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  1. If you were a demon, just recently raised from the dead, like within the last hour, and knew nothing of the world, where would you go? Inquiring minds and all that.
    3 points
  2. Following the flow of the scenes is always fun when it uncomplicates things for you. I kinda hate it and kinda love it when the scenes force me out of my wordcount limits. Hate it because of some minor obsessive tendencies, and love it because it’s always nice when things flow at their most natural. It’s not too common that the scenes force a shorter or longer wordcount, though. Most of the time my control-freakiness gets nicely sated.
    2 points
  3. Another episode down, #16 is ready after the usual wait, etc (and #14-15 to post). This is the old #5, so it naturally went faster as a revision.
    1 point
  4. Hmm…. what should I do when there’s a tropical storm with my name on it?
    1 point
  5. Why do I keep envisioning the topic title to be “How long do you prefer c***s?” In the end, it just comes down to preference, I think. Shorter for a faster pace, longer to get more into it, and sometimes, the material calls out the length when a scene makes you feel the chapter’s “just right.” For Jefferey, this means ep. 15 will be just over 1kwords, because though I wanted it longer, the scene was such that any longer would detract from the point of the episode. I could go back, embellish that scene, but it’d be overdoing it.
    1 point
  6. JayDee

    The Unreviewed

    I don’t necessarily see Dragon Prints as a sign of quality – it’s a sign someone clicked, not that they read it. I guess at most it says “This summary/codes/title/pairing/fandom was appealing” and a big multiparter, where the parts are posted at intervals rather than all at once, will often have many more hits than a oneshot purely because each new chapter will bring it back to the front page, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s any better. The oneshot could be amazing! For the celebrity thing… eh, I’ve said my bit on why I stopped doing ‘em, so purely in line with this topic - I sometimes think with celebrity stories folks don’t want to be commenting/reviewing positively on something the celebrity might have a lawsuit about later – but I guess the same could apply for many copyrighted works. I do know that if, say, I commented on a rape fic about a celebrity and them someone linked them to it on twitter, or a talk show host bought it up (as occasionally happens, it ain’t just mean tweets! Or, hell, a lot of these folks are waaay more into the internet than before, prolly find thm theirselves) I’d feel pretty bad for ‘em. Maybe other folks think the same thing and are less keen to have their reviews in that context, but quite happy to masturbate over it? But even that theory doesn’t hold up because there are people out there happy to use internet anonymity to tell someone to their twitter/IG whatever account that they hope they get raped/murdered/not allowed to be in another Star Wars movie. And those angry folks seem like they’d not be bothered reviewing celeb porn. Hell, some of ‘em are probably making the deepfakes. Having a quick look at yours, I see that three of ‘em only have one part, and the other one only has two parts – every single one of my unreviewed stories is a oneshot and I think that can have an impact as well, maybe more so than the domain thing (unless it’s a nosex multiparter in a really unknown fandom with other really niche tags or something!). Might even be more that factor than the celeb factor, because as you have with your big multi-parters once you get regular readers they’re keen to offer input, and feedback and interact, and guess about how things will go and so on. Just a thought. When I was writing celeb stories I got the vast majority of my reviews by email, maybe you’d get some by sticking a “Hey folks! If you don’t want to post a review, email me your thoughts!” message?
    1 point
  7. JayDee

    The Unreviewed

    I’m just using domain in the sense of AFF’s subdomains because when I went through my stories I did it by subdomain originals and movies etc. Genre’s a better term for general fiction discussion and you can have same genre stories in different subdomains. I’d say least likely to be reviewed on here is a oneshot nosex original story, or little known fandom. People’ll definitely review a shitty story with a fetish they like, often to say they want to see more of it. I speak as a writer of some pretty shitty stories with reviews of that nature! Same with certain popular fandoms where a particular character or theme will get reviews just ‘cos folks want to consume any media they can with it. That’s how it seems to me. I’m sure you’re right that getting replies directly to the forum means you’re getting less on the story – those regular readers’d definitely be making at least some of the same comments as reviews! Gotta rush, will comment more later!
    1 point
  8. Extended weekend is over, time to go back to work
    0 points
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