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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2023 in all areas

  1. Have you ever been hit with “chapter mitosis?” Well, I’ve been hit with it again. Chapter 36 is ‘skinny’ again, but should be fattened up enough to post before the end of the week. Chapter 37 is bigger, but has a ways to go before it’s ready. Oh, well… Just another ‘first world problem.’
    2 points
  2. Mine are still at home. But, ‘company’ has shown up early, including an uncle that they hadn’t expected to show up.
    1 point
  3. BronxWench has created a category for Kiff in the Cartoons archive, so I just posted my story there. The Snuggle Bug Summary: Miss Deer Teacher notices a strange outbreak of cuddliness among her pupils. But the cause of it is anything but cute. Tags: Angst, NoSex, Oneshot
    1 point
  4. I mean, sure, I expect Kent to be mad that I’m going to sprain his ankle. But he ought to count his blessings that I decided to not break his leg as I had originally planned on doing.
    1 point
  5. In a good mood. About got through an entire episode this morning before work (light revision & some new content) from start to finish (around 7k worth). YES, woke up before my alarm went off, how could you tell?
    1 point
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