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  1. JayDee

    The Unreviewed

    ...well, that’s a pop culture ref I don’t get! Happens more and more as I get closer to middle age. With older stories at least, unless someone goes looking for a specific fetish or specific fandom (and not even then if it’s a very popular fandom with a ton of stories) people just aren’t going to see them as they are with the latest update stories. I’ve had a couple cases where an old story suddenly started getting reviews again, but both were because of them being linked/referenced elsewhere by somone else delving more deeply and greedily than usual (Thanks JRRT) in the archives. I suspect you’re right that readers who don’t finish a story are less likely to review it too, but not just because of hotness, but also when they don’t like it – While I almost always review stuff I’ve read and liked, even if I didn’t finish reading it, if I’ve hated something/can’t think of any positives/didn’t get far ‘cos it sucked, I’m much less likely to leave a review because pure negativity with nothing contructive is no use to a writer*, and I am not great at constructive criticism. Plus, “Christ, this is fucking dull, I’ve had more fun reading the bleach bottle while sat on the shitter, Ms E L James” is probably pretty subjective. *I mean, most writers. I used to love getting to share the non-story-reviewing flames in the old flames thread before having to delete them on account of the site’s no flames rules.
    1 point
  2. Mal

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Hello there gang! I’m back again so soon because, as Sazbi pointed out, Billion Dollar Harem just passed the 100,000 dragon print mark! I am just absolutely flabbergasted by the response this story has had and by the support and encouragement you all have given me in the two years since I started writing this. As I’ve said before, this story would have died off long ago without you guys, so this accomplishment is just as yours as it is mine! I just wanted to offer a great big thank you to all of you guys for reading along over the years and for offering up those comments and suggestions that continue to inspire and encourage me to continue onward. I wanted you all to know that I’ve started work on the next chapter of Emma Watson’s Blowbang Spectacular and that I hope to have it ready for you sometime in the next couple weeks, hopefully sooner. After that, I’ll go to work on the next chapter of Billion Dollar Harem, where my primary goal will be to build up to the moment where I can include the contents of that first fan selected scene. As a reminder, that scene will include BDSM and will star Alex, Emma and Cara (all things selected by you guys). I know the results of that poll came out quite some time back, but as the main focus of BDH is and will always be story, its not always easy to make certain kinds of scenes happen. That said, I want to announce the results of the last poll, which was an informal survey to test the waters, if you will, as I try to decide which two celebrities will be Alex’s final guests in the harem. I also, in celebration of reaching the 100,000 dragon print mark, plan to begin a new scene poll, where you guys will vote to see which ladies will appear in an upcoming smut scene in BDH and in what type of scenario that scene will be set. But, before I do either of those things, I’m going to address the few comments you guys have had since I last posted. Steel: I believe I mentioned after you suggested it, how much I liked this idea. The edging chastity belt meant to keep a girl on the literal edge of orgasm for an extended period of time is amazingly hot. It was all about finding the right time and place to drop it in. Personally, I don’t think there could be a better time or a better girl I could have chosen to include this fetish. With the way Taylor has developed as a character, I’m not sure there is a punishment more fitting for her than this great idea of yours. Thanks for all your comments and suggestions over the years, and please keep them coming! Sazbi: I’m so glad you liked the chapter, and the punishments. I for one was very happy with how chapter 33 turned out. I know not everyone is a fan of the method of punishment I chose for Bella, but I do think the scenes with her turned out very good. I also very much believe they had the desired effect on the story and on the girl in question. If I were Bella, or any of the other girls for that matter, I would never consider violence against one of the others ever again. I’m not sure that I agree about Felicity being Chaotic Neutral, I think she IS looking out for herself above all the others, but I’m not sure her actions are random… I think of it more that she’s seen the violence and jealousy of the other harem girls, she knows that despite all this, that she must live with them and be apart of Alex’s sex life so its about protecting herself without pushing any one girl too far away. As to Emma driving a wedge between Margot and Cara… I can’t really talk about that, cause...spoilers, but I will say I have a plan for the three of them and I think… when its all said and done you guys might be surprised with how things turn out. But I do think you’re right on about Emma trying to make Dove loyal to her, she really needs the whole harem to be loyal to her...at least I’m sure she sees it that way. Its just a way for her to get in good as quickly as possible. Lets see… how long will Taylor’s punishment last… oh…shit...I can’t say...spoilers but it will be a fun ride, at least for