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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2023 in all areas

  1. So apparently AO3 is suffering from a DOS attack at the moment. It was posted on FB in one of my writing groups. Just thought i would put this out there
    3 points
  2. Thanks for all the feedback @Desiderius Price, @GeorgeGlass, @Wilde_Guess and @Thundercloud For additional context, the story that inspired me to write this story involved the main character Dom seducing two subs. In the story, the two seductions happened over a couple chapters before the author didn’t finish the story. The first seduction happened but I was looking forward to the end of the second seduction, which wasn’t finished. So part of the reason why my story kinda “recaps” the first seduction is because I was left… satisfied story wise with that first seduction dynamic. It’s not referencing the story that I didn’t write, the story is different and even built on a story I originally wrote before I read this story that inspired me. I wanted to get to the second seduction and complete the thing I didn’t get in the story I enjoyed. Part of my reason for recapping is my own interest. But the other aspect is that I wanted the two subs to meet, which they didn’t. And the main character uses the first sub to tempt the second sub into being seduced. Hopefully that makes a certain amount of sense. The recap is about one page long, but I need to fill in details so at most it will be a recap of about two pages. But about half of that recap is the first seduction and the second half is how the main character is using the first sub like I mentioned above.
    2 points
  3. Re: “I’m Not Who I Used to Be” And @Yahegaiis first on the scene! From Yahegai on July 12, 2023 Thank you! I’m glad you like the protagonist; because the entire story is told from her first-person POV, it’s especially important that she be engaging. And I hope you’ll like the sex scenes in the upcoming chapters just as much.
    1 point
  4. So, I’ve just posted the first chapter of “I’m Not Who I Used to Be.” Summary: While on a remote planet, the captain of an all-female salvage crew is transformed into something other than human—and with inhuman urges. Content Tags : 3Plus Abortion Anal Contro Dom DP FF MC Oral Preg Rape Tent TF Xeno Chapter 1: Transformation
    1 point
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