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  1. Damn it… I’m bloody writing in emoticons. Somebody please put me down. It’s over.
    3 points
  2. I think the dark pit might be breaking to see some light. A tiny sliver, but that's enough, right? Pull myself back through, carry on. Despite what has happened in that time, I want to say thank you, to all you guys. I appreciate it. .
    3 points
  3. I told myself I’d wait a week in between posting more. Then I told myself I’d wait a day. Now I feel like waiting an hour is stretching my limits! I want to rain gratuitous porn upon the world!!!!!
    3 points
  4. It's the week of reviews! Lol. From Strange Tales from Stranger Places, a review from @pippychick. Welcome back to the Nuthouse . From pippychick on March 12, 2019 Part One Oh, that was wickedly clever! I didn't see it coming, so when I knew the answer, I had to go back and read it all again. I really love that ambiguous ending, where the pheromones bring others. Lol, could be Cara is about to have a busy year, or ten. I'm not sure if that would be fun or not. I do know no one has ever imagined and written a space landing quite like this... but I like it. At first I did find the "they/their/them" use a little strange, but all made sense at the end. Thank you for sharing *** Oh, that was wickedly clever! I didn't see it coming, so when I knew the answer, I had to go back and read it all again. Lol. I'm really glad. I tried to lay out clues without being too direct or vice versa. As I've said before, subtlety is not my strong suite, so it was definitely a struggle. I'm glad it made you go back and read it again (did you catch the clues the second time around?). Lol. I really love that ambiguous ending, where the pheromones bring others. Lol, could be Cara is about to have a busy year, or ten. I'm not sure if that would be fun or not. I do know no one has ever imagined and written a space landing quite like this... but I like it. Lol. I was kind of worried about tagging this one. Not sure if it constitutes implied rape, 3+, gangbang, or death by sex, but I knew I wanted it ambiguous. I know my kind of inspiration for it actually comes from Star Trek (lol). I was always like... All these races, come in contact and have some adverse affect on humans, but never the other way around. Definitely wanted to show the flip side. Lol. At first I did find the "they/their/them" use a little strange, but all made sense at the end. I'm not going to lie, it felt a little strange as I was writing. I've written non-binary characters in the past (Alana Romanov in Come Hell or High Water) but they were not the MC. I always seemed to revert to writing she in place of they. But I'm glad it worked and made sense in the end .
    1 point
  5. Hi, and welcome to AFF! First question: We have no problem with you crossposting your work to multiple sites, including AO3. Many of our members post elsewhere as well as on AFF. Second question: If you’re not using the same pen name on other sites as you do here, a quick author’s note at the top of the first chapter, to let readers know you are the same person as your AO3 persona, is generally enough. If someone comes forward at some point and claims to be your other pen name, that would be an issue, but we do have members who use a unique name here to write under, because we host adult content. Third question: We do ask that tags be used for even a single instance of most things, but we don’t require that certain tags like WIP or Completed be used. It’s been our experience that readers can find any number of things upsetting if they encounter them unwarned, and that’s the purpose of tagging something. We’re particularly vigilant about tags which are very likely to be disturbing: Rape, Minor1/Minor2, Incest, Abuse, et cetera. Those really are trigger issues and we never want readers to walk blindly into that content. If a tag is missing that we feel is required, we do contact you and even if the story is hidden until the tag is added, we don’t summarily delete stories for a missing tag until you’ve had at least 40 days to make the correction from the date of the initial warning. We’re actively moderated, and we aim to response within 24 hours to any inquiry, or email about a correction. Fell free to ask any questions you have—we’re happy to answer!
