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  1. Tcr

    Happy Little Words

    Oh, boy, @pippychick, now look what you've done... Clover's gone groping the electronics again. Someone's gonna have her put in the psych ward.
    3 points
  2. I love this! It's got everything that's awesome in this world: words... A list. Don't mind me. I'm just going to spend all night groping this thing.
    3 points
  3. Up next, @InvidiaRed reviews Part Seven! Thank you! I definitely wanted the love scene between Luzurial and Kevin to be part of her healing process, and one of the biggest parts of that, for me anyway, was that first line you mentioned. She and Kevin could just kiss for a while and then go to sleep. Kevin’s a teenage boy, so he’ll be somewhat disappointed, but he also feels very strongly for her (there’s a word for that, but he’s afraid to use it), so he’d definitely be willing to do it. However, as Luzurial realizes, avoiding things that remind her of her rape will mean that Eparlegna has effectively taken sex away from her forever, and the only memories she will have of those acts and sensations will be those of pain and shame. So she decides right there that she will not allow that to happen, and that she wants to have, as you said, a positive experience, to feel sexual pleasure as it was meant to be: not used as a setup for hurting her or a way of shaming her, but given as a gift, for no other reason than that the giver wants her to have it. Yeah, I like that line too, especially since Eparlegna basically has nuked cities in the past. There’s actually a scene near the end of Part Nine where that very thing gets discussed. Yeah, he’s basically acting the same here (assuming I’ve done this right) as he did in Whore of Heaven. In WoH, everything worked out in his favor, but there he had planned things out meticulously beforehand, in part I imagine because he knew he was relatively weak, and any fight between him and an angel would have lasted about five seconds. Here, though, he has a new, more powerful body, and I think the power has made him somewhat more careless. He can torch an army, so he’s less dedicated to planning things out. In a way, becoming stronger has made him weaker. An archangel fights a firebreathing dragon. If I manage to write Part Nine well (fingers crossed), that will be just as awesome as it sounds.
    2 points
  4. I only ever reference the works of C S Lewis when it comes to horsecock. Also my not yet written story “The Lying Witch and the Voredrobe.” Child eating eldrich abomination vs Irishman with a broken bottle. My money’s on the priest. I got it, it was clear - I was just being crude.
    1 point
  5. I suppose that’s good advice for aspiring supervillains. I was specifically referring to something near the end of Part Six, though: And now, for the last of the reviews I received yesterday, this one from @Thundercloud First, I’m really happy you liked the chapter! Second, I’m a chronically socially awkward guy, so I actually had no idea what the hair flipping thing meant until just now. Assuming angelic body language is the same as human body language (and there’s a sentence that isn’t written often), then that is a nice little bonus feature! Yeah, that’s about it. He’s not entirely wrong, and it did net him ten extra followers. He does also have a bit more of a plan than he did last time, but as you indicated, he has a bad habit of underestimating humanity and, as I said in my response to InvidiaRed’s review, the power granted by his new body might be causing him to do a little less planning than he did back in Whore of Heaven. As it is, the plan is for something in between. There is going to be a final fight between Luzurial and Eparlegna, as I couldn’t very well have her stay away from the situation (it’s just not who she is as a character), but she’s not going to try to solve the problem on her own; human forces are absolutely going to be involved. This will become clearer in Part Eight. Thank you! This was basically the sex scene I’ve been building up to since Part One, and I really wanted it to be both erotic and emotional, hence why I keep referring to it as a love scene. I’ve started thinking JayDee, pippychick and I are all in a sort of support group for writers with low self-confidence, because I say the same thing to either of them when they express doubt in their own abilities. We have one more chapter before the finale, but I hope it’s good when it gets here, and thank you for the support!
    1 point
  6. Ha, fair enough. They aren’t related, so no worries about bigger pictures there.
    1 point
  7. And now for the reviews! First, @pippychick reviews Part Five. InvidiaRed called it a “sudden Prince Albert,” which I thought was pretty funny. It wasn’t really meant to symbolize anything, it was just the first monster present, and I kind of wanted to set up the joke with Calista (“There’s no way I’m coming out of this vent! That’s exactly what the penis worm wants!”). Basically, Luzurial is hoping to shoo the mortals out gently so they don’t get hurt during the confrontation with Eparlegna, so she’s hoping both of them will go get Calista. However, Kevin is, as Abdul says, pretty much glued to her at this point, so he’s not leaving her. That means that either everyone has to go in to face Eparlegna together and then get Calista, everyone has to go get Calista first and then face Eparlegna, or Abdul has to go get Calista. The first option doesn’t work because I think everyone, Luzurial included, knows that they can’t kill Eparlegna at this point, only force him to use enough power for survivors to escape, so they likely would have been running away from said confrontation and might not have been able to retrieve Calista afterward. The second option would technically work, but delaying long enough to go grab Calista would mean leaving the students in Room 502 to Eparlegna for a few more minutes, and when Luzurial and Kevin do arrive, Hana Moon is about ten seconds from getting raped by a demon. Thanks! I rather liked that line too. I mean, during his rampage before being sealed, I’m sure he raped mothers in front of their children, wives in front of their husbands...at some point, he’d pretty much have to find people begging him to stop either amusing or annoying, and since he’s a sadist I went with “amusing.” Oh, neither would I! I probably would have gotten to “throw the acid at it”, and then run. Yeah...remember how you said in your review of Part Four that people you care about can be used against you? Thanks for reviewing!
