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Everything posted by foeofthelance

  1. From a sequal to a book I haven't even finished writing yet...
  2. Publishing at the company I want to end up getting published at requires minimum 100k words. 50k should be an interesting start. I'll take a swing.
  3. There are still people here? why? Didn't you get the message?
  4. Don't worry Zombie, I'm still here and kicking, despite the best efforts of some folks IRL. Knorg's still around, though that might be a mixed blessing, , and I think Big Sam might still be here. Eve Knight hasn't gone anywhere, and SJ stopped by earlier. So there are still a few old hands around. I think the big thing is that we need to get the newbies talking. Probably need something drastic though. Abortion? The Environment? Nuclear power? War against Terrorism? First Amendment issues? I think those few are still popular. You get them talking, I'll spike the punch
  5. Actually, I meant that as a community it wasn't growing. We might get one, maybe two new posters a month, and they didn't tend to stay long. It sort of stayed that way for a long time, until about three months ago, when suddenly we had an influx of people posting. That might have helped scare some people into thinking 'New Leadership = Bad' Sorry Snowfall, if I wasn't clear. I wasn't questioning the removal of the letters as an act of censorship, I was trying to point out that your post questioning why people would want to read them as being questionable. It was mostly intended as a "Be Careful: This Can Be Hazardous!" kind of warning. As I said, I trust your intentions, or at least what I've seen so far. Well, then either you set up a new account for the purpose of moderating, or your talking about another forum. Looking at your member info you joined the tenth of last month. I've been here since the beginning, way back in '06. (Way back? It was a year and 10 months ago! I'm dating myself with that one!) Personally, I can't remember seeing you listed as a mod or admin for any of the forums. You might have been on the main site as an Admin, but I don't recall anything of the like here. As for drifting, I'm not really sure it did. Yeah, we discussed a lot of politics and aimless babble, but that's because we felt comfortable with it. The forum became about more that just writing, even though there was still plenty said about that. Personally, I think trying to force it to paralell the archives is somewhat of a bad idea. The Archives are our stories, but the Forum is our community, and a community is more than just the products it turns out. Its the people who live there and the ideas that they share as well. Start alienating them, even through good intentions, and you might end losing the community.
  6. They stamp Ws on upside down. It is a well known a proven fact that then undercurve to a W is a structurally sound, and conforms to the curve of the colorful candy shell, preventing any fracture.
  7. First for the old hands (those of us that are left, which probably isn't many), for now we should probably wait and see. Its true that for a long time we were pretty much a closed community, with a core group of maybe thirty people and a massive amount of lurkers. Now some of those lurkers are all grown up posters, so we have to remind ourselves not to play the old geezers who are stuck in the mud. Leader types come and go. Sucks that friends left, but maybe we can make some new ones or reform some into decent types eh? Now, for the new folks. And I mean to include the Moderators and Admins in this as well, as looking at the posts most people in this thread joined the forum in the last three months. That's not exactly a bad thing, but tread cautiously on what to you is new ground. We were here first, and we're a bit set in our ways. You might own the site, both the rights and physical properties, but don't expect people to just sit up and play good dog because of it. For example, Snowfall posted this earlier. She's one of the new Mods, and she's got the right and power, but she also provides a good example of how to scare an oldhand. So here's the quote: The biggest problem? All but the last line smacks of censorship, at least to me. We're a community of fanfic smut writers, and nothing gets the hackles raised faster than a threat of censorship. I trust Snowfall's intentions were to mean well, but seriously. "subversive posts"? Redsliver, Nanaea, and the rest were pissed off at what they thought was a power grab. Right or wrong, that was their opinion on the matter. People are definitely going to be curious as to why such recognizable names just up and quit. Taking down their letters doesn't help (which Jaxxy already admitted might have been their original intent) as it just raises more questions about the new faces we're seeing. So my suggestion? Talk. Don't assume, but ask questions. Most people are willing to listen, and can understand that things have to change. But when someone comes goose stepping in, barking orders and rearranging things, that's going to cause a bad backlash. So now, now children. Play nice.
