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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2019 in all areas

  1. Praetor

    AFF Holiday Party

    Dang it, empty handed again. I had a year to work something out! You’d think I’d prepare a little better by now. I’ll probably whip something up last minute and give it a proof reading skim right before uploading like I usually do.
    1 point
  2. Juan

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Pretty cool to learn a lot about Arcadia. It makes Bella’s path over the last dozen or so chapters very interesting. She has been even hornier and sluttier than before the toilet punishment. And I guess, now that I think about it, generally obedient and a good citizen of the harem. I’m also very curious to see how much drama Kendall’s intro to the harem will cause. I hope that there’s some instant tension with Emma IF Kendall feels her devotion to Alex doesn’t involve obedience to Emma. I’m sure whatever you do will be awesome though. Great work!!
    1 point
  3. cant believe christmas is next week and in two weeks it will be 2020!! I hope everyone has a Happy Yule, a Merry christmas and a Happy new year!!
    1 point
  4. Sazbi

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Initially from the polling I did not care for the new girl, but now I’m for it. Can’t wait for the training she goes through in the next chapter. Only now I wonder how she’ll fit in with the rest of the harem. Will she have to pretend to be kidnapped? Will she be content of not being one of the higher levels even though she is the first slave? Back with the others, I think Ari is the last one to wrap up before the time jump. Hopefully she still stays as a petgirl .
    1 point
  5. Mal

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Greetings from the Black! Hi everyone, I’m back / here, or something again! I know its been a while and for that I do apologize. It seems like all I do lately is miss my self imposed deadlines… In this case, I have one good excuse and one not so good excuse… First, let me put everyone’s worries to bed. I am fine, and the family medical emergency which kept me from writing for about a week has been resolved. The effected family member is doing better and getting stronger every day. We (my family and I) all have high hopes that a full recovery for the person involved is not only possible, but is well underway. So that is excuse number 1. I had a big family emergency which drastically cut into the time I had to work. Excuse number 2 isn’t nearly as good… but here it goes… As some of you know I struggle with mental health issues from time to time, and while I wouldn’t say this was that… I went through a period of about 2 weeks where I found it nearly impossible to motivate myself to work. As you will see when you read this chapter, it is something different and introduces a new character ( I won’t revel who here), but because I was doing something kind of new with a kind of new character the story didn’t come as easily to me as chapters of BDH usually do, add to that a general feeling of malaise and the writing of this chapter just sort of dragged on…. I missed many self imposed deadlines which caused me to feel worse and it wasn’t easy to pull my shit together…. All I have to say is thank goodness my editor is a very patient person! Okay, enough of that. I want very much to talk about this chapter! But I also don’t want to give anything away. What I’ll say for now is that this chapter is a prologue and it introduces one of the two remaining women who will join Alex’s harem. In this chapter we learn even more of Alex’s back story… the whys and more importantly the hows behind him pulling off the bold kidnappings on that first night 46 days ago. Also, if you pay attention, you’ll be able to figure out a pretty detailed timeline of how and when things came together. The last thing I’ll say about the chapter at least before people have had a chance to read it, is that it adds a lot more details about Arcadia and how it works… Chapter 48 will also likely be mostly a prologue. But I may jump down the timeline and give you guys a surprise at the end. I haven’t really decided yet. It will probably depend on how things come together. But the main thing the next chapter will focus on is to further develop the new character and to give you guys more insight on how many of the women in Alex’s harem came to be captured. Depending on how many pages it takes to finish this prologue story, I may end up back in the harem and back on the normal timeline. There’s a cliffhanger that needs wrapping up there, and then I want to do a time jump to get us to the point where I can bring in the final celebrity. If you guys remember from way way back, this last celeb will be the one you guys voted on, and who I told you would be one of two celebrities. I can’t say for sure when she’ll be unveiled, but it is coming very soon. This is the part where I’d normally address your comments, but its been so long since I’ve done properly done this that I’m not exactly sure where I left off. I know its been a long time since I’ve done this, but rest assured the I’ve read all your wonderful comments and I love hearing from you. Because its been a while, I promise you guys that I’ll be bouncing in the next few days and if you have a comment or a question you’d like addressed post it up. I’m going to try to be around and respond to them. And next time I post a chapter, I will make sure I address any comments that I haven’t gotten to. Thank you guys so much and I can’t wait to hear your responses to this chapter and to the new celebrity! Till next time, -Mal
    1 point
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