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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2023 in all areas

  1. Hello, all. “Social Media” is like any other form of media for the purposes of marketing. You evaluate it, decide if you are reaching or can reasonably reach potential customers (readers;) and if so, you post a “teaser,” to encourage those reading your “Social Media” post to click through to your actual site where full content is offered. When you apply those steps to prose you are actually likely to publish here, you also need to ask yourself whether it’s worth the bother of creating a “Social Media Presence” for your your “nom de plume” for erotica and or pornography, or have your actual identity known for being a “hobbyist text pornographer.” If so, then do it, and evaluate the results for yourself. Some people would rather not go through the bother, or don’t want their “text-only” work competing with the “visual arts.” Cheers!
    2 points
  2. I totally get that. I started out that way but also things went weird in the early days of the internet where I accidentally put my real name out there. Yahoo Groups that no longer exists sometimes showed my real name. So I have generally put my stuff out under my real name. Though I generally don’t put it out on Facebook and other social media. Even my newsletter is under my real name but I only share it in groups but not on my main profile. Almost none of my friends or family is aware of what I’m doing, even under my real name. The few people who have discovered it, generally don’t share it anywhere.
    1 point
  3. Aw. Yeah, all of my content’s under pen-names, and I’d prefer to keep the disassociation (at least at this time). I generally keep friends & family in the dark about my writing habits (aside from a couple of close confidants).
    1 point
  4. Technically, some people are doing that… like me. It might come as a surprise but… my name isn’t actually Deadman. While my non-erotic content is under my real name.
    1 point
  5. Part of me wants to say “triple dog dare you”… but I’d rather not that association be public either.
    1 point
  6. Re: “Master Plan” From holahola1234 on June 22, 2023 Thanks! It took me literally years to think of that title; for ages, I was simply calling it “Untitled Shotadom Story.” The conventional wisdom is that it’s the sub who is really in control. So I thought, why not be explicit about that? Well, you shouldn’t have to wait long—I sent chapter 1 off to beta about 10 minutes ago. Thank you! I’m fond of that story.
    1 point
  7. Totally makes sense I suppose. Like I said, these people who post entire chapters feels weird. Because people won’t necessarily click through. After all, everything is right there.
    1 point
  8. I’m certainly not posting my writings (or even mentioning of it) on facebook! Though, not dis’ing on those that do either. It’s obviously a choice, not one I choose. From a marketing perspective, I’d say a snippet posting could be “clickbait” to lure people to your website/newsletter.
    1 point
  9. I’m not so much looking to do it. But it seems like more than a few other people are. I just don’t understand the desire to do it personally. I would prefer to get people to read it on a place that would give you better information. For instance, I have a newsletter that I write but republishing a recent piece directly on Facebook doesn’t make sense. I want people to read it in email/website.
    1 point
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