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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2023 in all areas

  1. It has been a LONG while since I’ve been active here! And I don’t know how many this will reach but here goes. About ten years ago, someone reached out and I’m guessing gave me a link to one of their stories, possibly for the purpose of me trying to be a beta? I’m not sure: I really suck at being a beta. As shown because I finally went through my files and found it. I’ve already asked my closest friends but it’s a no from them. IF ANY OF YOU HAS EVER SHARED A STORY WITH ME, PLEASE LET ME KNOW: this story is good and I would like to tell the author and apologize.
    2 points
  2. Was thing more venus fly trap style… anyways, requires a lot of thought
    1 point
  3. “House Petracor” is now complete! Chapter 5: Fertility
    1 point
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