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  1. I’d imagine the cloak makes it hard to discern gender anyway. No rush. (very minor spoiler) No amnesia, but she does have to give him a little durability boost. She’s super strong, after all, so sex with her would be rather hazardous otherwise!
    2 points
  2. Another review from @InBrightestDay – thank you so much! Wow – I’m not certain I deserve those compliments, but I’ll run off with them! If I can do ‘creepy’ then I’m happy. Yep, you’ve pretty much hit it. As I was writing, I surmised that a mortal soul is necessary for the more tedious hanging around the spirit seems to do, and if that soul wishes to move on, then it will get quite aggressive at taking people when the opportunity arises, though I guess they’re looking for one in (probably) millions, so it’s a very long wait. Whether Kathy appears as her own gender, even I’m not sure, but I did have a feeling that the older, less specific legends of the Lady in the Lake might be connected to this spirit somehow. In the end, I decided not to make a point of it. And you’ve reminded me I have another story to finish for JayDee about angry water. I think I’ll dig that out next and work on it this week. I’ll also get to read some more of yours once the weekend is done and I’m off work again Will Kev and Luzurial get down to it? How guilty will Kevin get? Will Luzurial need to give him a small dose of amnesia to get him through it? Ohhh, imagine that: every time is the first time… Um… no… smut is not all I think about! Thanks again!
    2 points
  3. I’m trying to keep up with reading/reviewing several stories right now, but I should get to Chapter 2 tomorrow. Oh, it absolutely works! The “hack” choice in particular does, the more violent connotation has a sort of subconscious uncomfortable effect on the reader (it did on me, at any rate). And you’re right about having an immediate mental image that your conscious mind rejects; it’s cool to know you were doing that on purpose. Sorry for how long it took for me to say anything about this, by the way. I literally just checked the TV forum today!
    2 points
  4. Jude's Tale (original title Fate of a Fagottist) Thanks you for the review! I appreciate the heck out of it. I’m really happy to hear you liked it. Definitely a bit of restraint – if I was her, I’d have wanted to slap him back, but that would probably have detached his jaw… It’s weird, Kizzy and the others were just created as a throwaway oneshot to end up with the amusing-to-me reveal that one of them’s an angel, and then they kept coming back in story ideas… The continuity can be a bit flimsy and the characterisation varies, but I think Kizzy has mostly stayed the same. I guess one day I’ll have to do a sex scene with her. That could be a challenge. I pretty much had to change POV with part 2, but I gotta thank InBrightestDay for the inspiration to keep doing it! Someone gets manipulated like that, well, I guess it’ll come down to what his own conscience tells him… Whoohoo! Been ages since I wrote sex that wasn’t just re-writing/touching up my old sex writing as part of a re-write, so it’s cool to hear it came across ok! I’ll get the next part up next week! And I mean what could possibly go wrong with that spur of the moment “Buck up the troops!” promise? Surely the Duchess can’t lose! If he doesn’t strike Kizzy with the blade it doesn’t count, and if it does he shares her fate from which there’s no coming back! Thank you again for reviewing! You’re always very kind about my writing and I appreciate it. Haslet’s the spelling I know, too, but I guess some of these prompts use archaic spellings and definitions so I just went with it. It actually did end up working better in that chapter than what I’ve now drafted for the next part. These days the challenge for me is more working the prompts into a story I’ve semi-planned out, but I’m sure I’ll get some inspiration from them again sometime. Thanks once again!
