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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2019 in all areas

  1. My cat has been trying to convince my dog to cuddle him for a good two years now but the dog is too scared. So the cat just spent the last few hours using a big farty dog ass as a pillow. That, my friends, is dedication.
    4 points
  2. Thank you tcr! Wow… I have reminded someone of Stephen King. I have now reached the pinnacle of my powers, lol. Chuffed to bits about that, especially since I do love Thinner. It’s a great horror story. Aww… no dogs were hurt in the writing of this story. I’m glad that the relationship with Liz came through, and that you saw that echo in the beginning and the end. Thanks again!
    2 points
  3. A Big Girl's Bad End is a crime against all that is good and right in this world. It’s offensive to all right thinking people and quite a few degenerate scum. Thank you for your review. I appreciate all reviews! I am sorry however that you subjected yourself to this trash. I mean I’m sorry for you because even re-reading what I wrote 10-11 years ago was hard going so how it went for yourslf… eessh. Two more scrolls down and you’d ave reached the WAFFiest story I’ve done in the last year which was Twinpregnation, also a re-write, but which which has one of the happiest endings I ever wrote. It even has representation for that often bashed group, the ginger male. No tentacles though. Sadly I do know exactly how morbid curioisity works. I figured the ‘scroll by’ warning might even cause some, but sort of hoped the bold message inside would help dissuade it, but anyone who doesn’t gets to see the very rich treating the less well off horrifically, which could almost be satire. But is really just crap. The Van Dijk family first appeared in one of my old, almost as bad, stories in the form of Michael who got a reference there. For the other names I wanted something that felt realistic but also wasn’t likely to come up on someone else searching their name. So Gertie and Abe are kinda old fashioned anyway, and Stott is a fairly rare surname and together they don’t bring up a load of living folks. I’m glad you found some good lines in there to lessen the horror. That ‘Cadence’s vocabulary’ line was one that occured to me while I was doing the re-write and I just thought screw it and threw it in. I could see the horrible badly educated rapists thinking “what the hell does corpulent mean?” No BBW rubbed me the wrong way. Literally none of the nasty shit I’ve written has been because I hate folks or think they deserve to suffer or whatever. Part of it was just dealing with the shit ideas my lamia muse hissed at me by writing them down, part of it was wanting some validation by writing the nasty requests and hoping for feedback, and probably other motivations, but nothing to do with hating characters – a lot of the nastiest request shit I wrote I didn’t have a clue who the characters were, but the writing motivation was there so I went on and did it and I guess hoped for some kind of validation in their reviews. For this one – ‘bout 10/11 years ago the author Deathstalker had his own little forum and there was a prompt/challenge thing where a couple writers could set each other a character to write something horrible about. For this one I suggested the witch/sea goddess from the Pirates of the Carribean because I thought it could be a tough challenge (it never got written in the end), and in return Soemele gave the suggestion of some plus size actress I’d never heard of or seen in anything. The original version I wrote therefore had her name and appearence but not a lot else to connect to her, and I changed a bunch of the details to create Gertie. I think it was the last proper RPF story I wrote before deciding I wouldn’t do anymore, which is why it never got posted anywhere except briefly at DS’s forum. There’s a credit at the start for Soemele suggesting a plus size character which is literally all I got from ‘em for it. I seem to recall they didn’t like how it turned out anyway, but I may be misremembering and would happily take a correction from anyone there who remembered better. Oh, and for incest being practiced easily Twingpregnation :p Thank you! Anger and disgust seem like legitimate responses! I don’t even respect myself though… The ending was only implied in my first version but going back over it for the re-write I thought it would be very slightly more balanced to let him have a moment in the sun. It’s not really Cadence going for equal opportunity cruelty because it’s a lot faster than Gertie got, but it’s a step that way. I’d disagree on one point… it’s graphic, shameful, snuff I’d much rather be the kind of author who only ever put out happy fun time stories like Fucking Halloween Party or You! but I have this kind of horror show bullshit that comes out sometimes. I suck, I think! But you’re awesome for leaving a review (and in general!) and I’d like to thank you again. When toplessrobot’s old fanfiction friday reviewed my old Star Wars story “You Can Take the Boy Out of the Moisture Farm…” in 2008 one of the tags used at the bottom of the review was (and is!) "Things That Make Me Drink". It seems to be a shared and understandable reaction. Thanks again, and I really am sorry you put yourself through it.
    2 points
  4. Pen Name: JayDee Story link: Jude's Tale – Part 6: A Mask Review replies link: Review Replies -Original Type of fic: Flashfic (...ish. I mean, each part is going to be up to 1000 words.) Rating: Adult+ Fandom: Original Pairing: None really. Warnings: AFFO ChallengeFic, Viol aftermath, MCD(I realised probably required after remembering @BronxWench’s reply in this thread so also added to main summary)
    1 point
  5. @pippychick returns to review Part Six! Thank you! The torture and mocking line about her going back to Heaven was indeed meant to call back to WoH (even to a specific line of Eparlegna’s), as were the students set up like an audience. When the barrier draws back in WoH, there’s a line about how some of the corpses are posed in grotesque parodies of life, which is what I was going for with the lecture hall. Is it possible to catch diabetes from sheer cuteness? Because if it is, then baby sloth compilations on Youtube have to be the leading cause. Having said that, the Wrath creature was definitely meant to be as physically intimidating as possible. I think the image I initially had was of a skinless, eyeless polar bear, but then I saw this picture that managed to make Megatherium look unintentionally terrifying, and I realized that if you took the long, curving claws that sloths have and attached them to something really aggressive, they’re suddenly not so cute anymore… I’m also really glad you liked the way it’s defeated. I couldn’t think of anything as clever as the way Abdul and Calista blow up the Charnel Spider, but thought that since anger is often self-defeating, maybe there was a way for the monster to kill itself, and that even if Kevin was absolutely terrified, he could still have enough presence of mind to make the knock-out-the-pillars plan work. What’s upsetting her isn’t really what happened in the lecture hall; it’s what happened 75 years earlier. She knows she let Eparlegna rape her again to save Kevin from being skinned alive, but a combination of the experience and the fact that Kevin saw it means that she feels that he now knows what she “did” back in Whore of Heaven, and this has to do with her sense of self-worth and the damage inflicted to it by the torture and rapes she suffered back then. You noted that she feels more human during the car scene. To some extent, I tend to write her more human from time to time because of the moments in WoH that I really liked, where we learned that Luzurial is actually very relatable in spite of being an archangel (very human, in other words) I try to balance that with her immortality and superhuman nature, but sometimes I lean too far one way or the other. Partly, though, I think her coming across as more human here is because of the emotionally vulnerable state she’s in at this moment. If I may quote an earlier post of mine in this thread, Luzurial is... So her sexual experience is a spot in which she is emotionally vulnerable, and I think she reads as more human in this scene because of that vulnerability. Once again, thank you so much for the review!
    1 point
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