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Everything posted by foeofthelance

  1. Not Guilty G/NG- Has been accused of a roleplaying addiction.
  2. Because she had secretly been a test subject on the island of Dr. Moreau. Why?
  3. Pollen
  4. Split
  5. She was well versed in position 92 from the Kama Sutra. Why?
  6. Only if they offered me a hundred percent refund. Think that would be good way to run a business?
  7. 3887
  8. How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days (Movie)
  9. Hmmm. Finally got around to updating my signature and avatar. Hopefully, I'll be more active around here then late! Anyway. The silver dragon is just cool. Literally (they breathe ice) and cause they're just that awesome. The first line is a result of my ability to escape vast amounts of pain with minor injury and a good story. It's gotten to the point where people prefer for me to go first, simply cause they know I'll survive the traps. Both IRL and the games. The second quote is a rant I posted after some one commented on the tendency for necromancers to be angsty goths. The bit about being flamboyantly gay is a reference to a rather sad Dungeons and Dragons campaign. It was one in the morning, and the DM took and out of character rendition of 'We're off to raid the sewers!' (Sung to the tune of 'we're off to see the wizard') as being in character. At least I got that +10 to fashion sense checks... The thrid quote is just a general greeting, and well wishing. The fourth quote actually inspired the keeping of the other quotes. They ended up some where in aimless babble, feel free to look them up and add some new ones. It's also rather true. It seems that me and society tend to have some rather different out looks. Possibley because I'm a wanderer who belongs every where and no where at the same time. The fifth quote is from George Orwell. The sixth quote (I sure do have a lot of them, don't I?) is a rather true statement. Though I actually inherited the title of god along with one of the girl's in my geo class, and George the Monkey. Not that George, but he's equally curious. Alas, another story for another night. Maybe if you ask nicely. The final quote is also fron D&D. After a rather unlucrative series of sessions, we finally got bored and blew a vampire's house. Sadly, we didn't manage to kill him, so we had to find him. Not wanting to be seen in the city for a while (city watches tend to frown on people blowing up houses in the Noble's District) my necromancer decided to send a few minions to find the vampire. The ranger had been hunting, so we had all those fresh rabbit corpses to dispose of... Long story short, they didn't find the vampire for me, but they did cause alot of people to set out on quests. Mostly to stop the plague of undead rabbits that was infesting the city...
  10. I'm obsessed with dragons, and thought it was time for a change. It's the Aspect of Bahamut, the lord and progenitor of good dragons from the Dungeons and Dragons game. (yes, I'm also a geek. We do do it better. Just ask. )
  11. http://www.mosnews.com/news/2004/04/28/rasputin.shtml Let loose the plot bunnies! Oh good grief. Dungeons and Dragons flashback. Seems that game was good for something...
  12. Should I be worried that I remind Junkie of guys she knew? I dunno. Complimented maybe?
  13. Lots of fats and other odd chemistry. Why?
  14. 3866
  15. Guilty. Knows what a Tarresque is, and why you should be afraid of either version.
  16. Hmm, I think I side with the foreplay fans. It's much more interesting to see what different tricks one's mind can come up with for teasing another's body, especially since there are really only so many different ways to penetrate. As for guys not being able to commit to foreplay for 45 minutes...says who? Personal experience for me says otherwise, and most guys I know enjoy it. Those who don't enjoy it, well, they don't seem to know too much about it. We try and inform them, and sometimes it works. Other times, well, let us just say there's no helping some people. Kinsey himself could give them a three hour lecture and five minute poke and hump would be all they could come up with.
  17. Meh, just like the Clinton Impeachment, the Bush Impeachment wouldn't amount to anything more then a political act. it wouldn't be half as effective, as the American public has already sided with the Democratic party on this one. They would not have been able to pull Clinton out of office, and they wouldn't be able to oust Bush. It amounts to a big 'Shame on you!' for both presidencies. As for Pelosi, I think she's right. Why go through with all the trouble of a political spectacle (which does have a chance of back firing. The Dems need to be seen as workers, not politicians if they want to keep power from slipping to third party groups in the next batch of elections) she wants her Congress to try to accomplish some of the things on the Democrat agenda. Which may/may