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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/2023 in all areas

  1. Even for the best mystery authors, there’s some readers who’ll likely guess it right in the opening line based on the spent cartoon-themed condom that’s hanging from the ceiling fan. Thus, the trick is to make sure it’s a good read EVEN once the mystery isn’t no longer a real mystery. You’ll want some red herrings, of course, along with some irrelevant details – for the lazy writer, the red herrings can be from changing the plot half-way through
    1 point
  2. I Literally made an account, specifically to reply to this post, so I hope you see this. I would say if you’re attempting to play with your reader’s minds, then it would be best to keep the mystery a surprise for the end. I would also suggest, leaving a few very small hints of things that seem out of place, but not drawing any real attention to them, hiding the ground work for the real story, in plain sight. If you do it like that, you can wrap up the first chapter as a fun, false start, for the mystery at hand.
    1 point
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