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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2023 in all areas

  1. That’s the sad truth, isn’t it? “Take this position for minimum wage, and we’ll move you up when there’s an opening.” But the opening never comes, or the manager’s kid gets tapped for it, and you get stuck at minimum wage, doing the work of two people because the manager’s kid isn’t actually going to do anything. Or you look at job listings, and they want five or more years experience for an entry level position that was advertised as no experience required. (My Elderspawn is beating their head against that wall at present.) And writing? If you’re talking fiction writing, the generally accepted wisdom is that most writers need a day job to pay the bills. You’ll never make a living as a writer of fiction unless you get very, very lucky. What you’re likely to find is those situation you referenced: Write us a few pieces for free, and we’ll get you a post where you get paid. Possibly. Unless we can figure out a way to get you to keep writing for free…
    2 points
  2. So, @Desiderius Price were having this discussion elsewhere but we wanted to move it to another forum. There have been a few stories about characters in a fandom which ends up working at a gentleman’s club/ladies club. I actually wrote one involving the main character being somewhat “trapped” into becoming a stripper. However, I don’t think I have ever seen a story about a character becoming an OnlyFans model. Making money by doing all kinds of things. Most of my fandoms are either early internet or before something like OnlyFans were a thing. So it would be difficult to make it work. Maybe one of my fandoms, but not sure I could read it. What fandoms would make sense for someone to become an OnlyFans model?
    1 point
  3. Realized I can’t quite clear up the misunderstanding here, and this topic is in “Staff Questions” not in other categories.
    1 point
  4. Well I’m thinking more in the sense of, most of my main fandoms are early internet/before social media. Except maybe one, Riverdale. I suppose you could have one of the characters decide to get an only fans account. But I kinda feel like a gentleman’s club is a more obvious story line. In fact, technically Riverdale does have a gentleman’s club/adult entertainment business.
    1 point
  5. Only Fans Bedtime Reading Hour? Thinking outside the box here….
    1 point
  6. Working at gentleman's/ladies clubs is something that happens a lot in content on archive. Though I don’t think I’ve seen anyone who has gotten an only fans. Not even sure if there’s a fandom which would have the opportunity to do it.
    1 point
  7. Happened in the early internet startup era too… “shares of the company” BS. Nah, collect a paycheck. Stock & options are nice extras, but… “Exposure” doesn’t pay the bills… unless you’re doing it in a gentlemen’s/ladies’ nightclub after hours, or for only fans.
    1 point
  8. I view getting rich writing the same way I view the lottery… similar odds. I mean, sure, writing rich is probably better odds than getting struck than lightning, it’s still low odds. I’ve got a good day job, so I keep my writing humble as a “hobby”, which is more relaxing TBH when I’m not having to write to “marketing expectations”, nor write to deadlines, nor keep it family friendly (because, apparently, creating families isn’t very “family friendly”). To make it rich, I’d have to compromise, maybe pay a bunch to advertisers, get into the top seller list with a seven book series, get a filmmaker interested, license out to merchandising, and perhaps even a theme park—then go full bigoted mode to see how fast I can kill the golden goose.
    1 point
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