not be a good thing. As for Bush. Hmm, and meh. I admit it, I'm (possibley) the closest thing the Board has to a conservative. Registered Republican, and though the test say moderate (which is partly true) mostly for conservative reasons. ((Side note. Conservative. Not right wing. I think personal responsibilty and hands off government are a good thing, and that so called social action should be kept in check)). As for Bush. I give him 6/10. Discount the Iraq war and he didn't do too bad. Count in the Iraq war, and well, bleh. His biggest problem is he's an optimistic fool. He tried to do good, but got in over his head. It didn't help that those who were in the best positions to help him turned out to be a bunch of cronyistic, unethical self serving bastards who were more interested in personal benefit then their jobs. The media hasn't helped, as everyone has decided their opinions are worth more, and can earn better ratings, then actually finding out what the truth of the matter is. Granted, there were things he could have done differently. Iraq, for example. Sound principle, bad reasoning and worse tactics. Wars are fought with tanks and bombs, not mercy. That's not me being a warhawk or anything, that's just the truth of the matter. Some of the natural disasters got botched, others not so much. How much of that was his fault and how much was simple government inefficiency, I don't know, and won't pretend to know. I do think comparing him to Hitler is just off putting. The guy hasn't done anything remotely similiar to any of the sociopathic dictators that he's been compared to, and doing so trivializes the actions of those he's being compared to. Hence Godwin's law. Ok, my rant is done for now. I will go away and post elsewhere on the forum for a while.
  18. A French Toast bagel, and a bottle of SoBe. Spread ove the hours of ten in the morning and two in the afternoon. It was a good nap.
  19. I've gotten about twenty five or so hours in and have been sticking pretty much to the plot. Just kill every monster along the way, pick up plenty of License points. Also helps if you don't keep buying them right away, but to wait and see what items you come across in game. Otherwise, you end up with a lot of useless skills. The augments are much more worth it, and add for extra survivability. Except for the White Magics, and a few Arcane and Dark for Penelo and Ashe (Cleric and Mage respectively) skip the teckniks, and stick to the augments and item abilities as needed. The only exception should be when hunting the Quickenings, cause learning them doubles the MP amount for a character. Spoilers (Dunno, possibley) As for the characters... It seems to revolve more around Larsa, Ashe and Balthier. Ashe is the questing princess, Larsa the little rebel fighting fate, and Balthier knows much more then he's letting on. At one point Vaan actually admits he has no purpose being on the quest, so is going to stick out to find one. Then there seems to be a budding romance between him and Ashe, which makes Penelo some sort of third wheel. Bosch is pretty much a melee bodyguard, and is played as such. The viera chick comes off as a spellcaster, but is much better suited to ranged attacks/ranger duties.
  20. Because Sex sells, especially when watching other people. Why?
  21. Ah well. Here's to another year of good tales and bad stories, crack fics, yawn fics, and all those others we've lambasted! And here's to missing, may they return soon. Skoal!
  22. Meh, I'm going to finish it, if for no other reason then to have claimed to have taken down an FF. Bad games don't bother me as much, and I don't mind the fact the players would be more interesting as wet cardboard. Then again, I just finished MS Saga: A New Dawn, so perhaps its just the lack of robots and faster action (MS Saga is a gundam game which pretty much stole the plot from After War Gundam X, the suits from G Gundam and the AC universe, and then gave it FF like combat system. And was animated based off the same chibi prinicple as SD Gundam. 'Nother rant entirely.) which has kept me interested. I am curious as to what levels people were/are running around at. I've got a Lvl. 13 party trying to find the Wraithtomb or whatever. Biggest problem is RL situations causing me to run back to the beginning save spot then turning it off. Cheap levels though. Honestly, would probably give it around a B in grade. It's not spectacular, but its not the crap fest some games are. Perhaps its the FF title which causes people to be so harsh?
  23. Happy day of life be upon you.
  24. As my girlfriend put it... "i'm tired" it's not an excuse. took too long to dry your dong. and now there is no use.
  25. foeofthelance

    Funny Reviews?

    Most amusing I eer got was some guy (might have been a girl) ask if I would marry them. I thought the relationship hadn't gone far enough, and thus called it off in the end.
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