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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2021 in all areas

  1. After posting a chapter and two short stories in rapid succession last week, it looks like it will be a little while before I have anything else to post. (As usual, I’m making bits of progress on lots of things but not a lot on any one thing.) I'm not even sure what the next thing will be. I'm continuing to focus on one-shots (including the next story in The Power Arcane, since it's a self-contained story), but that doesn't mean I'm ignoring chaptered stories. I continue to make progress on, among other things, my big honkin' Star Vs story, "Smooshed"; that furry NTR story I mentioned (working title: "Stallion"); and an original story called “The Red Day” about a New England mountain town where a mysterious chemical weapon turns every man and boy into a mindless rapist. I mention those three because they’re probably the closest to being ready for prime time.
    1 point
  2. Death penalty for spammers, anybody got an issue with this?
    1 point
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