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Everything posted by foeofthelance

  1. Granted that the guard should have been allowed to dispense medication on their own initiative, but I get the feeling that the guard denied any access to said medication, including getting said prescription from the on call medic. IIRC, it is also standard procedure to automatically issue the morning after pill to rape victims, though I may be misled in this.
  2. No thank you. It would make the grand finale seem a bit weak. Care to guess what my grand finale is?
  3. Guilty. G/NG: Has ever found someone dumb enough to try said drink.
  4. My apologies, I should have noted in my rant that I had a bit of extra information, having read the full article in the newspaper. It was a guard, and said guard cited religious reasons for denying access to the pill.
  5. Old Soldiers by David Weber (Last survivng Bolo and last survivng commander of the 39th Dinochrome end up trying to save one of man's secret colonies.) Waiting for: A Deeper Blue by John Ringo. Not entirely sure what it is about, but it's book five in the Paladin of Shadows series. The main character is an ex-SEAL with a BDSM fetish, his group of Viking Warrior Mercenaries, their beer, babes, and guns. Not sure what this one is about, but should be fun. The MC is now running around with a nuke as well as enough blackmail potential to wreck the civilized world, as well as several million dollars. And for some reason someone thorws a whole bunch of SAM trucks around Disney world. Hell Hath No Fury by David Weber and Linda Evans. Interdimensional civs cross each other by accident, at what turns out to be a major cross roads. One uses magic, the other technology. War ensues. What fun!
  6. 4261
  7. Probably. Have you consider what exactly is going to pilot these interdimensional laser firing rocket propelled chainsaws?
  8. Guilty! G/NG: Has ever played a roleplaying game that involved at least six or more people, none of it online.
  9. ^ Huh? As it is, beyond wrong. Ok, I can see them picking her up on the warrant for failure to pay restitution. That was just a really bad judgement call on the part of the arresting officers, but it is a (somewhat) understandable decision. It is their job to fill such warrants, and that is what they did. Perhaps no the most sensitive of decisions, and possibly not even one they took into full consideration, but I will call that a minor oops. Now, denying the woman the morning after pill, after she was raped (which is allowed even by the most stringent anti-abortionist activists that I have ever come across), and on religious grounds to make matters even worse, is just wrong. Who ever was responsible for the jailer/watch officer in question should proabably be facing an investigation right now. Who ever hired the watch officer should probably be looked into as well. Being an officer of the law requires impartial judgement, and any one who seeks to inflict punishment or impose their beliefs on those entrusted into their custody, is automatically incapable of holding such a position. The guard has hopefully been terminated by now, though is most likely facing inquiry instead. Hopefully that will end in her (I'm assuming it is a her, based on the fact it was a female prisoner) removal from any position of authority in law enforcement. There are still questions unanswered though. Who allowed the guard to make such a decision in the first place? Why wasn't it taken care of when they had her checked out at the clinic (which they at least did, thankfully.) Why wasn't she allowed to get a second opinion from another guard? Ah well. Score one more point for the forces of stupidity.
  10. It is probably the point when all their eyes go bug eyed. Unfortunately, you've alread given them 101%. Did you understand that?
  11. Not Guilty G/NG: Has ever written a parody of their favorite set.
  12. 4248
  13. You forget where you are then. Could any of us ever say too much?
  14. Into the Battle
  15. Do you always date excessively short females with the ability to self camouflage amongst naturally appearing geological formations? (Q&A)
  16. 4236
  17. Well, I will admit to having been shocked at first. Then I continued to read the story (probably not the above link, but the movies review in the NY Post), and was then just slightly annoyed. The film is basically an art piece, and probably wouldn't get any attention if it wasn't A) Dakota Fanning, and Dakota Fanning getting raped. It's being aired at Sundance, home of some of the most spectacular shock-and-awe films, and thus also most of the shortest lived. I was a bit perturbed that this year's theme seemed to be rape of some sort or another, from Morgan Freeman (I think, might be SLJ) chaining Christina Ricci to a radiator to a ficumentary about a gang-rape/orgy that MGM hosted back in the twenties. Ah well, these things are bound to happen every once in a while. If everything was in the same vein as Sideways it is very likely that movie audiences would be even smaller then they are. Now, as for this being some sort of American crisis...that's probably being as overdramatic as these movies are. Oh loud people have opinions and are ranting about them! They don't want us to see a movie! Woe be free speech! Except that they aren't saying that the movie shouldn't be aired. They are asking people not to see it, hopefully in the result that such movies aren't made. Which seems entirely fair considering a whole slew of things, especially since this probably has religious conotations, at least for them. A good example of a threat to free speech is, say, an unruly mob trying to mug a man who flew across the country to give a speech at their university. So I would not be sounding the call to arms any time soon. Feel free to carry on. The last time some one offered me a penny for my thoughts, I owed the poor man a refund.
  18. That depends. Do we want them to survive the trip?
  19. Because black leather is always hawt. Why?
  20. See how long it takes them to order at a resturaunt. What would we use as the cut off time/order?
  21. 4143
  22. Not Guilty G/NG: Is happy with their oudated equipment.
  23. I wanna go to a place...(song)
  24. 4124 (Welcome as well)
  25. Only if you consider some of the crap I've written art. Should I be ashamed if some people do?
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