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  1. G3ae

    Threesome "rules"

    I think a lot depends on the relationship status of everyone involved.
    2 points
  2. GeorgeGlass

    Threesome "rules"

    Just so I understand the question: By “tag team,” are you talking about a three-person sex session in which only two of the three are having sex at any given moment?
    2 points
  3. Deadman

    Threesome "rules"

    Curious what you think are the best kinds of “rules” around threesomes. I’m working on a story and it’s probably the second time I’ve gone in the threesome direction in stories but I’m not sure if I’m working things out correctly. In the story, there’s a couple threesomes involving two men and one woman, and now I’m writing some with two women on one guy. However, I’m thinking of it in terms of “tag teaming” and for whatever reason I feel like the “tag team” isn’t written as well for the two women stories. So what do you think makes for a good “tag team”?
    1 point
  4. G3ae

    Threesome "rules"

    I’m not exactly a master author myself, but that said my advice is that to get everything across you need depth. For that, you need more than just 1 chapter. Which, unfortunately for you, means more work.
    1 point
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