  8. Huh. Not actually sure how many of us left with the answer. For the record, naughty points are earned by posting to forum topics here. Each post is worth 5 NP. The points can then be redeemed in the forum store (not to be confused with the site store, which sells actual real life products) for fun gimmicks to use in the forum, such as name tags, magic markers, etc.
  9. Actually, it is the Kildar books. But I don't think he had sex with her, he just smacked her around a bit while the other guy was there. I don't think any of the girls who have had sex with him were any younger than 16.
  10. I'm currently in a debate on another forum about whether or not an author having wirtten a series in which the main character effectively builds a harem of minors (12-17 years old) and has consensual sex with the girls over 16. The biggest problem seems to be the fact that this isn't played off for drama purposes, but that everyone involved seems to enjoy it. The situation: -Guy buys farm in Georgia (Country, not state) -Farm involves several clans beholden to the farm owner -Local terrorists try to kidnap one of the clan girls -Guy stops van, finds it loaded with other kidnaps, program is not Catch and Release So essentially he ends with a harem. A later adventure has him and the clans busting up a rather large portion of the international sex slave market, leading to few new members, but not many. The youngest of the girls rescued is 12, oldest is sixteen or seventeen, which is about the standard age of marriage for those parts. So ok, no big deal. Him having the harem offends no one, most of the local girls would actually rather be in it, and its sort of expected of him. Anyway, what I need to prove the above situation is not evil is a list of authors/books who have told stories about adults engaging in sex, either abusive or not, in some detail. This way I can demonstrate that most of these do not pose as Evil Works of Perversity, and neither should the series in question. Thanks!
  11. Is there anywhere to find a specific list of acceptable codes to use in the HTML format for the story postings? Is it the same as the ones used for the forums? I ask because I find myself wishing to use certain inflections on certain words, but can't because my knowledge in this regard is horribly limited. I figured better ask here than elsewhere because a knowledge of HTML could come in handy on other sites as well.
  12. Only if they were consistently beaten over the head with the Experience Mallet. Do you think telling my class I thought things might be better if all the girls showed up naked was a good idea?
  13. Because for every game there shall be a gamer. Why?
  14. Walker, Texas Ranger (TV)
  15. Radioactive just means it emits radiation. Your tv is radioactive. Your boiler is radioactive. Your radio is most definitely radioactive. What kind of radiation is the difference. Comparitively, nuclear power plants are some of the least radioactive sources out there. Coal plants are more hazardous. (Granted, this is not to say that nuclear power plants produce radiation. They are simply subject to more stringent guidelines concerning how much they are allowed to release to the environment. Coal plants, on the other hand, aren't subject to those regulations.) The battery described in the article doesn't even come close. All it is is an electron transfer caused by neutron decay. That happens in most non-standard isotopes, plenty of which are naturally occuring. So, yeah, over all, probably pretty safe. Honestly, this I'm a little shakier on, but it could simply be a matter of mass/power ratios. Most people might not notice a three or four pound laptop battery, but if it would require a thirty or forty pound battery to power the car, that's quite a bit of extra weight added on to the engine, not to mention cost of the fuel. 3 ounces might power the laptop. A car is another story.
  16. And according to Season 8, that wasn't even her, but a stand in they were using to confuse the baddies. She actually ended up in Scotland.
  17. Well, probably feels like what you're nipples getting sucked on feels like. In other words, it depends on whose giving it. How muc pressure is being applied, is the tongue involved, are maybe the teeth part of the game? Different strokes for different folks, and from there it just gets kinky.
  18. So wait, Leonhart, is to say that you do have some nude photos running about the internet? Ah, the internet, corrupting innocents, one horribly distrubing image at a time.
  19. Congrats Adara, and welcome to Mischa. What is it, 18 more years and we get to dragoon her into the site?
  20. I did an AMV. It ended up on youtube. Enjoy!
  21. Happy birthday to all, and to all a good read!
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