everyone but her… Lastely, there will definitely be some interactions between Bella and the girls before her punishment comes to an end. I just doubt that I’ll go into many more of the grizzly details of her punishment. And, again I can’t really reveal the details of Ariana’s punishment but it will be fun. CrisX016: Thank you good sir, I like to think my taste is supremely refined. Also, if you think Kitty Ariana is EXCELLENT now, just wait till you see her lapping up milk in the next chapter. (Oh shit, did I just give something away… my bad). Ok, next the poll results from the informal survey. As a reminder, there were two categories you could vote on with a selection of ladies in each. I’ll list them now, along with the number of votes each received. (Note: not everyone followed the format I asked of you so the tally might not be 100% on, but as this is more of a testing of the waters, I wasn’t so worried about getting the exact number of votes.) For the 3rd spot, or the 10th girl to enter the harem, the category was brunettes. I always thought the harem could use one more girl with dark hair so I gave you guys some choices. Here they are, along with the votes they received. Alexandra Daddario with 11 votes Megan Fox with 1 vote Kendall Jenner with 1 vote Gal Gadot with 13 votes For the 4th spot, or the 11th and final girl to enter the harem, I really wanted a second redhead or maybe a supermodel. The harem only has one red head and no true supermodel so I wanted to give you guys a choice and some options. Here they are along with the votes they received. Rose Leslie with 6 votes Karen Gillan with 17 votes Alexina Graham with 0 votes Elsa Hosk with 2 votes Stella Maxwell with 0 votes As you guys can see, the winner of the third spot was Gal Gadot and the fourth spot was, by a landslide, Karen Gillan. I wanted to thank you guys again for voting, this gives me a good idea of what it is you guys would like to see, or should I say who you guys want to see enter the harem. The voting was close with the brunettes, and I can’t really say for sure yet which one it’ll be since I myself haven’t decided. But I will say for sure that it will be either Alexandra or Gal that much I’m set on. As for the 4th spot. Karen Gillan ran away with it, but that doesn’t mean she is my clear cut favorite for that spot. I’m still debating, but this vote does set a clear precedent for who you guys want to see given these choices. As such, I can say this, if I don’t end up considering someone not on that list, Karen will get the last spot...But I haven’t decided yet who it will be, and likely won’t until I’m closer to bringing them in. Thank you guys again for voting, it was really interesting hearing some of the reasons you guys chose the girls you did. Ok, on to the big finale! As I said above, I wanted to do something special for reaching 100,000 dragon prints. I can think of nothing better than giving you guys another opportunity to vote on a list of characters and scenarios you’d like to see included as a smut scene in an upcoming chapter of Billion Dollar Harem. For this scene I want to make sure one of the two new comers is included. I think it will be a fun way to introduce our newbies to the harem. Anyway, without further ado...here are your categories: Newcomers: Please choose EITHER Ariana Grande or Dove Cameron The Veterans: Please choose ONE of the original five girls: Emma Watson, Margot Robbie, Taylor Swift, Chloe Moretz, or Bella Thorne The Scene: Please choose ONE of the following scenarios: Alex and the Veteran teach the newcomer the ropes in a consensual scene featuring a “light” fetish tag of my choosing. The Newcomer and the Veteran explore one another in a passionate lesbian scene featuring a “light” to “moderate” fetish tag of my choosing. As part of a bonus for a job well done, one or more of the guards (please offer a number between 1 and 5) are given a night with the Newcomer and the Veteran in a scene featuring a “hard” to “moderate” fetish tag of my choosing. Alex and the Veteran instruct the newcomer in proper blowjob technique in a consensual scene featuring the oral and rim fetishes. As a gift to their master, the veteran asks the newcomer for their help giving him a present he’ll never forget in a scene featuring a “moderate” to “hard” fetish of my choosing. There it is gang, the parameters of the poll. Please vote once for each category and formulate your votes as such: Your favorite newcomer Your favorite veteran the number of the scene you’d like to see (i.e. 1-5) Thanks again gang! I’ll be checking back periodically, anxious to see your votes which also means I’ll be around to respond to any further comments on chapter 33. Till next time, I’m Back to the Black, -Mal
    1 point
  3. Billion Dollar Harem just passed 100,000 Dragon Prints! I want to thank all my fans and readers for your continued support! I would never have gotten here without you guys, I am just humbled and amazed by the response and encouragement you all have provided me in the two years since we began this little trip together. Thanks again so very much.
    1 point
  4. Honestly, every bit of help we get is good. I tend to take this very seriously, because I’ve spent the last seven years volunteering here. I don’t expect everyone else to do the same, but it feels sometimes like a good, hard slap when someone says all we need to do is… and then proposes something that’s really very costly for a free-to-use, not-for-profit website that can’t even pay DG to keep it running.
    1 point
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