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  1. Muggletum Finivi updated I’ll be gone for a few days. I got muscled out of my deli job by the GM under the “restructuring” and other excuses it went from family operated to soulless business right quick. So rather than have the manager look for an excuse to fire me since he fired a bunch of people on Xmas I resigned. A right to work state sucks. I’ll be back so <3
    2 points
  2. FYI, I completely support JayDee’s comment, “Keep track of the hands.” My version of that advice is, “Writing a sex scene is like writing a fight scene; it’s all about where the limbs go.”
    1 point
  3. And leave me bereft of a learning experience? Have you no shame?
    1 point
  4. From GeorgeGlass on January 03, 2021 Master Override, by InvidiaRed Another imaginative piece from InvidiaRed, in which technology meets mythology. A few comments: The Harbinger seems like a cross between Jesus and a herald of Galactus -- an appropriate look for the representative of a vengeful god. Thank you <3 Harbinger’s first appearance was towards the very end of Ghoulneedle. The warden loses his first herald in a rather traumatic way so he’s overprotective of his new one. They’re intimately connected in a way. A herald will always know the will of his lord. And in exchange the lord knows the heralds heart,mind and soul there is no deception possible between them. "Gestalt" is a great name for a being that speaks with millions of voices. Thanks "A fatal case of non-functionality." I like that. Best way I thought of for an AI to describe death. Non-functionality. In general, I like the whole comparison and contrast between the modern and the ancient, like how you describe the late CEO's residence as "on par with the Pharaohs and other kings of old. It was still just a tomb overabundant with silence and the dead." In a way history rhymed, in the beginning there were kings and at the end of this dead timeline. It ended the same way with despots deciding if they weren’t going to win this cataclysmic dystopian war then no one was going to. Also, I don't remember the last time I read a story that made such creative use of typefaces. (For me, just using two different fonts is a step outside the box.) Some fonts I feel just give that extra oomph that makes the scene really pop. Thank you.
    1 point
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