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  1. Yep. And mentally I make PWP out to be “plot, what plot?” more than “porn w/o plot”, though both apply. So, technically, the little unreleased tale makes everything I’ve posted so far… BACKSTORY. Yep, though the group of one allows for some interesting context too.
    3 points
  2. InvidiaRed

    sex toys in stories

    I think people really do need to think more pornographically to be honest when it comes to magic. Casters are still people and adults get horny all the time. Sex toys going invisible and or incorporeal for private time. Privacy spells, erotic illusions, anonymous rooms lubricating and animating spells go without mention cause how obvious those are. Rendezvous and other ways of hiding secret notes for meet ups. fertility and virility potions to aid and outright against procreation, aphrodisiacs. Lets be honest, the people going to hogwarts are fucking and they’re doing it often.
    3 points
  3. Hi, all. Nothing at all wrong with PWP when compared with plotted written porn. But like you also just pointed out, once you start asking (and answering) questions, then the plot bunnies harness up, and the story takes off for places uncharted. I suppose you could say a similar thing about human life in general. As a rule, we are social beings and sexual activity, like most other human activities, tends to be more interesting when done in groups of more than one. My Dinner with Andre was well-received, both when it came out and today. While My Assignation with Andrea would more likely be the generic “Pornhub Two-Reeler,” it could also be so much more artistically, even while being just as erotically explicit if not more. While magical worlds, whether JKR’s or otherwise, can have their own unique gimmicks, in the end they still involve people, with all that implies. Some people are boring, and others not-so-much. And imagination can take you and your reader to the strangest places. Imagine that Hagrid is a closet felcher, and that he unknowingly interrupts Professor (Crouch) Moody’s hallway discipline of Draco Malfoy during The Goblet of Fire. Further, imagine that the human transfiguration doesn’t wear off until after Hagrid has enjoyed some mid-morning entertainment. What if Draco liked it? 😉 Cheers!
    2 points
  4. Never belittle the PWP. It’s how my original universe started, I tried a PWP and my brain rebelled, go “how did they get here?” Voila, an original universe was born. Bouncy, full of life! (and nudity and sex)
    2 points
  5. I find that while writing both versions simultaneously can be challenging, it also hones both of them. Sometimes I write something in the explicit and realize it’d be good (with light cleanup) in the cleaner version. Other times, it flows back – definitely does when it comes to an extra proofreading step, because I have to check both versions. As to how I do this… made a bit of software to make the whole process way easier, I annotate what’s explicit and what’s not, when there’s a difference.
    1 point
  6. Deadman

    sex toys in stories

    I had other reasons personally. I wanted to be taken seriously as a writer and avoid writing sex stuff. More recently I realized how ridiculous it was to limit myself.
    1 point
  7. I’ve been back and forth primarily due to another website that had decided to axe mature content (thereby leading rise to this one) a short while before I had started into fanfic, and some comments I had gotten over there suggesting less would be better. As a result, the disasterous edit also included some cleanup of that smut. On this rewrite, given an avenue where I *could* post an explicit version, I decided to write both more or less at the same time, which is working BTW. Of course, by excluding elements from the “cleaner” version, it’s compounding where I have to omit even more elements due to logical inconsistencies otherwise, so it’s now around a 3:1 word count ratio between the two.
    1 point
  8. Deadman

    sex toys in stories

    Totally get it. I have gone back and forth on it. When I first started writing, I didn’t have any serious sex scenes in content. In my first story, there were like 60 chapters of story before the first sex scene. Then many more chapters before two more. But in the sequels there weren’t. Then later on I’ve written multiple sex scenes into stories. Now I’m writing stuff on this site which is mostly just sex with plot a part of it. Or at the very least I try to make sure the characters sound like those from the original story. Usually I think “How would the characters actually get into a sexual situation? What events from the series lend themselves to that?” and so on.
    1 point
  9. PWPs are to plot bunnies like blood is to sharks (IMO) Some readers like lots of sex (something that’s fine on this website), others want it plot-justified and masked (which is what those other websites cater to), or even more want none at all. For my potter fanfic, the explicit version is for those who desire (or at least don’t mind) multiple orgasms per chapter, while the “cleaner” version keeps it to the essential/masked variety; and the explicit version is way, way richer IMO for it.
    1 point
  10. Deadman

    sex toys in stories

    I don’t belittle the PWP. I’m just talking about how I think when writing PWP. I tend to have people mostly having fun when they’re getting it on. For instance, I have a piece coming up where someone finds a fertility god statue/aphrodisiac statue. The woman who finds it has her sexual fantasies fulfilled. But I don’t have things like a magical dildo going after her or various people. There’s another one I’ve already posted in which two women have sex with some demons and a magical spell making it impossible for the demons to physically harm them was enacted. But that’s as far as it goes. Whereas for instance in my long form story based fic, I have characters who will bring up things that happened 3 years ago and how it’s affecting them today. Characters breaking up over philosophical issues, including morally questionable decisions about using magic to change someone’s memory of events.
    1 point
  11. Forty Two Thousand and Fifty Three 42053 To be odd is to be not even but there comes a point upon the spindle head where both becomes one and the same. Definitions merge immutable.
    1 point
  12. This week has been more productive than the previous two, writing-wise. Chapter 2 of “House Petracor” isn’t quite there yet but probably will be next week. Also, my Helluva Boss story “Upon Reflection” is nearly beta-ready.
    1 point
  13. Certainly are in my potter fanfic (the explicit version… the “cleaner” version is a bit more implied). Even got Hermione, plus Harry’s girl on the magical “pill”… so zero chance of pregnancy BUT with the caveat that when stopped, any unprotected sex in the first month or so is basically a guaranteed pregnancy. (See where I’m going with this? )
    1 point
  14. Me too, which is part of why i don’t put them in my PWP stuff generally. Because you can’t have serious consequences. Or at least I don’t feel like I can really explore the consequences. Though I do often have such things in my longer form less sex focused content.
    1 point
  15. Hi, Desiderius Price and all. Didn’t Black and Decker try to make an inexpensive knock-off of that in the late 1970s? After all, not everyone can afford Milwaukee tools. IIRC, the model in the print ad showing the device off had crooked teeth and was visibly wearing braces. Now, if only I could remember the name of that particular tool line… 😉 Cheers!
    1 point
  16. I believe the phrase on tumblr is anything is a dildo if you try hard enough.
    1 point
  17. I had a gastroscopy done yesterday, without any sedation, since I needed to drive myself home afterwards and carry on looking after mum. That was… unpleasant.
    0 points
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