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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2019 in all areas

  1. I thought some might find this interesting. Vermont University have tracked word usage on social media etc to create this, a listing that assigns a ‘happiness’ score to words. http://hedonometer.org/words.html I know it’s only one connotation, and probably not infallible, but if you’re trying to create a certain mood, where your descriptive work lies here might be helpful.
    3 points
  2. It says the word ‘death’ = happiness rank 10217 of 10222 I wonder if words 10218 – 10222 are all related to spending time in the same room as Piers Morgan.
    3 points
  3. Tcr

    Happy Little Words

    Judging from the words, I guess it depends on your thoughts, JayDee. Although… And @pippychick, this is an interesting list. A quite helpful resource for any writer to use to help develop the mood (as you said) within scenes and over all story. Thanks for bringing it here!
    2 points
  4. One downside here is that sexualized stories with explicit depictions of both rape and violent, gory death don’t always get a whole lot of feedback on AFF. Oh folks’ll read ‘em right enough, just a lot won’t say anything.
    1 point
  5. Hi, and welcome to AFF! First question: We have no problem with you crossposting your work to multiple sites, including AO3. Many of our members post elsewhere as well as on AFF. Second question: If you’re not using the same pen name on other sites as you do here, a quick author’s note at the top of the first chapter, to let readers know you are the same person as your AO3 persona, is generally enough. If someone comes forward at some point and claims to be your other pen name, that would be an issue, but we do have members who use a unique name here to write under, because we host adult content. Third question: We do ask that tags be used for even a single instance of most things, but we don’t require that certain tags like WIP or Completed be used. It’s been our experience that readers can find any number of things upsetting if they encounter them unwarned, and that’s the purpose of tagging something. We’re particularly vigilant about tags which are very likely to be disturbing: Rape, Minor1/Minor2, Incest, Abuse, et cetera. Those really are trigger issues and we never want readers to walk blindly into that content. If a tag is missing that we feel is required, we do contact you and even if the story is hidden until the tag is added, we don’t summarily delete stories for a missing tag until you’ve had at least 40 days to make the correction from the date of the initial warning. We’re actively moderated, and we aim to response within 24 hours to any inquiry, or email about a correction. Fell free to ask any questions you have—we’re happy to answer!
    1 point
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