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Everything posted by WillowDarkling

  1. I have a new KOMPUTAAH!! and yes, you have to say it like that... damn, my komputaah corrects stuff even in here o.O...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      LOL... I thought that was Hakuei's nickname :P.. tihihi, Spanky.

    3. BronxWench
    4. WillowDarkling


      ROFL... how in the hell did you come up with that?!! :D should I then call Ni~ya Sake-boi?

  2. Happy Halloween. Neko is wearing his tail to school today... :D ... let's see how that goes

  3. Mid terms? What? Where? HOW!!!! oh, sheit...

    1. Daye


      "mid"term. It like 2nd week of semester here...

    2. ApolloImperium


      I feel like the same with my semester projects :(

  4. Iz a sick little Neko. Somebody call the vet.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ApolloImperium


      What's wrong Neko? Feel betters!

    3. BronxWench


      Vets treat dragons very carefully... and hide the ketchup!

    4. WillowDarkling


      Bad case of the flu, Apollo. And Bronxie, I'm sure that's Lesson 1 in Veterinary for dragons 101. Hide the ketchup, or any other condiment.

  5. Survived first day of school... now lets see if I'll make it through the week

  6. Iz a sick little Neko who got sent home early from last day of work....

    1. BronxWench


      ::cuddles sick little Neko::

    2. sumeragichan


      :hug: Chicken noodle soup?
    3. ApolloImperium


      *pets Neko* Feel better hun!

  7. Only one day left, and then weekend... and then SCHOOL (read in an ominous voice!!)

    1. BronxWench


      ::pets smart Neko:: You'll rock it, baby!

  8. now is down to T minus 4 days, and counting... but the weekend doesn't count...

    1. ApolloImperium


      Weekends never count! What day is your first class?

    2. BronxWench


      ::is very excited::

  9. T minus 5 and counting...

  10. T minus 6... and counting...

  11. T minus 6... and counting...

  12. I had a bad case of fangirl fapping moment the other day and googled fanfics about my J-bois (my J-rock band, no, I won't name it) and found a blogsite that actually had a story with my preferred pairing... only in the reverse D/s roles that I prefer.... Anyway... I read, like a good little fangirl, but never made it to the finish because it killed me utterly when the sub in the story kept: repeatedly, and then the story died utterly when he was all tied up and being happily plundered by his (oh, so totally not the type) dom, and the poor sub.... I would like to mention that it's 8 am right now, and I've been awake since noon yesterday... so if this post makes no sense, forgive me ... but the story was supposed to be all sexy and heavy on the D/s stuff, but lousy writing and NO spell checking utterly killed it, made it laughable. Although I'm wondering how my hubby would react if I started breathing hardly next time....
  13. Yus you did... perfectly right... : D even with the Icelandic letters and all

  14. ROFL.. you're awesome, Apollo. Thank you... or as we say in Icelandic, Takk fyrir.

  15. Hey there. I don't know which type of Mac laptop you are using but I use a MacBook, and for me to chose multiple codes, I need to hold down the "command" button, and then use the mouse to click each individual code. On the MacBook the "command" key is on either side of the spacebar, marked with the Apple logo and the "command" symbol. The codes should all be highlighted once you have clicked them, and when you are done clicking all the codes that you need release the "command" button, and you should be able to continue with all the codes in place. I hope this helps, and good luck.
  16. I like Hitsugi knees... they be nekked.... :drool:

    1. BronxWench


      ::sneaks past Neko and licks a knee::

    2. Shadowknight12


      Nekked knees? Sounds like a tongue-twister!

  17. Ok.. this one is not fic or review lated but I just have to share it. BronxWench and I were chatting on AIM the other day, the evening after Asraea killed Bob the shark and served him up as dinner in the ShoutBox. I had just eaten dinner, and BronxWench greets me back to the computer with... "Bob appetite." Made me giggle for days.
  18. SO.. this is what the 25th hour of the day looks like... *iz unimpressed*

  19. Iz having dramatic soap opera moment, with angsty wobble pouted, teary eyed Neko-imp.

    1. BronxWench


      ::huggles Neko::

    2. ApolloImperium
    3. WillowDarkling


      Huggles and snuggles, thanks you guys :)

  20. Has been accepted to Uni... ooohhh, shit.

  21. I haz a hole in me arm

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. JayDee


      Someone's gonna be singing that "dear Liza, dear Liza" song soon :D also, ouch.

    3. Shadowknight12


      DG: OW. Ow. Owowowow.

      JD: The straw is too long!

    4. DemonGoddess


      I haz another, and am waiting to make the third :D It'll be a great relief...

  22. Tummy is better... almost back to normal. :D

    1. Shadowknight12


      Congratulations! Slay each and every one of those microscopic bastards! You can do it!

    2. BronxWench


      ::huggles her Neko Wench::

    3. ApolloImperium
  23. Iz so Hungry I could DIE

    1. ApolloImperium


      *air drops chocolate and other such necessities* Nooo dying Neko!

    2. BronxWench


      ::huggles hungry Neko while cooking::

    3. Shadowknight12


      That's usually a sign to go eat something... ;)

  24. Wench hivemind might be just a little too coordinated

    1. ApolloImperium
    2. Shadowknight12


      Uh oh. What happened now?

    3. DemonGoddess


      no such thing as too coordinated...that's why it's the hivemind!

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