    1 point
  6. Thank you! It’s always annoying when a housemate drinks something you were going to enjoy yourself, am I right? That was the very first draft. I can totally see me thinking up jokes when I go back through and deciding to ruin the mood with them. There is that. I always prefer reading other folks stuff to be sure. I have thought of a way to get her out as part of Jude’s story, but it’ll need an extra chapter. An Epilogue part maybe! I’ll see how it goes Damn thing keeps expanding. Still wouldn’t fit in having things out with Kizzy though. As you say, the 1000 word chapter type probably wouldn’t do it justice. You have nothing to apologise for! Never know what kind of suggestion might spark someone into something. It doesn’t feel remotely like pushing – apologies though if anything I’ve said felt like pushing with yours, I mean except for stoner and sloth monster, I totally pushed for that.– and sorry ‘bout the whole feels again thing. I wasn’t really joking about the Sad Shannon Oneshot, if you needed to write something around that or any of the other bits go ahead! So here’s where it might be helpful to come to the conclusion that Kingmaker711 won’t be coming back to you. Maybe he’s quit erotic writing for mainstream writing, or decided he was living in sin and joined a church or even woke up one night to see Gabriel putting pool balls into a sock with a “So, I heard what you wrote about my girlfriend” expression. That being the case you come up with a way to change the plan to have nothing to do with Kingmaker711’s story, and you’re good to go. If you needed help on it you could even start a thread on the writer’s forum!
    1 point
  7. Tcr

    Finding Inspiration

    Damn. Looks like a better Jaws movie than 3 or 4. Lol
    1 point
  8. Well, regarding Walter and the brilliant insanity that is his character, I can imagine how fun it would be to write. Lol. He is definitely an intriguing mix and both in the show and in your writing, it strikes a balance that would seem to work only with him. Lol. Bumpy starts are fun. And I definitely enjoy them, adds realism to the tale. So now I have something to look forward to more . lol. Yes, certainly have to hide the sausage - I mean, hide what's been going in - on, on, damnit, on… And you're quite welcome. It's beautifully written.
    1 point
  9. Review for Screw It, I’m Posting (A collection of drabbles and short shorts.) @pippychick You are sooo fucking sweet. I honestly didn’t think anyone would read this, lol both because they’re drabbles, and because I kinda intentionally undersell it. I’m glad you loved it. I don’t think they’re that impressive, and I’m certain they’d be underwhelming to most people not in my head, experiencing this world, but I actually loved these drabbles too. So it makes me happy that I’m not alone in that. Thank you for the encouragement
    1 point
  10. And now the first for Part Seven from @JayDee. I actually wanted to have the same “is that Spanish?” running gag that I have with Luzurial’s name, because while “Luzurial” actually contains a Spanish word, “Eparlegna” sounds like a Spanish word that doesn’t exist. For those who don’t recall, or haven’t read the first story, there was this bit after Luzurial landed in the blood-spattered streets of LA that she took to the air again and the blood and filth just kind of fell off of her. I wasn’t sure whether this was an automatic thing or if she had to concentrate on it, but that was her at 100%, which she is not at now, so whether or not it was automatic, now she has to concentrate. I thought her willing the water to just fall off of her was a nice way to reference that, and also to prompt a discussion of how angelic powers work. Thank you. I knew the timeline was going to end up compressed because Eparlegna doesn’t seem like the kind of villain likely to delay his attempt at taking over the world, but I wanted as much time as possible for Kevin and Luzurial to interact back at the motel, so I had to create some sort of delay. I figured that the same way we have designated shelters for hurricanes and other disasters, there might be designated shelters for the eventuality of another Rupture scenario, and damaging their protective magic could explain the delay before the really crazy stuff happens. Sometimes I just have visual images pop into my head and I don’t entirely know where they come from. In this case, the whole scene just started with this image of Luzurial sitting alone by the pool watching the stars, and the scene grew from that. It is a powerful idea, that this is as much of creation as you can see from Earth. Thank you! In the first draft, that was Luzurial being painted by refracted light, but then I realized I was short on Luzurial PoVs for this chapter, and given what happens in the chapter I really needed more from her perspective. I did like the description, though, so I just had her see Kevin that way instead of him seeing her that way. I realized I hadn’t had anything on Cassie and why she was part of the “cult,” which is why I added this scene. I thought about the circumstances under which one might do something really terrible, and retaliating against a bully seemed like a pretty good option. I