    1 point
  8. So I started work at 6:00 AM yesterday, and given that I’m not generally a morning person, when I lay down on my bed to watch some TV last night, I straight up passed out, which meant I never got around to replying to some things on this thread. No problem, I thought. After all, I just have to respond to one of JayDee’s posts and a review from pippychick. Then, while I was at work today, ALL OF THE REVIEWS HAPPENED. So let’s get to these things! First... Little did we know I was secretly writing a Hellstar Remina crossover. So his name translates to “liver wood.” If I didn’t know it was “angel rape” backwards, I’d swear you were going for a shoutout to The Screwtape Letters. Okay, so I realize now that “Derry” is probably short for Londonderry, but for a minute I thought that meant Father Donal had dealt with Pennywise the Clown. I hadn’t thought of that, but it does totally work! Yeah, that was the idea. Sorry, I should have been clearer. I meant a kiss on the mouth.
    1 point
  9. I thought some might find this interesting. Vermont University have tracked word usage on social media etc to create this, a listing that assigns a ‘happiness’ score to words. http://hedonometer.org/words.html I know it’s only one connotation, and probably not infallible, but if you’re trying to create a certain mood, where your descriptive work lies here might be helpful.
    1 point
  10. Okay, before anything else, I want to try something here, something that will come in very handy when it comes to the Author’s Note for Part Nine: putting most of the AN in a post here and linking to it from the story. Extended Author’s Note (Part Seven): This chapter was late because it went through significant rewrites. The confession scene especially was changed. The original version was more about Luzurial’s general angst and had her far sadder, while the new version focuses on her misguided shame over sex and she’s somewhat angrier at herself. Both end the same way, though, with the discussion of the celibacy decree. You see, back in Whore of Heaven, JayDee had Eparlegna wonder why God would give angels sex organs and then demand that they be celibate. I initially thought it was an anti-religion thing about God being cruel and hypocritical, but when JayDee pointed out that maybe I shouldn’t be taking the rape demon’s word at face value (in hindsight probably something I should have realized…) I then couldn’t stop wondering why. Assuming, as I do, that God isn’t cruel, then I thought that maybe angels (and thus demons) just thought they had to be celibate, because somebody made a mistake. This was why I introduced the Celestial Hierarchy all the way back in Part Three: if God gives decrees to all angels directly, then there can be no mistake, but if there’s a chain of command, then a message might get altered over the many times it changes hands. So JayDee asked why angels have sex organs, and my answer was “so they can have sex.” Speaking of which, I realized that in the original version of the love scene Kevin didn’t have any misgivings about making love to an angel, which felt wrong to me. I remembered that bit from Part Six about how he sometimes feels his attraction to her is almost an insult, and brought that in, with him thinking that he would somehow be degrading something wondrous and beautiful. I thought he might be able to overcome those worries by asking for her permission to cross several “thresholds”, which is where the “May I” bit came from. That and I think there’s something kind of romantic about him asking if he can kiss her. Earlier in the chapter, I mentioned the funniest thing Luzurial had ever heard a leader yell during a battle. Well, the Battle of Dorylaeum took place on July 1, 1097 AD, during the First Crusade. Crusading forces led by Bohemond of Taranto were pinned down by the Seljuk Turks until the forces of several other crusaders were able to pull off flanking attacks to relieve them. After seven straight hours of being pelted with arrows, Bohemond ordered his men to abandon the shield wall they had made, remount their horses and charge the Turkish line. And in this desperate hour, his inspiring “Once more unto the breach, dear friends” line was “Hodie omnes divites si Deo placet effecti eritis!” which translates from the Latin as “Today, if God’s willing, WE’LL ALL BE RICH!” No, seriously, that’s what he said. I don’t imagine God approved of the Crusades, and I imagine Luzurial wouldn’t have either, and was likely feeling rather somber as she watched the battle unfold. However, given that she had fought in scores, maybe hundreds, of battles with nothing less than the fate of creation itself on the line, hearing a battlecry so absurdly materialistic would likely have seemed hilarious. Finally, I had planned for the final confrontation with Eparlegna to take place atop a very tall building, but didn’t have any specifics on what that building would be. Then I had this weird but (to me) kind of amusing idea for a cameo in Part Nine by the Villain Protagonist of another JayDee story (Mike Rapes a Dyke), and asked if I could include it, which led to the VD building.
    1 point
  11. Tcr

