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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2021 in all areas

  1. I’m on the fence, maybe if I put a first post, I’ll feel obligated?
    2 points
  2. InvidiaRed

    Halloween 2021

    Hello! Hello! Hello! Fellow Ghosts and Ghouls Come one, Come all to the annual fall festival Halloween 2021! Where the rites are devilish and the autumn rituals celebrate the harvest…. All things are subject to rules the sun, the moon, me and you! Cast the die and make your fate! Conduct your offering or live eternally in regret wondering why you didn’t =p I kid, I kid. So procure your pencils, pens, quills and or writing implement of choice! Now then dearies. We All Float Down here! It’s been one heck of a crazy ride this year. Sit back, Relax and enjoy this year’s selection as we celebrate in gratitude as the year finally starts winding down! So I bid thee aidou and by the pricking of thy thumbs. Something wicked this way comes! Original fiction Halloween or Horror theme Include all appropriate tags at the beginning of the story Oneshots of under 50k words So pick up your red balloon
    1 point
  3. If I ever wonder where my high word count is coming from on my rewrite, take this example of a 71 word paragraph, now over 800+ words including a short sensual shower scene. Guess this is literary inflation at work?
    1 point
  4. Okay, it’s official. Can’t consider my potter fanfic “short” as it’s broken the one million word mark on the drive, now halfway to two million! (By drive, this includes around 0.5% of overhead due to the HTML formatting.)
    1 point
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