wasn’t exactly sure what was going to happen, but then when I read about Flauros, and his ability to kill the summoner’s enemies with fire, I had a pretty horrific idea of what I could do. I mean he was also just taking the opportunity to terrorize and slaughter, but I wanted him to be doing a little more than that. He plans in the short term compared to Lucifer, but “short term” does not mean “only thinks five minutes ahead.” I kept wanting to mention this earlier in the story, but I didn’t really get around to it until now, but the idea is that after the confrontation with Chloe in Part Two, word slowly made its way to large religious organizations, and priests, rabbis and imams were all ready to make a pilgrimage to talk to a real angel. Then a demon attacked, and things changed a bit. I actually seized on something from near the end of Whore of Heaven and intend to make use of it. Yeah, I miss that line too. I honestly miss that entire moment when she broke down sobbing and then felt better afterward. Aside from just being the Hurt/Comfortiest thing ever, it also went well with the whole idea of her purging toxic memories, and that letting them out resulted in her sobbing fit, but that after it was over she felt a lot better. However, I really wanted to focus more on her sense of shame, and I did end up with a few new lines I really thought were pretty emotional on that count, specifically the “I said” quoting bit and the “Not if I were human!” That’s one of the things I like about fanfiction: sometimes you get to answer questions the original author never intended you to answer, and you can turn the answer into a story element! I wanted to, but the Author’s Note was at something like 575 words, and I thought there was a hard 600 word limit. And now, of course, the love scene I’ve been building up to since Part One… So this is something that occurred to me at the last minute, but I really wanted in there. While it does highlight the difference between Luzurial’s first sexual experience and her second one, that was just a nice little bonus effect. The reason I wrote it was actually because I wanted to acknowledge the nerves Kevin would have over making love to an angel. Even in a world where angels (of some types, anyway) look like people with wings, that’s not what they are. They’re not just inhuman, they’re more than human, immortal, powerful, wise and kind, living embodiments of divine Good (this is probably part of why I get so depressed whenever something terrible happens to one). Because of that, I couldn’t help but feel that there would be a deep reluctance to touch one sexually, as if to express physical affection for them would be to sully them. I kind of expressed this in the car scene at the end of Part Six, where it’s revealed that Kevin sometimes feels bad about his romantic feelings for Luzurial because he is, well, “only human.” One way I could see to get past this would be to explicitly ask permission for a more intimate form of contact. That was the origin of the “May I?” concept. I was being very deliberate in my word choice when I said he wanted Luzurial’s blessing to cross each threshold. And, honestly, I just thought it was kind of romantic too. That’s another one of those fanfic moments. I realized that at no point in Whore of Heaven does Eparlegna, Shondra or Molly force a kiss on Luzurial, and I thought I could use this, that this might be something she especially enjoys; a gesture of pure affection without any negative connotation. I knew she was going to need to give him the strength boost somehow, and I think originally it was just going to be through a touch (she was going to put her hand on his chest or something like that), but I wanted something that would be both sexy and soothing, and a kiss seemed like it fit the bill, especially since we’d just established how much they both enjoy kissing. I actually briefly entertained thoughts of having them get caught inside of it and have to spend Part Eight evading or fighting sin creatures until Luzurial and company got there, but I realized I liked the idea of them meeting outside the barrier and going in together, so I went with that instead.
    1 point
  11. Part Seven of WitS is up, so it’s time to respond to some more reviews! First, one from the inimitable @pippychick. It’s kind of a chain reaction, really. Kevin and Abdul are going in to help Calista, and Luzurial can’t very well let the mortals handle this alone, and she can’t just tell them to wait outside because Kevin is not letting her go in there by herself. So they end up stuck together. As for people you care about being used against you, wait for it… Yeah, Stern was dispatched pretty quickly to get to the car thing, which was the image I had in my head for the scene. Sinfulwolf also brought up that the action scene there could stand to be longer, and maybe at some point I’ll extend it somewhat. Thank you! I was going for kind of an eerie feel with the burning city and the dragon flying just out of sight behind the buildings. I don’t know why, but the lack of sound always seemed kind of creepy to me as well. Good luck with rationing! I’m really happy that you’re enjoying the story, though. And thank you for reviewing!
