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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2019 in all areas

  1. I got the internet today! What did I miss?
    2 points
  2. Thundercloud

    Need advice

    Food for thought...one problem in a classic fantasy setting is that much of tension is for heroes must prevail since they are the only ones who understand the danger...if they can phone in reinforcement you make it much harder to create tension. Not impossible but quite a lot harder. A bit similar to fact that many movies are set in past to avoid having to explain why the heroes does not just coordinate with their phones when they wonder what the others are doing. In my fantasy roleplaying game I decided to work around the problem by having flowing water, ley lines and similar phenoms interefere with long range communication, divination etc. I also included some specific locations where special artifacts of the building size had been set up could overcome the limitations. All in all I think it worked quite well at giving me the option to have long range communication working when required for the narrative, but to avoid it becoming too common.
    1 point
  3. Inshadowsidream

    Need advice

    I now wish I had waited to post anything on the other site. I came across as a fool because I kept running into issues that caused me to rewrite chapters several times. If I had talked to people here first, I could have avoided a lot of hassle. Of course, if I would have been able to get my hands a beta, some of the problems could have been avoided. The only one I found willing to take me on, only looked for errors like dropped words or wrong tenses. I need someone that will point out flaws in my logic, and other problems, as well as make suggestions, not just point out misspellings or typos. I am hesitant to look for one here after getting so many rejections on it being slash, and a mesh up/crossover that is by no means Canon. Maybe I will wait to post it here until I get it completed on the other site, and then rewrite it to include my new ideas on how things work. The more I read what is said here, the sillier it seems to me as it is. You people are smart, lol.
    1 point
  4. InvidiaRed

    Need advice

    Well just imagine magic users having access to the internet analog while the rest of the mundane world is barely out of the middle ages. No wonder regular people think the magic users are crazy or eccentric. When it just turns out they have their own Webspeak(Mirrorspeech) Sorta like how your grand parents don’t really know the internet. But just the entire nonmagical population in general. Now it makes more sense. Magic users would have their own complete culture to themselves. Like redditors arguing the ethics of using animate dead to create tireless servants. Or the arguments of Divine vs Arcane… And then Psionics get involved cause why not.
    1 point
  5. Mal

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Hello again everyone! I’m back, and with a Billion Dollar Harem update! That’s right, chapter 42 is finally here! Before I get into any update news, I just wanted to say again how grateful I am for the patience you guys have shown while I worked on finishing up Becoming Bitch last month. While I know that project might not be for everyone. But, I thought it was fun, and it was a nice distraction and change of pace from BDH. That said, chapter 42, after such a long break, basically wrote itself. Though I do feel like a bit of an asshole… Let me explain. My initial plan was to finish up the Taylor punishment scene in 42. Not only did that NOT happen, but I left the chapter off on a pretty terrible cliffhanger… However, having said that, I’ll try to explain why things didn’t get wrapped up. I found that fitting the entire punishment, that of Taylor satisfying all the women of the harem into one chapter to be impossible. I think I did a pretty good job of not making it too repetitive, but one of the sacrifices of that was (as you’ll all see when you read it), that every scenario took a few pages to resolve. I thought about making the chapter longer, more like the 25 pages of old, and just finishing everything up, but a combination of my editor’s schedule this month and the fact that it has now been over 2 months since I produced a chapter of BDH led me to the decision that cutting 42 short and leaving it off as I did was the best choice. I certainly think this chapter is plenty hot, and I hope after you all read it that you’ll agree I made the right choice. Besides that, there is a sliver lining to this story. I’ve already started work on chapter 43, and am close to 4 pages into it. As I said above, this is a very slow time of year for me and I have a chance to get a lot of writing done. Because of that I intend to try very, very hard to get chapter 43 done, edited and up on the server by the end of this…. that’s right, this month. In other words hopefully by the end of June, you guys will have another BDH chapter to enjoy. I don’t want to say too much about what will happen in 43, other than to say expect a wild finish to Taylor’s punishment, and some plot development with Cara. Because of the fact that I didn’t finish Taylor’s punishment in 42 I am afraid that the much anticipated Alex, Emma, Ari scene will have to wait until 43… I apologize to those of you looking forward to that. I want to take a minute to address the lists, and the comments, but I have been awake now for close on to 24 hours. I only stayed up so that I could publish the story to the site before I went to sleep. I promise that sometime within the next two or three days I’ll be back on to answer your questions and comment on your lists… Till next time, -Mal
    1 point
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