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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2023 in all areas

  1. Yeah, I would probably be more interested in something that was based on a human writer. I think we’re more likely to see a lot of the “reboots” and “remakes” of old movies and TV shows are things we’re going to see first. Because it would be easier for a robot to recreate it. Pretty sure I saw a thing about how some AI created a new scene of MASH that some of the original actors read. That’s basically just fanfic with the actors giving it a more legal aspect to it.
    1 point
  2. Don’t think I’d be interested in AI-generated fandoms either. Might be a bit curious to glance, but overall, nope. But I also tend to not watch much in the way of TV or movies anymore, I’m more interested in generating content myself. I like thinking about the hell I’m creating for Harry in my fanfic, I like thinking about Jeff and his situation, this activity is where I have fun dwelling… the whole editing & publishing, less so which is the general reason why I don’t take that step. If you take this AI thought experiment a bit further, consider TV/movie watching as the “opiate of the masses” keeping us docile while we’re exploited, it becomes more or less horrific, having the AI raise/feed/train the massive corporations’ humans livestock, on the cheap. Welcome to the slaughter house, were even the waiting room entertainment has replaced the human creators with cheap machines.
    1 point
  3. Doesn’t appear that they’re considering that: https://variety.com/2023/biz/news/writers-guild-artificial-intelligence-proposal-1235560927/ What is curious for me is whether or not it would feel the same to have a fandom I’m writing for being created an AI like ChatGPT. Not sure how I feel about that. I’d probably focus on fandoms that aren’t robot controlled.
    1 point
  4. Aw… the copyright office has ruled that AI generated content is not copyrightable. Also requires that authors/copyrighters declare all AI generated material in what they copyright (which won’t be covered), however, if the author/copyrighter fails to disclose… think they can lose copyright. So, hopefully that’s enough to discourage the movie & TV industry from going there. In my personal writings, I will use a random number generator to grab a number of lines out of a file, which gives me a list of “whatever” that I can use when trying to create characters and things… but it’s still me crafting the character, using those random lines as prompts for figuring out what I want.
    1 point
  5. Yes but I heard that apparently writing via AI is going to be more available now. The Writers Guild of America just endorsed the idea that it would be okay to use AI like ChatGPT to write movies and TV shows so long as a human writer still gets credit. All of your future fandoms will be written by robots.
    1 point
  6. Though ChatGPT had a successor… or at least they’re working on that. At least they’re thinking of all those English teachers dreading the prospect of another AI written term paper . As to the software, yep, the idea’s very intriguing, though it’s still in that infancy stage (not to mention, you basically have to be a coder to download/compile/run it right now). Though I’m also open-sourcing it, so it’s on github.
    1 point
  7. Oh, this sounds like a very fun idea. I MIGHT give it a try. Cannot promise anything since I have my own multitude of plot bunnies hopping inside my head.
    1 point
  8. well this is the first time ever that my job and life has made me want to drink all 3 days off! i think i really need to change my life!
    0 points
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