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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/2022 in all areas

  1. “Twist the tropes” can be quite fun to do at times. Of course, @SirGeneralSir will need to decide if the adventurers live or die, and work from there.
    2 points
  2. Inexperienced, pressured, and the occasional “oops” are likely reasons too. An overpowered narcissist protected by plot armor (good stuff, highly recommend it, better than bullet-proof vests) isn’t terribly interesting to read TBH. However, Mary Sue and Gary Stu are not forces to be taken lightly, got one trying to weasel his way into my potter fanfic – started as a foil to Harry helping out Oliver Wood to teaching first years their intro flying lesson, I’ve had to keep tempering his character down to avoid plot inconsistencies. Classically, the mary/gary character will take training to become more proficient—don’t let them! Above all else, cancel their scholarship! Oh, keep them out of the beauty isle too.
    1 point
  3. RPGs as a whole, have the issue where the player is, effectively, a mary sue/gary stu in the storyline. Nobody can resolve anything, find anything, without you getting involved. And as you level up, your character gains strength/ability to the point you’re a tank, or master sniper, and can take on any opponent. Spoiler for Fallout-4 Automatron DLC… the mechanist had the best line when they’re telling the player, “I’m trying to stop the worst threat to the commonwealth, and that threat is YOU.” I had to admit when I first heard that, how true it was… the player character is, ultimately so overpowered, especially having the power of quick saves & loads to overcome any obstacle.
    1 point
  4. Hi, “buncha-titles.” This sounds like a job for a magical potion mixed in with the candle wax or torch-head. For added “drama,” have the wizard of the party recognize the potion, but not quite in time to save the day. Thanks.
    1 point
  5. Yeah, that would do it. The secret ingredient is an ungodly amount of poppy seeds, greens and more. Whether or nor they wake up is another matter. The hulking barbarian might be knocked out but the elder sage of venerable age and the tiny sorceress that’s probably 90lbs wet on a good day is absolutely dead.
    1 point
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