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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2023 in all areas

  1. So, that reading-and-reviewing beast they call @Yahegaihas left me TWENTY-FOUR new reviews. So here we go: Re: “A Very Special Thank You” Thanks! This story was my friend EhSteve's idea; I wrote it for him when he won a story raffle I held a few years ago. Re: “Some Girl” Thanks. I wrote this one for a Valentine's Day contest; then my fondness for the characters let me to write the two sequels. Re: “Activation Day” Thanks! Glad you liked the twist. Re: “Fireworks” That was my favorite part--showing that the two sets of cousins are more alike than either of them thought. Re: “Comfort and Joy” You are most welcome. Re: “Excuses” Thanks! Re: “Impulse” Thanks! "Excuses" and "Impulse" are two rare cases of stories that I wrote most of in a single day. They just took hold of me and made me write them. Re: “Mommy's Home” Thank you! Re: “Auntie's Home” Thanks. I had a lot of fun with that one. Re: “May's Family” Gracias. Re: “Guidelines” Thank you. That story was originally just going to be the guidelines themselves; I only thought of writing the interview chapter later. Re: “Quiet” Thank you. Re: “Just Doin’ What We Do (A Halloween Story)” Thanks. Re: “Rough Night” Thank you! Re: “Dear Hazel” Thanks. Re: “A Perfect Mismatch” Glad you enjoyed. Re: “Pony Dearest” That one was inspired by some artwork I'd seen on Inkbunny of futa horse-moms using their little fillies. Re: “Country Summer” Thanks. This story started out as open-ended; it wasn't until around chapter 8 when I decided that I needed to start thinking about the ending. So I'm glad you liked it. Re: “Fun in the Oven” After writing "Father's Love," I wanted to do another sex-in-the-womb story but to make it different from that one. This was what I came up with. Re: “Curfew” I never feel like I'm writing enough bestiality stories. Re: “Dil-Drones” I'll say one thing for the dil-drones: They actually DO give a flying fuck. Re: “Dil-Drones” Seriously! Re: “The Happiest Place” Thanks! That was one of my favorite bits, too. Re: “Imaginary Tokyo” Glad you enjoyed! I felt like the ending had to finally break with the anime tropes.
    2 points
  2. Mine… in the cleaner version, it’s Harry/muggle, Ron/Hermione, Neville/Luna, Colin/Ginny, know, pretty typical there. In the explicit, it’s a bit more fluid, where it’s more like Harry/muggle/Ron/Hermione/muggle2 and I poke a bit of fun at the Harry/Ginny crowd. Wish I had more feedback than hit counters, however, few readers bother to drop reviews/comments, so gotta take what I can. (FFN & AO3 let me track numbers of subscribers, favorites, bookmarks, kudos so a bit more to go on.)
    1 point
  3. FWIW, in my HP fanfiction, Harry is also paired with Ginny, Ron is paired with Luna Lovegood, and Hermione is paired with Neville Longbottom. Harry has only a sibling bond with Hermione, and Ron So, you don’t have to bash Ron to create a H/Hr pairing, or force an R/Hr pairing when Harry gets together with Ginny. Hit counters are great, but knowing why the counters go up or don’t go up is better. It takes more skill to tell a great tale that not everyone appreciates than it does to tell a sucky tale that everyone reads just because it looks like they might like it, even if they regret the effort to bring up the page after they’ve done so. Cheers!
    1 point
  4. The “feedback” I pay attention to are the hitcounts, simply because that helps me gauge that people are reading/enjoying what I’m writing. Like I know on AO3 the “explicit” version to my potter fanfic is way more popular than my “clean” version (as I post both there). Taking the bait to derail Harry/Ron is totally viable IMO, not a bad pairing either, except if it’s exclusive, it undercuts Hermione. (And yes, I do explore some Harry/Ron in the explicit version of my potter fanfic, but that’s no where exclusive, it’s kinda more of a four-way “group” overall.)
    1 point
  5. Hi, all. Unless I post a “story preview” with the direct purpose of seeing if someone will read it, I don’t look for feedback at all. That doesn’t mean that I won’t listen to or even heed “feedback” from reviewers or authors who clearly know what they’re talking about; just that I don’t go looking for it or avoid writing because I haven’t received any. My one “long” fanfiction on this site is a HP fanfic with the “Harry/Ron” erotic pairing as one of multiple pairings. This is not a “popular” paring here or anywhere else. So, if I were to wait until I received a lot of “positive feedback” for that story, I would be waiting for a long time, and still sadly disappointed after the wait. The readers on this forum don’t tend to leave a lot of feedback anyway. So, I would post your “collection of one-shots” chapters in whatever order makes sense to you. Good luck.
    1 point
  6. Doing a poll is generally only a good idea if you expect a representative part of the target audience to answer. Even worse you with low response rates don’t know if the same people or even the same kind of people are answering the polls. If you can setup a patron scheme then it makes sense to doing polls, but outside that I cannot imagine that it will work with AFF like stories or fan fics in general.
    1 point
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