To mug a decent quote and rob it blind: The United States might be one of the worst, most hypocritical nations in the world, but it's still the best of the lot.
  5. I actually ended up as Pugsly. Which is sort of fitting now that I think about it. The world so far has a rather spectacular fail rate for trying to kill me.
  6. IRC a minor can be sentenced to death in the United States, but can not be legally executed until they turn twenty one. Which by then they've most likely run the full gauntlet of appeals, and may or may not have seen a reduction in penalty. I don't think I've heard of a single minor being executed, and I'm sure something like that would have made the news.
  7. Oh fine, if Trea is Fester then I'll be Gomez. Not sure I look all that good with a mustache though.
  8. Actually, I see myself as being more like Fester.
  9. Yay gaming humor! My group tends to do stuff like that as well. Though it would more likely have been the sorceress casting Scorching Rays and the like.
  10. Is that what we were talking about? I admit it, I don't keep track of this things all that well. Partly because meeting SJ was one of the two things to come out of the abomination that was The Cheerleaders. The other thing being a semi-decent ability to write. Otherwise, I have tried to forget as much about that as possible. (Sadly, I think people are still heading to the MySpace site, as well as leaving reviews. It's a monstrosity I say! But I still set everything in the Greenville Universe anyways... ) Anyways, of course you folks are friends! Even considered setting up a mass New Years party for people to show up to, least the ones on the East Coast and who are near NY. Though trying to get you all to Port Chester would be curious, and who know where we'd put everyone. That and I still live at home, so I'd have to introduce you all to my mother. No reason to put you guys and gals through that... And if we're family, then I guess that makes me the random cousin who shows up out of the blue to do something with you, then disappears for a while huh?
  11. I have a younger brother, who seems to be my twin as long as we aren't standing next to each other. We both happen to work in the resturaunt business, and coincidentally both stores are on the same street. Our mother happens to work in the local junior high school, so of course everyone knows about her son who works at the resturaunt! Except there are two of us. And we tend to work at the same time, so one is one place and the other somewhere else. This can be amsuing, as my mother's students will come into the pizzeria where I work for a slice after school, then end up down where he works after hanging out all day. Naturally they start to demand how I/We hold down two different jobs in two different places at the same time. The best occured about a month ago. A woman came in with her daughter for dinner, and they tend to come in on regular basis, so she struck up with a conversation with me. After she and her daughter left they headed for one of the elementary schools, which was doing a movie night fundraiser. Which my brother just so happened to be escorting our niece to. So she walks in, sees him, and immediately goes over and demands to know not only how did He/I manage to get there before she did (as it is well known that I walk everywhere instead of driving) but how did I/He managed to get changed to boot?
  12. See here I thought it was going to be Brokeback Mountain, which in itself would have been odd. After all, if you didn't know there was guy on guy in Brokeback, then you probably wouldn't be aware of things like VCRs and DVDs. (Television is a possibility, but not color television.) But Big Daddy? The Adam Sandler flick? Was the woman smoking crack or something while watching this? Its a comedy. People do odd things in comedy, including things such as a guys kissing other guys. (That sounds worse then it is, but meh.) Such things are done for laughs. So why get upset over it? My bet is she knew it was late and didn't want to pay for it.
  13. Wow, I've heard of thread-o-mancy before, but not like this. When did this thing pop back up? (As for the parents thing: I recently got my mother addicted to John Ringo books. The cause? The main character in the Paladin of Shadows series has a bondage fetish, which was explored in some detail. I was laughing about one scene, in which one of his "students" called her mother for permission to leave the U.S. to go to the Bahamas, and got quite a history out of her mother. Why did I not find this emberassing? I had found my mother's copy of Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty trilogy when I was 12.)
  14. Hmm, best virginity scene I've ever seen was in Queen of the Darkness by Anne Bishop. But then your guy probably hasn't spent the last 2000 years learning how to pleasure a woman, so that might not work. Best bet? If the guy knows what he is doing, and doesn't mind a bit of coaching, he might encourage her to get on top, if only so that she has some measure of control over the proceedings. He should probably handling most of the foreplay duties as well, though encouraging a hand job wouldn't be out of place. Blow job though, probably not. As for earth shattering orgasms, both yes and no. If the guy knows what he is doing, have fun with it, but avoid the Ultimate Pleasureing Penetration.