    1 point
  12. Shannon’s still an angel where it counts, so I suppose it would technically qualify as an SAO. Okay, That’s hilarious. I don’t think you always undercut your drama with comedy. Recall that you shared part of The Fall of Chastia with me, and that was a really emotional piece, so don’t assume I’d write it better than you would. Even if I would somehow write it better than you would, there’s something about reading someone else’s work that just doesn’t come from reading your own. Wait, we’re just leaving Shannon in there? I mean, since this is a prequel to other stories with these characters we know she gets out, but that might be a tale worth telling down the road. That would also be really emotional. Again, I’m sorry if it came across like I was trying to push you into writing anything in your next chapter; I’m really not trying to. This is your story and you should write what you want to. The fact that Luzurial’s suffering became as much of a plot point in this story as it is just gave me the feels again, that’s all. That’s actually a really good point I hadn’t thought of. Well, if Kingmaker711 ever contacts me there freaking will be. I had a villain and evil plan ready to go, but it incorporated a plot element from The Girl Next Door, so I don’t feel comfortable writing it without permission. Since he’s incommunicado, that plan’s on hold indefinitely. On the other hand, if any idea pops into your head down the road, run with it! Roger that. Thanks for announcing that to avoid confusion.
    1 point
  13. I renamed the story to Jude’s Tale since as much as I like the alliteration his musical ability has very little to do with the story. This might turn out to be mistake, but I am sure it’s one I can live with.
    1 point
  14. Since I decided Luzurial was Shannon’s old boss, way back while writing a chunk of text in reply to your initial setting up a crackfic threesome dialogue (“I’m not sure about this woman” you had I think ), it’s been pretty much guaranteed that Shannon cared about what happened to her! Whether I write it or no… but the ideas the are there. Sad Shannon Oneshot? :p You would honestly probably do a better job of writing it than me. My drama is often undercut by attempts at comedy, like, I dunno Lupa: Whoa, didn’t know Shannon got angry. Kate: What about that you fed on that guy while she was making coffee, then he didn’t have enough blood to get it up for her, and passed out before using his fingers? Lupa: She wasn’t angry, just disappointed. It won’t be covered in this story anyway, this is about Jude’s fate, not Jan’s or Kate or Lupa’s or Shannon’s… It might come up in another one. Probably not titled “The Slut in the Statue” “My name is Shannon. My hobby is whore. More of a vocation, really.” I think Shannon wouldn’t bear a grudge so long as Luzurial was out again. That’s another reason to have the whole time skip thing with the other universe. Shannon has spent billions of years in Hell so getting on with people who’ve done stupid shit or made terrible mistakes is basically a life skill and, ultimately, she still has a forgiving nature. She’d still be sad about what happened to Luzurial, but what happened to her was far more Eparlegna’s doing than Kizzy’s. Kizzy, on the other hand, once she finally understood she had something to feel guilty for, might have a long time of feeling terrible about it. I think there’s also potential for a scene where Kizurial apologised to Luzurial. That line is so old they say Solomon tried a version on Bilqīs! That was my other thought, very Narnia! But the big advantage of it being directly tied to the existence of Eparlegna’s work of art (or even Eparlegna himself bound within it) would be that they then move at the same speed afterwards, which would deal with other problems I could see from them being out of sync. I dunno, probably won’t come up in a story unless there’s some kind of crossover. No way. The Woman in the Statue is too brilliant not to be canon and both the events in it and talking about it with you has inspired me towards thinking about relationships between the OCs so much more. I just gotta get around to re-doing chapter 3 of Slumber Party until then part 3 remains un-cannon (it was so jokey it was barely canon in the first place). It’s your choice too, but I am honored to have it as the canon sequel to Whore of Heaven I don’t have self-confidence for anything, never mind writing! Also, cool to see the update, I’ll get part 7 reviewed later today Edit: And, hey, happy to support your writing! Your writing is awesome, you should totally have confidence in it.
    1 point
  15. JayDee

    Finding Inspiration

    Where do you find inspiration? No idea. Sometimes just talking stuff through. What do you do when you lack motivation? Twitter, reddit, gaming, books… What do you do to get your muse working again (instead of taking breaks repeatedly)? I dont’ really. I just wait until I’m motivated to write. Plus, I’ve got one muse it’s better for us all if it doesn’t wake up.
    1 point
  16. Sazbi

    Billion Dollar Harem

    I agree with Juan, would love an Ari POV chapter. Surprised Alex let Chloe get an orgasm from Ari, unless he doesn’t count her as she is a cat. Can’t wait for the finale of Taylor’s punishment and the final two girls. Wonder if there will be more clues of the famous acquaintance to hint at the final two? Hope the next chapter comes soon!
    1 point
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