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  1. I generally don’t mind surprises in stories, but I will say, there are certain kinks I avoid diligently when reading for pleasure because, well, they’re not pleasant for me. So, while I wholeheartedly endorse not spoiling a good surprise, I do like to see trigger tags because those sorts of surprises are not enjoyable in the slightest.
    2 points
  2. I have a chapter of a story I’m going to be posting soon. Towards the middle I introduced a character that I wasn’t sure I would put in. But I ended up doing it and now I’m wondering if I should spoil the surprise in the description for the chapter. Part of me thinks it would make people more willing to read it if they know about the surprise ahead of time. At the same time, the surprise is kinda fun. Plus the character who would otherwise be featured if I keep it a surprise, wouldn’t be as enticing for someone to read. So I’m wondering if you like to be surprised?
    1 point
  3. In some fandoms, tagging the relationship’s crucial too. So, maybe add that new warning in (quietly) for the entire story? Hopefully the readers forgot about it until the scene/chapter?
    1 point
  4. I can understand that you want to avoid certain things. Though to do a call back to another conversation we had, part of the problem with AO3 for me is that I had a hard time avoiding certain tags. In the case of what I’m talking about, I don’t think a new kink is introduced. Based on the tags for the story on AFF, it’s not new. What’s different is that for the first half of the story, it looks like one character is going to be at the centre. But towards the middle of the story, a character interrupts the fun being had and joins in. The first character stays throughout the one shot. If I’m writing the summary for the one shot, I wonder about including the second character in the description. Though I’m thinking instead of just adding to the description something about a “special guest” entering.
    1 point
  5. It varies on how I write… but it’s more adhoc than Harry joining a nudist club. Jeff (original) is closer. I’d presume it’s reflect regular society… some shave below, some prefer it short on top, some do both, and some leave it natural.
    1 point
  6. Well it’s partly in reference to my Scooby Gang Time story. Each story isn’t connected to the previous one. So I have a general story summary, but when I post that I’ve updated my story here on the forum, I try to add a description of what the chapter is about and the characters in it. That way people know, okay this chapter features this character who I like, I’m going to read that. Whereas the next one with this other character, I won’t. I don’t actually know that’s the way they’re thinking, but I assume that in how I post here on the forum.
    1 point
  7. Okay then. I don’t think I’d go down that rabbit hole personally. I just assumed that given you writing about nudists, you might know.
    1 point
  8. TBH… I usually don’t do much for chapter descriptions. There’s the story summary… and maybe a good cliffhanger.
    1 point
  9. Not sure, haven’t really taken a comprehensive survey. A quick google search… lots of “data points” to “sift” through Nah, it’s more about having a tendency to mention the pubic hair as it’s a fast reminder that the character is, indeed, naked without dropping the word. Though now that we’re talking about it, going to have to make sure I describe pubic hair in the next paragraph I write in my story
    1 point
  10. Yeah, maybe that’s best. I could probably add in something like talking about a “special guest” in the description.
    1 point
  11. Do nudists shave their head a lot? Is it a big thing with nudists to have a bald head but hair downstairs?
    1 point
  12. I refrain from spoilers… let the readers discover it as they read. Now, you can lay down a hint for the more clever folks, but I’d be annoyed if the author “spoiled” the plot TBH.
    1 point
  13. A number of my characters are nudists, so it comes up more frequently.
    1 point
  14. Well that’s not exactly the type of hair that I was thinking about, but truthfully I don’t spend a lot of time focusing on that type of hair either.
    1 point
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