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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2018 in all areas

  1. BronxWench


    When warranted, we do ban former members. The repeal of net neutrality, if and when it actually happens, will not have any effect on our policies and procedures. The age verification page you reference was not an absolute method of ensuring new members were of legal age, and we have always done independent verification. Our methods work, as evidenced by the original poster’s protests over being caught out yet again.
    2 points
  2. So…. I haz BA degree in English, now…
    1 point
  3. BronxWench


    We are an age-restricted site. That means, from a legal standpoint, that we are required to make every effort to check the ages of anyone joining our site. We also have, like every other website, Terms of Service, which are the rules governing the use of our website. We enforce those Terms of Service, unlike many other websites, and we state very clearly, in a number of places, that we are an actively moderated site. For anyone who actually bothers to read the Terms of Service, we make sure they know we monitor all activity on this site. And yes, in order to do that, we maintain records of all actions we take, and of all infractions for which we issue a warning. That is prudent, and good practice. It is entirely unlikely that we are making any mistake in terms of identifying you. We are well aware of the previous email addresses, previous pen names, previous user names, and other unique identifiers you have used while interacting with our site. We are not unique in collecting this information. You are however free to disagree, and you are free to post your work elsewhere.
    1 point
  4. A half million tits? … oh, “hits”, my rx needs updating. My current highest is shy of 9k hits, with only two reviews. Yeah, I understand the dearth of reviews; thus, I’ve taken to recording my hits on a daily basis. While I write for fun, there’s a little extra “polish” I do because it’s being posted, so it’s nice to know that effort is appreciated. Though if I get that half million hits/flock, I’m not sure how I’d react, though I’m willing to find out.
    1 point
  5. Thanks all. I have never had a review like that. I generally don’t get many reviews but I know that it’s really hard to get people to review original fiction so I’ve come to accept the stagnation of reviews. That being said, the review I experienced was extreme pomposity and arrogance. Like I said, I looked at the reviewer’s profile (hardly anything there. Only five stories, no background information or anything) and I read a part of one of the stories. Two paragraphs was all I could do. There were grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, etc. and while I am not the best at spelling (I am, but some errors slip by me and it drives me crazy when I find one in a chapter I’ve posted. Yes, I go back and reread mine and from time to time make slight changes) I do not make as many mistakes as that person did. I’m also not trying to garner half a million hits and a huge following. A few more readers would be nice but I don’t put things up with the expectation that I’m going to get a huge flock coming to my name. I mean, there’s so many other people here with varying degrees of skill and if a few people like what I do, that’s fine. I’m not doing it for notoriety.
    1 point
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