  15. Actually, not so much our fault, so much as why fight it? If humans try and alter every change that takes place in the Earth's natural systems to suit humans as they are now, then we are in for a long, bitter, and eventually disappointing fight. Instead of worrying about it, do what any rational group does when problems can be seen lurking on the horizon. Adapt to it. Sea levels going up? Don't keep dumping sand on beaches while looking for ways to halt the rise, look for ways to build on, in, or just really, really close to the water. Deforestation? Don't just keep planting trees in an attempt to keep up with or get ahead of the deforesting, but look for a new way of making the things that require trees, such as lumber and paper. Recycling is big part of this, I admit it. I just don't think that trying to prevent the changes is the wisest course. Those critters that didn't see it coming, and couldn't adapt, well they make pretty neat fossils to look at in the museums we've built. Those that have? Well, we still have plenty of alligators, sharks, turtles, rats, cockroaches, coeleocanths, and probably a dozen more species of all shapes and sizes that have survived mass extinction events. All because instead of trying to fight the future, they adapted to suit it instead. I wouldn't really mind some higher intelligence checking out human fossils sometime in the far future. Just so long as they are descended from humans on the evolutionary ladder. After all, don't we study our own ancestors's bones?
  16. Why? Global Warming is actually a rather natural process. Just because it might knock off a few species is nothing to worry about. This is called natural selection and is something Mother Nature uses to encourage evolution. Thirty years or so ago they were all ranting about Global Cooling, and how we were all soon going to be living in Igloos. They were wrong. Global warming is much the same. It is a natural process that comes and goes in cycles. There is evidence all over the place, most specifically in the various sedimentary rock layers. But that might be a tad counter productive. The sun is burning a bit hotter after all. Stands to reason that the things it heats might get a tad warmer too. Worrying about it really isn't going to do much, nor is there anything to be done about it, save for perhaps devoloping a sun-sized fire extinguisher. Actually, Global Warming may be a good thing, as we are sort of in the middle of an Ice Age period. Now, does that mean humans aren't impacting the environment? No. But if you really want something to worry about, try the hole in the ozone layer, which is letting in cancer causing radiation. Now that is something we should perhaps do something about. Will the face of the world change over the next hundred years? Yes it will. But it has been doing that for the last 4.6 billion years. It will continue to do so for about another 5 billion years or so. At that point the sun will probably go nova and obliterate the planet. This is as much the fault of humans as it is the fault of fruit flies.
  17. I recently posted a series of chapters of one of my works on another site. Sorry, but it is a bit of military/comedy themed SF, and doesn't qualify as naughty enough to be posted here. Am I forgiven? Anyway, I got several reviews back, mostly criticizing my descriptiveness. As in, I was giving too much. Ok, easily fixed. Then I got some more reviews. It seemed my characters were unbelievable, uninteresting, and a while ot of other un- words that weren't very charitable. I don't mind, I asked for harsh criticism if it was merited. But the problem is, how do I fix it? I can explain the characters well enough (Bright, if overconfident, SF addicted gamer as the narrator, with a bright, if a bit hesitant, co-ed as the female lead. The support cast consists of one politically minded Alien Prime Minister, one timid Alien Biologist, one antaganistic Alien engineer, and two "enhanced" wolves who the have the personalities of really innocent-yet-vicious four year olds. Think a lot of 'Why?' questions coupled with the willingness to disembowel or decapitate anyone who threatens their newfound "pack".) What I need to do is find someway to make them seem more real. The story is being told from a first person point of view, so I think it would be best done by their tones of voice and dialogue, but I think I may be missing something. Any suggestions? (If anyone wants to read, PM an email address to send it to. Just remember, this isn't exactly adult, nor is it fanfiction.)
  18. Yup, that's right, I plan on entering an AMV contest this year, maybe even two! The first one will most definitely be at AnimeNext in the northeast this July, and I may try for DragonCon in August. So the question is, what do I enter? I'm already working on several Gundam themed one, as well as trio of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles (well, two unless I figure out which Cruxshadow song I was listening to...) So anything you folsk would like to see? Give me a song, anime, or even both! Please, just avoid DBZ, Cowboy Bebop, or Ruroni Kenshin. In fact, leave out anything from the Toonami/Adult Swim blocks, as those tend to be overly used. Thanks!
  19. Watch on the Rhine- John Ringo and Tom Kratman. Aliens are invading earth, but fortunately some friendy aliens help out. Unfortunately, they aren't that friendly either. Forced to do the unthinkable, the Chancellor of Germany has the last surviving members of the Waffen S.S. rejuvenated so that they might try and save Germany. "You treasonous bastard! If it wasn't for the Greens you wouldn't have any power!" "Yes, but now I have the Blacks on my side." "You side with Nazis, you give them back their symbols!" "Dieter?" "Yes Herr Chancellor?" "Are there any Nazis in the 47th S.S. Korps?" "Yes Herr Chancellor, there is one. He is a bastard and no one like him, but he is also a good tank driver so we put up with him."