    1 point
  5. Whoohoo! More water based shenanigans! Plus if a story actually gets written from one of those ideas I wasn’t just spamming the thread with shite. I guess my sig’ll be getting longer…
    1 point
  6. And back to Last Full Measure (and @InBrightestDay). Another review to keep the shelves clean (so shiny...). From InBrightestDay on February 28, 2019 Well, finally getting around to the latest chapter of this. Sorry for how long it's taken! So...Celeste's problems just got a lot more serious, as far as I'm concerned. If she's literally jumping awake a split-second from killing someone, that's not just a problem, but a pretty disqualifying one. Like, she could kill someone if she's nappingand they try to wake her up. Once they're down on the planet, I feel like that's going to be a massive problem. In other news... “Are there are questions?” Hudson: "How do I get out of this chickenshit outfit?" Sorry. It was the first thing that came to mind. There is something I'm wondering about with regards to that Q&A scene, though. “Any idea of hostiles in the area?” Staff Sergeant Tsu asked. Celeste shot her friend a quick glance, but said nothing to Lian. “No intelligence on hostile numbers yet, no, Staff Sergeant,” Hamilton said. “We’re going in blind.” Aren't they in orbit? Shouldn't they be able to see the colony from space? I mean, sure, that won't tell them about hostiles inside of buildings, but they would know whether or not there were troop formations or vehicles outside. *** Well, finally getting around to the latest chapter of this. Sorry for how long it's taken! As always, never need to apologize. It's always a pleasure to get a review and seeing one from my fan, it's always great. As long as you're enjoying it. So...Celeste's problems just got a lot more serious, as far as I'm concerned. If she's literally jumping awake a split-second from killing someone, that's not just a problem, but a pretty disqualifying one. Like, she could kill someone if she's nappingand they try to wake her up. Once they're down on the planet, I feel like that's going to be a massive problem. It's a substantial and quite disqualifying issue. It will be touched on further down the line, in a different manner of effect. I did want to show that Celeste shouldn't be out there (a lot of it being her pushing her father to throw some weight around (something she did on Mars to disastrous results)). It's also a major play throughout the story, so I hope I work it out properly. In other news... “Are there are questions?” Hudson: "How do I get out of this chickenshit outfit?" Sorry. It was the first thing that came to mind. Lol. "When they said alien, she thought they said illegal aliens sign up." "Fuck you, Hudson." "Any time, anywhere." Bringing Aliens to mind, never apologize! Lol. Like I said, it and several others were inspirations for LFM. Besides, Hudson's one of the best of that group. Lol. There is something I'm wondering about with regards to that Q&A scene, though. “Any idea of hostiles in the area?” Staff Sergeant Tsu asked. Celeste shot her friend a quick glance, but said nothing to Lian. “No intelligence on hostile numbers yet, no, Staff Sergeant,” Hamilton said. “We’re going in blind.” Aren't they in orbit? Shouldn't they be able to see the colony from space? I mean, sure, that won't tell them about hostiles inside of buildings, but they would know whether or not there were troop formations or vehicles outside. This is definitely an issue, too. They say I saw it, they were able to scan the base and colony, but not find lifesigns (kind of like modern sonar) and the colony is kind of like spotting an anthill from a plane in flight. It's not huge. I know, this doesn't discount imaging technology (which I should have stated the terraforming provides a heavy cloud cover and rain... but I didn't think of that until 10 .... I'm bad, I know ...). Thank you, InBrightestDay. I hope I have your interest piqued for nine and ten .
    1 point
  7. Heh, well, that makes her sound a lot more dangerous! If only someone could find a way to keep her distracted from evil schemes… It’s a fair assumption – I do it a lot! I guess my writing of the warning was so bad that it wasn’t clear. God, what an awful piece of trash writer I… etc etc I kid kid…
    1 point
  8. Actually, while there’s some level of pettiness to it, I don’t know that that’s all there is. Kizzy is doing some real good here. She’s in the process of redeeming a fallen angel in the form of Shannon, has likely kept Kate from harming any innocents, has headed a team that’s foiled or interfered with any number of schemes (as Sarsa could attest) and, in human form, has an additional effect that’s difficult to quantify. Every person whose life she touches, everyone whose day she makes just a little bit better is someone who will find it just a little easier to choose Good over Evil. Killing Kizurial isn’t just a spiteful punishment of Shannon; the Duchess is playing the Long Game. And she’s petty as fuck. Seems reasonable. Agents of Heaven and Hell might interact from time to time on Earth (or elsewhere on the material plane) in ways other than outright combat (that would draw far too much attention), and information may pass back and forth if only by accident. Succubi seem like a natural fit for this role, since their preferred tool, seduction, requires a keen understanding of how to communicate with and read people. No, that makes perfect sense, and I actually misunderstood what you were saying in the Author’s Note. See, I wasn’t saying you should write “Go read this stuff!” What happened was that when I heard you say “You, um, you probably don’t want to read it,” I didn’t realize that was you saying “Warning: if you read, you may see this shit in your nightmares,” but instead thought it was you beating up on yourself as a writer again.
