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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/2018 in all areas

  1. Thanks, BW! I forgot all about Jumanji and Tron….
    1 point
  2. as always BW you are very helpful to us
    1 point
  3. I was inspired by a picture. Basically the scene on the couch. And this idea just burst into my head. I knew I didn’t have the time to really write out a full story, so I decided on smutty one shot.
    1 point
  4. A review for “Closing Time” by Clover Reef. Or Plague Clover… depending whether yer reading her library, or chatting with her. I can imagine the editing thing indeed. I’m glad you enjoyed the story overall, and that it was indeed HOT! As for the setting and characters… totally made them up on the spot for this one particular one shot. However, I do have a broader setting and a backstory for the world at large and Lili herself. Will I eventually put this down into a proper tale… maybe. I want to finish Blood and Lace first. As for the critique part. Please, let me have it. I’ve been a bad girl with them spelling mistakes and overlong sentence structure. The lengthy sentences is something I need to harp on myself more to be honest (almost typed “though” :P). Prevent that droning sensation from happening. As for the second point… I’m usually so hard on myself for ensuring that different words are used. Must have slipped in this one. Alas, and alack. Thanks for the points! And yes… Scottish accents always help.
    1 point
  5. Nordic Shield Maidens. Germanic Hex bearers. Britannic Hand-maidens of Andraste. Chinese Widow Warriors. I mean, if you’re bringing in fantasy and mythology there’s really no limit to what you can do. Most cultures that had female warriors had them fighting alongside men most of the time. Look at the Scythians (AKA. The real Amazons that the Greeks based their myths off of). There wasn’t a lot from history or myth that had female only, and alas most mentions of females fighting in conflict get swept gently under the rug to be ignored for the most part. Sometimes outright denied. The Amazons though are interesting. You have the Greek mythical versions that fought like Hoplites in modern retellings, but were heavily based off the Horse nomad culture of the Scythians that were more Egalitarian. A culture which bled into nearby Thrace as well, who also had warrior queens. Then there’s the “Libyan Amazons” much later in north Africa. And of course the female warriors in Brazil that attacked explorers, reminded them of old Greek myths, and had them name it the Amazon rainforest/river.
    1 point
  6. Hello my beautiful people! Sorry I was gone so long; RL is a bitch sometimes. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with my friends on here
    1 point
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