  20. Ok, I admit. What exactly are they protesting again? Let's see...no answers no taxes. What was the question again? If it's simply what they are for, that's rather a matter of public record isn't it? We have C-SPAN1, C-SPAN2, the internet, the local library, the local post office, city hall, etc. Have they asked there first? Obey the Constitution...ok, which bit? As far as I can see no one, one either side of the aisles, has been playing fairly lately. The Bush administration apparently suffers from communications issues, and has unfortunately been the first administration to really deal with a world of mass media. (Clinton sort of had to deal with it at the end of his second term, but the Bush administration had to deal with it from the election days.) Meanwhile the Democrats have been throwing the word Crisis around like they work for DC comics. And fortunately they have the power to interpret the constitution, so they also get to decided if they are obeying it. Perhaps some complaint there...if it wasn't what politicians had been doing since the time of Grant's presidency. Constitution or Tyranny...well, the consitution is most definitely not a tyrant, it's a piece of paper dedicated to the creation of a democratic republic. Ok, that's must me having a bit of fun being literal. Bush? A tyrant eh? Geh, I knew trying to build an American version of the gulag in the middle of Nebraska was a bad idea! Next thing you know, we'll no longer be allowed to arrest bloggers on trumped up charges! Oh wait I minute. That was Stalin and Egypt respectively. Maybe Bush should stop having his political naysayers arrested...oh wait, he doesn't. Oh sure there's Guatanamo Bay, but I can't help but wonder what people would say if we simply shot everyone accused of threatening to kill/wound Americans, rather then remove them from a combat zone, feed them three square meals a day, question them, and then release the ones we determine to be non-threatening. Ah well. I guess if you can't protest in America, then you can't protest anywhere.
  21. Ignoring her? No physical description, though the article did mention they thought she was on drugs at the time. Some drugs leave a person looking pretty messed up. I mean sure, if it had been the latest playmate they might have asked her to move into another room (the university probably has decency rules) but if she was the cover of this months "Grannies and Trannies" they would probably have been a bit disgusted. It is sad that the world can not be as our beloved fan fiction would wish it! (Though granted, considering the numbers of monsters, undead, vampires, werewolves, alien species both friendly and hostile, etc. that might actually be a good thing...)
  22. Geh, it is rather sad. I wouldn't necessarily equate this with the end of women's lib (women's lib will probably be the end of the women's lib movement, just as any cause group eventually causes its own downfall). In the mother's defense, that was probably what she was taught to think by her mother, who learned it from her mother, and so and so on. The only solution I've ever seen, and it's been alluded to in the above posts, was stated rather clearly in a book I finished recently: the only think that can beat programming is survival. Granted that was in a rather grim SF book, where the invading aliens thought that a running human equated to fast food, but there you have it. Hopefully the woman is at least letting her daughter learn how to read, so that she might understand those four little letters on those pretty bright red octagonal signs that are all over the roads these days...
  23. Hey I'm a republican! I can do math quite fine thank you. After all, 2+2 still is equal to 5 right? <Ducks for cover behind the nearest convenient mountain.> Sadly my boss I and I were having the same conversation earlier today. He was curious about why the people we knew couldn't do the same basic math we do in our heads. I pointed out that it was because schools weren't teaching Math any more, they were teach Calculators instead. Fortunately, there are still some people running around out there who can do math. Though if you think the penny thing is bad, imagine the looks I get when I tell them how much I owe, including discounts and tax, before the computer does...
  24. Not Guilty G/NG: Likes apples to oranges.
  25. Ok...so I'm going through the Baldur's Gate RPG, and I'm collecting the various stat altering tomes. So far so good. Grab and export...and then it hits me. Coordinators! (For those not familiar, Coordinators are genetically engineered folks from Gundam SEED/Destiny) I should do a game based around the various characters from Gundam SEED! And then it hit me...what classes should they be?!? The list is as follows... Kira- Paladin Lacus- Cleric &/ Mage Cagalli- Rogue Athrun- Fighter But that leaves two more characters for the party. So who should they be? Feel free to add any suggestion, from any anime, movie, book or other source. Just remember to give me a brief description of abilities, likely class, and anything else that might be useful... * This is here cause I didn't know if it belonged in games or anime or what. Sorry ahead of time.
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