    Happy Little Words

    Judging from the words, I guess it depends on your thoughts, JayDee. Although… And @pippychick, this is an interesting list. A quite helpful resource for any writer to use to help develop the mood (as you said) within scenes and over all story. Thanks for bringing it here!
    1 point
  12. JayDee

    Happy Little Words

    It says the word ‘death’ = happiness rank 10217 of 10222 I wonder if words 10218 – 10222 are all related to spending time in the same room as Piers Morgan.
    1 point
  13. Oh, she is changed. Read the story proper, and you’ll see. Bwahahahaha. But yes, this was supposed to just be a soldier and I wanted it to just be those emotions. The actual arriving at the homestead. Though, hitting that tarmac is nice too. I probly did. Apologies. Well… comments and reviews are nice. And yes, heh, it does come across a bit like a second review. My original reply still stands.
    1 point
  14. This is fucking great. Genuine laugh out loud funny. See, this is the difference between a cheap smutty inuendo and straight up quality parody. I’m probably going to be chuckling about this all day! ...that sounds far beyond the limited self control I possess when it comes to writing. How limited? I wrote and uploaded a Spyro snuff story for a request. It totally makes sense and I see where you’re coming from. I don’t know when my writing motiviation is going to give out again (this chapter I am doing at the moment I am having a hard time getting right… and it’s only 1000 words, talk about yer atrophied writing muscles), but if I manage a final part with Shannon being released then I can definitely see how to include some non-forced references to Luzurial into the wordcount – I mean, being in a statue herself it wouldn’t make sense for Shannon not to think about her. It doesn’t feel like pushing at all! I’d rather have it spoiled for me if it meant you could could get it written. Then I’d still enjoy it and other folks could enjoy it too! I have had some ideas about what was coming in The Woman in the Statue for, at the most basic level, like 10 years and more recently some things you said in the emails (The final part where they resolve everything with a Battle of the Bands challenge is gonna be so epic!) and that hasn’t spoiled my enjoyment at all anyway.
    1 point
  15. Good that you liked the action. The Violence tag for the story is very much for the occasions when Jennifer lets her wild side loose and this is the first major one. Actually I at one point considered to avoid using the word werewolf at all before be reveal in this chapter...but it felt kind of silly with referring to a talking wolf and just using wolf didn’t fit either. A bit like authors try to explain that a werewolf is very dangerous and large by comparing it to a pony and I cannot help giggling each time since I think of a pony dressed in a werewolf costume. Eventually I decided that it seemed plausible that Fang would insist of using her real race name and modern people would still assume she was scientific experiment rather than the true deal. Naming her as werewolf is also a hint towards people that are Wolfsbane fans that the story eventually will feature such elements. Of course if you ask me Fang do have interesting powers and does pack a much more powerful super hero punch than the marvel hero that I found interesting but irritatingly weak. You make some pretty good comments about serious implications of using psionics on other people. This is a theme that I can promise will be dealt with more detail in upcoming chapters. Mindeye is kind of shady but also built a reputation as super hero after going after the really bad psionics that are out there. There are few characters in the story that will not eventually have face the consequences of their actions. A minor enemy, but very well deserved ending. The first version of the text actually had Jennifer making here first idea about mutilation of private parts real...but then I decided that it was better to show off Jennifer’s coldness as she plan her revenge. All I can say is poor girl...
    1 point
  16. I told myself I’d wait a week in between posting more. Then I told myself I’d wait a day. Now I feel like waiting an hour is stretching my limits! I want to rain gratuitous porn upon the world!!!!!
    1 point
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