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  1. Corrupt the Midwife gets a shock third review Thanks for your review! I genuinely thought it started good but didn’t keep the steam going so much, they should have gone with the old British Brevity and canned it after three or four series. Well, plus I thought Jenny and Chummy were the best characters. There was some indecency at least… Chummy did once announce “underneath this raincoat, I am practically naked.” to her nice young man. There’s not so much time for immodesty in part 2, it’s a bit fast paced and mostly in private, but part 3 is likely to have more room for dwelling on it as it’ll be covering Chummy doing her job with the side effects of the bike, as well as trying to track down some info on what’s happening. And hopefully some drunken Trixie. I hope you enjoy it when it’s posted anyway and thank you again for the review.
    2 points
  2. Corrupt the Midwife Part 2 update I have finished the second draft of part 2. Needs a bit more polish and re-write and then when it goes up I’ll be sliding the story firmly over to the misc FF catagory (at least until the day when the site gets a Call the Midwife subcat!) I have decided to gratuitously cheat with the prompts, by not tackling the weeks in order. I’ll move slightly further ahead with the weeks for part 2, then back to cover more for the future parts. This is partly because the story structure they suggest to me works better with a library scene in part 3 to part 2, and while cranciform suggested something cool that goes better in part 4 than either of them. Was a bit put out to click on one prompts week, think “Those would work great!” and then realise I’d already done a prompt story for that one. I mean, I’m just amazed I am still able to write anything at all at this stage so if cheating gets it done… I mean, I still might not get it done. I’m not great at finishing stories. Part 1, posted last wednesday, 127 hits. The pitfalls of tiny fandoms! Maybe ramping up the Porn in part 2’ll spark some interest.
    1 point
  3. Definitely not removing it, nor do I think I’ve got the best writing. Heck, english/lit was my most hated subject back in school, and I sucked at it, just scraping by enough to pass. Nor is writing like this common among my peers in my line of work, so I’m definitely of the opinion that it can always get better. And better I’ve generally gotten, you can even see it *in* that first story; even some of the reviews commented on this. That first story started off with present tense, script like, and wordy; but I’ve learned to focus the dialogue a bit more, add in detail, and even put in the occasional “mental peek” inside a character’s head. In that story’s sequel (which I’m now revising, again), I had thought was to mix in some first person POVs, but unless it’s just one character, that plain is hard to follow. Another improvement that I thought was good was long chapters, to try to make it “less” intimidating, so I clumped the chapters together into mega-chapters… until I realized I had 11 chapters for 500k…. one of them was 107k, so I had the Prisoner of Azkaban in a single chapter, with really lousy formatting so it was all together. Strangely enough, people still read and reviewed it. My current revision effort is undoing *that* change, undoing some of the edits that I had made along the way. So, yeah, it’s definitely been a learning process, even bought some how-to-books on improving my writing (only partially read). Having @CL Mustafic do a bit of reading/feedback on my original material helped a bit too. Biggest tip I’d make is to avoid write+post, to set the draft aside for a some time, after a bit of the next chapter has been written, before going back to proofread; as I find that waiting makes it easier to spot typos/grammar/etc – sure, not perfect, but it cuts out most of the bad stuff, and it’s a nice balance for posting serially for fanfiction/amateur writing.
    1 point
  4. Sure, sure, but there’s other symptoms – the ominous latin chanting, the sun suddenly covered by thick cloud, the nearby dogs all howling at once, the creepy ghost girl refusing to come out from the attic. As soon as I close the old fanfic file it all instantly stopped.
    1 point
  5. I looked at my first fanfic recently. My eyes are still bleeding. Mind, my most recent fanfic has much the same effect. Did you know you can write for years and never improve? If not, google the legend that is Andrew Troy Keller / ATK and be amazed.
    1 point
  6. I think different people evolve differently. I’m a fickle bitch, and tend to obsess over small techniques and details so my style changes rapidly. I’ve been writing 2/3rds of my life and yet if I look back at something I wrote six months ago, I’ll still find something to cringe about like “omg I was such an amateur back then!” But I can see how someone who starts writing late that spent their life reading and subconsciously forming their individual style in their head, might be good right out of the gate. Wordsmithing even comes more naturally to some people where others have to practice and work a lot harder at it.
    1 point
  7. Man oh man. My first fan fic was written… in like the year 1998-1999. I don’t remember what it was. I imagine it was on pen and paper and about the show Breaker High with a lot of pregnancies happening. Most likely in script format. I think the oldest one I submitted on this site in particular – is probably Crossfire. I’ve always kinda wanted to go back and touch it up, because it is the pride and joy of my fanfiction era fics, and it is completed. I probably won’t, but I like to think about it. Maybe I should take this challenge on one of the easy ones. Like a oneshot or something. Does going the easy route defeat the purpose of it being a challenge?
    1 point
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