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Everything posted by RogueMudblood

  1. Please look at this thread
  2. http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544209935
  3. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600104759
  4. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600098165
  5. Storyline development is fine, but something as long as my senior thesis isn't something I'm going to read unless it's in print. Babisko asked for opinions, I gave mine as a reader. Yours may differ. We're talking about reading online - that's my opinion.
  6. The Love You Take by Subversa is also here at AFF
  7. That can be done in the word processor program itself - instead of double spacing by using the enter key, set your paragraph formatting to allow for a 12-point spacing after the end of the paragraph. To fix it in your current uploads, you will have to manually delete the extra line after each paragraph.
  8. "Finding Hikaru" was by dextrousleftie I apologize, however due to repeated ToS violations and warnings, the user has been removed from the site. Please note that she has been on AFF since 2006, has been contacted several times, and the staff has had several conversations with her in regards to the previous ToS violations. There are to date: 5 documented instances of unauthorized advertising, starting 07/2010 5 documented instances of review damands, starting 07/2010 1 unauthorized poll in story After the last instance in August of 2011, she was suspended for a period of 2 weeks at which point she was advised that this was her last warning. She was made aware that the next ToS violation would result in her removal from the site. It was brought to our attention that she was editing a story to bump it up in the chronological listing on the update page to advertise the fact that she was leaving AFF. After careful review, it was determined that the report was indeed correct. While we wish her well in her future writing endeavors, bumping a story with no actual update at the expense of other Author's who have actually posted new content is not acceptable and a violation of our ToS. We stand by our ToS and our warnings - as such she was removed.
  9. As a reader, I don't like super long chapters. Anything that makes my scrollbar look thinner than a sheet of notebook paper (yep, I've seen 'em), is too long, and I'm not going to read it. Around 3000-5000 words is generally good, but it also depends on what you're writing about. Some subject don't lend themselves to superbly long chapters. While expounding on things can be good, sometimes more is just more. And I don't think under 1000 words always indicates it being rushed. The DD&DT bi-weekly challenge here in the forums requires the submission to be less than 1000 words. It can actually be quite a challenge to write a comprehensive piece that fulfills the requirements without making it feel rushed or forced.
  10. review from roguebitch 06/09/13: Thank you for your review! And thank you for pointing that out. >.< I always try to catch that duplication bit - and I really appreciate you pointing out that I missed one. Don't worry about it being far too short. I'm going to continue it, I've just been ... sidetracked a bit. I really appreciate you taking the time to read and tell me what you thought. Thanks so much!
  11. Found these two while looking for the last 62 I've yet to match of BP22: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091925 http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092018 <- author wants to keep this one by the titles, but should be in Angst>Slash
  12. The kyuubi16 I found was deleted for plagiarism. The story title we have that's similar was "An Ass to die for." One of his alias' was added to the Hall of Shame - sasamegodoflove
  13. That is actually the story she plagiarised.
  14. The Ying Yang Theory by Ero-Kitsune was removed from the archive as the author joined the site when underage (4 times). The author, now being an adult, is welcome to return and re-post the story.
  15. RogueMudblood

    Freya Freyja

    I do not show any stories with the word "Freya" in the title having been deleted by this staff for the author being underage. Which means that it was done many many moons ago, or that wasn't the title. There is the possibility of this having been deleted by the author, especially since this is the originals section. If you can provide the author's name, then I can search by that.
  16. In http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/ucp.php scroll down on the left until you reach the sub-domain where it's posted now. Click on Edit Select the story from the drop down. Under "Select Actions" choose "Edit Details" Click Edit. Then where it says "Category" choose from the drop down where it would go, then sub-category where it would go. Click "edit story" - then you're done!
  17. Well, I've never been trolled before. S'okay. The little plague can cuss me all she wants on FFN. I find it humorous to no end that a plague is flaming stories about plagiarism being a bad thing.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RogueMudblood


      LOL - That one wasn't mine. :) I just got trolled. :P But I want her down for the fact she's harassing so many people now. Meanwhile, I just got blocked by another little thief who asked for evidence of their plagiarism...so I gave it to them. Then they blocked me. LMAO!

    3. WillowDarkling


      LOL... yeah, it suck to be called out on your thievery :D even when you ask for it :D

      But I know the FFN one wasn't yours, but I still reported her, she needs to be taken down.

    4. RogueMudblood
  18. LMAO - that's our HoS of him. http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/49608-naruhina-copypasta/ That's what we do.
  19. I very much appreciate that! I've already set everything up for DG to handle when she gets off work this evening. I had it all set up about twenty minutes after I responded to your first posts.
  20. Thank you for letting us know so quickly. Please do refrain from flaming the poster as we do take care of these, and the flames let them know they've been caught. They can then remove the story before we're able to get the necessary evidence. In this case, I do have the screen captures, but for future reference, please. The reason is that we permanently ban plagiarists, but we must have evidence in order to do so.
  21. sparky, as I explained to you in another thread, you have to turn notifications on in your account settings. You have to choose how you want to be notified.
  22. No, it's okay. If you find 5 already in the archive (or by posting yours bring the count to 5) then link all 5 stories and request the pairing specific category for DG to create it. Then, once it's created, you can move yours to it. Of course, this is dependent upon the category being a top-level (like MCR or Dir en Grey), because at this time, DG can only make 3 levels. I understand that once the new code is finished, she'll have several more levels, but until then, she's limited in what she can create in the tables.
  23. Which band? We have them split up by groups.
  24. Link to the above: Captive by jenny_r In the cold, isolated forests of medieval Europe, a lord takes a boy prisoner. As an unexpectedly tender relationship develops between captor and captive, resentment grows into warmth and fills two achingly lonely hearts. Anal, H/C, M/M, Minor, WIP Posted : 2010-06-02 -:- Edited : 2011-05-31 00:09:30 -:- Read Reviews
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