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Everything posted by foeofthelance

  1. Because it beats paying for the bus. Why?
  2. Because they were all afraid of what they might catch. Why?
  3. 3923
  4. I believe, in the case of the sphinx at any rate, it is even worse. If I remember my history classes correctly, the sphinx is actually even older then the pyramids, and the current head is actually a replacement for its first, which had fallen off. Either that or the head was recarved. Either way, nor the original.
  5. Red half dragon? Some sort of red snake hybrid? Red feathers on the back of bird hybrid? What are some red animals? I find myself with few options outside snakes, birds, or fish.
  6. Because the universe was created with a very specific set of rules, and not matter how much effort we put in to beating them, they are always one step ahead. Did that make any sense?
  7. Not Guilty G/NG: Believes they are always right.
  8. Snakes on a Train (Movie)
  9. Nah, I only watch quality television. Is my quality television the same as yours though?
  10. 3879
  11. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Song)
  12. American Pie (Movie)
  13. 3877
  14. It dates back to WWII. Do you have several days available? (Q+A)
  15. American Band (Song)
  16. Nope, just wanted to know if I should add it to my list of culpability. Are you on my list of culpability?
  17. Love Tragedy (Song)
  18. Love and Hatred (Song)
  19. Nope. Did you blame me?
  20. Actually, Im insalted. Did you groan at that one?
  21. It's the End of the World as We Know It (Song)
  22. The Queen (movie)
  23. A cat. Is it a good idea to use short people as catapult ammunition when you run out of rocks?
  24. Guilty. This is a fanfic site after all G/NG: Listens to goth music, but isn't goth.
  25. Not Guilty G/NG: Has ever had to deal with a University required course on the environment.
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