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Everything posted by WillowDarkling

  1. Got my first jab today. Been about an hour, and so far no signs of zombie-ism… And I so want to add a joke about my 5G reception right here, but maybe I shouldn’t… :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BronxWench


      I was mildly sore for a day after the first shot, and quite a bit more tender for three days after the second shot, along with being really tired for two days. But I would do it again, honestly, because what I feel now is relief. 

    3. WillowDarkling


      I do have a bit of a needle phobia so I tend to tense up when I get jabs of any kind, so there’s a small chance that might have increased soreness for me. Although the nurse did tell me to relax the shoulder, not sure if it worked :D 

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      First jab, told the lady I needed a distraction… didn’t even notice it.   Second jab, I did notice it, but it was quick.

  2. It seems to have been deleted by our forum admin. That means that the post in question was most likely spam or inappropriate to the original post. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  3. I’m not a coder either, but one more thing that I would try: Logging off the site, closing the browser completely and then try logging in again to see if it has changed. It was just a thought.
  4. Since it bears repeating, as is stated at the top of this forum: Therefore, a post containing story content has been deleted and the above post has been edited. Any and all further requests for or offers of files containing the chapters of this story will be deleted on sight. Any further posts containing story content from the story will also be deleted, and posting such content could possibly result in further moderation action, since this is a search for an Original story, and therefore any postings of this story by anyone other than the original author could be interpreted as plagiarism. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  5. And we have an eruption happening! A volcanic fissure has opened up in a small valley, and is erupting. There have been hardly any quakes in the past couple of days, so hopefully the quakes are done. I can’t wait for the authorities come up with an official name for the fissure and resulting lava.

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    2. WillowDarkling


      Well, yes, it only took the lava over 40 000 earthquakes in the span of 3 weeks to finish buffering, Desi :D 

      The location is sort of in the middle of the Reykjanes peninsula, so it’s kind of midway between the capital where I live, and the little town where my parents and baby sister & family live. But thankfully, the fissure is far enough away from the towns that there is very little danger. Biggest concern at the moment is gas emissions from the fissure going over townships, so authorities are issuing warnings about keeping windows shut, and that the lava might possibly run over the road that’s on the south coast of the peninsula, connecting it to the south coast of the country. But that’s alright, because there are two other roads out of the town where my family live, so there’s no danger of people getting cut off :D 

      But honestly, this is exciting enough that my parents (now officially both in their 60’s) ran out into their car and drove off to try and see the eruption, like about half the damned town :D 

    3. InvidiaRed


      I’m just glad your parents are okay. If my parents did that it’d be

      Just because that’s how luck treats my family.

    4. Desiderius Price
  6. Since it bears repeating, we do not allow requests for nor offers of passing around stories that have been saved by our users. This also goes for stories that have been written in response to challenges and requests on our forum. The rule posted in the “Searching for a Fic” forum applies here as anywhere else: The post in question has therefore been deleted, and any further requests for copies, or links to websites where the story has been posted by anyone other than the original author will be deleted on sight. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  7. Whoops! was I not supposed to draw that on the wall?!
  8. Unfortunately I think you need to access the database to create new categories, and that’s why only DG can do it. But I am sure that DG would love the help, if she found the time to show you how it’s done.
  9. We do not allow links to stories where the stories have been posted without the original author’s permission. Therefore the above post has been edited accordingly. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  10. We do not allow links to stories where the stories have been posted without the original author’s permission. Therefore the above post has been edited accordingly. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  11. 11000 earthquakes since last Wednesday… it’s been… oscillating! 
    …. I’ll see myself out…. :tomato:

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. BronxWench


      Well, everyone’s afraid of Ungoliant…  :lol: 

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Okay, so who turned up the speakers to rock and roll? :)

    4. WillowDarkling


      I think mum had THE best comment today… she got a text message while talking to me on the phone, and checked it… then told me that it was the county police department announcing that because of an “intended volcanic eruption...” such and such preparations had to be made… 

      I asked her “Intended? Are you sure it said intended? You sure it didn’t say possibly imminent?” 

      She then admitted that possibly the message had said Imminent and not Intended volcanic eruption, and that she’d probably just forgot what it said the moment she read it… 

      And that folks, is how I knew that my mother has become one with these earthquakes :D 

  12. Here’s the link updated: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/topic/63122-how-to-find-the-author-id-and-story-id/
  13. Do you have stories written for this category?
  14. Since it needs reiterating. We do not allow the posting of links to stories where they have been posted by anyone other than the original author. (the post in question has been deleted) Any further posts containing such links or offers of/requests for copies of this story will be deleted on sight. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  15. Please include the form provided in the pinned post at the top of this forum in your post. WillowDarkling, forum moderator
  16. 39404
  17. Keep the conversation on topic, please. I’d like to remind our users of the rules that apply to this forum: Conversations that do not have to do with the writing of a story based on the challenge issued are not allowed. Willow Darkling, forum moderator.
  18. I’m just going to say it… Congratulations, America. 

    1. BronxWench


      I literally cried from sheer happiness watching President Biden and Vice President Harris take their oaths of office. :wub: 

    2. CloverReef


      Yessss, I’m not even in the US and it was such an immediate relief once the inauguration was over and it was done. He was gone. I don’t think Biden will be perfect by any stretch of the imagination but so much damage has been done and he clearly knows that his job is to help us heal. 

  19. *hides on top of the wardrobe, ready to pounce*
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