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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2022 in all areas

  1. We absolutely do allow our authors to link to their other stories. You can do it as an author’s note, up top or in a footnote at the end of the story/chapter.
    2 points
  2. Hey so, I’m curious if it’s possible to link to other stories when posting? I have a story that I just finished writing and might want to do a sorta epilogue to it. But I want to post the epilogue as a separate story. I’m kinda wondering if it’s possible to include a link to the original story on which it’s based. That way anyone who checks out the epilogue first can see that it’s part of a longer story. Curious if that’s allowed. Thinking about posting the new story when the archive gets back up completely.
    1 point
  3. The archive itself won’t support an actual link, but you can copy and paste the url for your readers. The profiles contain fields that accept links, but if we do that in the archive’s stories themselves, we wind up with all sorts of nastiness floating around in there, from highly NSFW imagery to outright malware.
    1 point
  4. I do specify that my holiday canons are linked so people don’t get confused. I’ve since consolidated them so people can get the whole picture. You’re in the clear for making it easier to keep the story going as it were.
    1 point
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