    1 point
  9. Meanwhile back in the slumber-verse InBrightestDay kindly reviews the third part of Jude's Tale (original title Fate of a Fagottist) Firstly, thank you for this review! You’re absolutely right it didn’t end up properly PWP, so I left the tag off in the end. I realised that I could use the chapter to explain some things that otherwise would have gone unspoken, or maybe just come out of nowhere – at least this chapter lets folks know there’s a werewolf and so on hanging around Kizzy! Still managed to fit in a chunk more sex than the previous part had though, so yay! It’s not as clear as it was in my first draft on this where I made it really explicit, but she actually is assuming Kizurial would choose to die rather than blast a giant crater into the Earth and cook all the entrails. I left it with the more subtle implication at the end of the part where she’s thinking of Jude’s specifically sharing the fate of Kizurial, oblivion, rather than him getting it alone and the Seraph surviving. I figure she thinks Kizzy would kill a few mortals to save millions, but Kizzy wouldn’t kill billions to save herself. From the Duchess’ point of view, scoring a kill against a Seraph would be great for her standing in Hell, but she also gets to make Shannon suffer by hurting her friend. That’s maybe even more important to her because Shannon left her service for Kizzy’s friendship. A lot of these arrogant demons are petty as fuck when I write ‘em And if she is wrong and she’s misread the Seraph (always a possibility!) well, whatever evolves in another 65 million years could be just as easy to tempt. That definitely paints a somewhat darker picture of Kizzy as a character. Not that she's evil or anything, mind you, but that before she came to Earth she was very detached, and made a decision that discouraged other angels from disobeying orders, but didn't have enough in the way of empathy for Luzurial's motivation and her suffering. When the order came down not to break Luzurial free there would have been a few in the old chain of command keen for others to know it wasn’t their order. I figured this degree of bad feeling would become known to some of the more well informed demons in Hell. And that’s another reason Thanks! Glad you liked it, and, yes, perhaps her dislike of Luzurial has been bubbling away for a few billion years. That could go wrong in truly hilarious fashion, like if 75 years later... Luzurial: And how did you meet your special mortal? Duchess: I was contractually obligated. Haha! Nice – now that’d be a hell of a New Year’s Eve party :p As for whether it might come back to haunt her somewhat sooner, well, I was never much good at subtle foreshadowing. Heh. I mean, it's gotten positive reviews from pretty much everyone who's read it, including me (it made me really sad, but that's hardly a criticism of it). Readers just need to know what they're getting into in order to decide. I’m grateful for all the reviews! The thing is rape, torture, snuff, gynophagia, anal fisting, and that godawful cop humor are a very niche product. I’m fairly sure most readers here just want to see Draco and Harry have babies, or Hinata fucking everyone except whatshisface (or the same for whatever fandom/original subcatagory they’re in). So, yes, some readers might like and enjoy it, whether for the porn, the horror, or Eparlegna’s natty suit at the end, but I think probabably most wouldn’t. Also, with 9 reviews out of 10334 hits on AFF (Plus one or two by email when the old grey archive was around, and when I was on hentai foundry’s writer section) I do think it’s safer to say that the vast majority of readers probably weren’t that bothered. So I put the info there like with the “See more Kizzy here!” in part 1, but unless I’m talking to someone who specifically likes those kinds of themes I don’t say “Go read this stuff!” about the violent porn. If that makes sense! If not, me rambling again. I do that. Thanks again for your third review!
    1 point
  10. Then I must write chapter three one of these days! Gotta be done.
    1 point
  11. I think chapter 1 is actually pretty solid as standalone story. Chapter two as bridge to a future chapter would also work, but when it ends after chapter two it feels more like a fragment..
    1 point
  12. Thank you, swirlingdoubt – I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thank you so much, InBrightestDay! Ah, well, I don’t want to say too much in case I spoil the second chapter for you. But when/if you read, I hope you enjoy it and that it makes sense. And thank you for the compliment! I must admit, I paid close attention to some of my phrasing and word choices in this fic, because it added to the atmosphere, and I was hoping to make suggestions without the reader being fully aware of it. For example, “... once she'd hacked a couple of feet off the bottom of it.” was supposed to give you a specific literal mental image, even if your conscious mind rejects it immediately as incorrect. It was still there… hopefully.
    1 point
  13. Well, I’m back, and I may even be writing again. I’m not going to say what’s been happening, because that would just bore you all – and me. Suffice to say I suspected it before, but now I know that Hell is dually purposed as a carpet shop. You’ll finally realise how many rugs you’re standing on when cackling demons start pulling them from under your feet. Something is off with the universe lately, but perhaps it’s settling itself. Except, there’s Brexit to look forward to. Of all the things I hate, I hate that I’ve become one of those insane people who keep shelves full of bottled water… just in case. All we need is a second referendum, then the people of this country will vote ‘No Deal’ like lambs to the slaughter. Ah, well. For as long as it’s possible, I may as well potter about in my own AU’s.
    1 point
  14. Anesor

    Exhaustion and Writing

    Is it a particular topic or fandom? My worst block on stories come when I’m trying to force a story and refusing to work on something else. I feel bad for stuck stories, but getting mad makes it worse. Most often I break block by working on a new story, often silly/satire. I have to be careful that these side stories don’t take a life of their own as I have too many active stories. I get really stuck when I think I SHOULD work on my more meaningful big stories and then I get stuck across the board. My muse just gets bored, frustrated, and doesn’t like being told what it should do by planning. Right now I’m doing cleanup on all the drafts I did for NaNo and one plot bunny sticking Vader in something like Quantum Leap (no Al) taht is running short and fast. Write anything, even a blog journal, to get the words moving...
    1 point
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